Reminder to myself to check this out at home:
This was a scary story X:
I read to Part 3 and didn't get to finish the last one. Gave me the jeepers creepers.
As a resident of Quebec, I know exactly how this happened.
You see, the "hydroelectric dams" we supposedly have in the north are a sham. There aren't any. Instead, to fuel our technology, we have invented a machine that steals the soul out of every obnoxious Anglophone tourist and converts it into energy by way of a special quantum energy field. This is how we get cheap, ecologically clean electricity. Once the soul has been converted into energy, there's usually a certain quantity of thick brown liquid left : it's a byproduct of the conversion of souls and we use it to make poutine. The technology also "infects" people that are immune to primary harvesting with a quantum polarity field that makes people's souls that enter in contact with an "infected" person slowly disintegrate into energy that due to how quantum particles work (teleportation...), can be harvested at a distance. We call them "Mobile Harvesting Units". Jane may have been immune to primary harvesting (we are working on a bugfix in our top secret research station in Kuujjuaq) but she still was converted into a mobile harvesting unit, and is now stripping away her family and friends of their souls so that I can listen to Beau Dommage, recharge my cellphone and post on this forum. Mwahahahaha!
The best part is when we sell Americans our electricity. They are basically just buying back many an American soul. Of course, the overarching scheme is that when all Americans are transformed into soulless, pathetic creatures only capable of feigning empathy and emotions, we will take over North America as a whole and bring back the New France that should have been. These human husks will be used as slaves for the creation of our great,
French-speaking (the most important facet of our plan obviously, the language police has been but a mere start) North American empire.

Fig. 1 : diluted, emptied remains of Anglophone souls with potato fries and cheddar cheese curds.
The best part is they keep coming back so we can steal more souls and eat more poutine!