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Say What's On Your Mind
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  • Hey, just noticed I'm up over 5 posts a day now! :D
    • Countess of Bain
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  • Hey! Congratulations. It's a difficult amount to keep up!

    Birthday today and I'm truly truly excited. So many festivities and such my week is filled for a straight week with parties and get togethers and such.
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • Happy Birthday Reon.   May you have a good one.  So that makes you 16 yes?

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

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  • That's exciting! Happy birthday Reon.
    • Countess of Bain
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  • Happy Birthday Reon.   May you have a good one.  So that makes you 16 yes?

    That's correct, Govin! Legal age of consent for most States. Exciting!
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • Happy birthday, Reon!
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  • Pudding!
    David John McDonald

    You should like, totally vote for me
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  • Bill Cosby.
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • You know what'd be fucking fantastic? Being able to get drunk once in my life without having a heart to heart with someone :(

    Also, that moment when you realize you've been a judgemental asshole for the last five years, who has simply drifted from her true friends and made friends with other judgemental assholes instead.

    Sorry for the existential breakdown guys. Just, Wintreath really is all I have, and I needed to vent.
    « Last Edit: August 03, 2014, 03:58:07 AM by Amalya »
    • Countess of Bain
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  • So, tomorrow is go time...this time tomorrow I'll be sitting or sleeping in my hotel room.

    I'll be counting the hours until I return home. It's just 96 or so. Each hour is a touch over 1%. It's not that I'm nervous about travelling or being away from home anymore. I only get nervous about things I haven't done many times before or don't know how to handle, and I've done this five or six times now. It's just that...I'm a homebody I guess. Everything is comfortable and familiar at home, and I guess I just like the idea of someone being around instead of being alone in a hotel room.

    I'll just try to make the best of it and get a lot done during the evenings. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • You know what'd be fucking fantastic? Being able to get drunk once in my life without having a heart to heart with someone :(

    Also, that moment when you realize you've been a judgemental asshole for the last five years, who has simply drifted from her true friends and made friends with other judgemental assholes instead.

    Sorry for the existential breakdown guys. Just, Wintreath really is all I have, and I needed to vent.

    Some people get angry when they drink, others play games, you like to have meaningful conversations.  Me, I start throwing compliments around to everyone in the room. Genuine stuff, like "I appreciate your personality."

    Oh, and about this supposed assholeness, I've gotten no such impression. Your true true friends will always be there for you
    • Posts: 1,760
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  • Countess of Bain
  • You know what'd be fucking fantastic? Being able to get drunk once in my life without having a heart to heart with someone :(

    Also, that moment when you realize you've been a judgemental asshole for the last five years, who has simply drifted from her true friends and made friends with other judgemental assholes instead.

    Sorry for the existential breakdown guys. Just, Wintreath really is all I have, and I needed to vent.

    Some people get angry when they drink, others play games, you like to have meaningful conversations.  Me, I start throwing compliments around to everyone in the room. Genuine stuff, like "I appreciate your personality."

    Oh, and about this supposed assholeness, I've gotten no such impression. Your true true friends will always be there for you
    Thanks, PB :). You likely have no idea how much your words mean to me. Wintreath simply is the best family out there.
    • Countess of Bain
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  • Hey Amalya. You're fucking brilliant and fantastic... Stop forgetting it. There are people who love you and there are people who will stick with you no matter how much of an asshole you might act like sometimes... Those are the ones who actually matter and they do exist in your life. And you will always have us here in Wintreath either way.
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • I'm thinking right now that I'm glad to have tried organic tobacco before I quit smoking during my vacations. The flavour is clean and sharp, I smoke much less because there's none of these disgusting additives, my breath doesn't smell like formaldehyde and it isn't much more expensive than the mass produced filth out there.

    If somebody is going to smoke, that somebody might as well smoke organic cigs. It seems it's the additives doing most of the damage. I'm still gonna quit though. Smoke in your lungs is still smoke in your lungs - it's not supposed to go down there.

    Also I ate McDo for lunch and it's still shitty but manages to cost as much as a meal in a real restaurant. God I hate McDo, but I was in a part of town where all the other places to eat are fancy as fuck and I just did not have the budget for that. A trio still set me back for like 11$…if only they paid their employees decent wages with the disgusting profit they make selling bad food at a premium.

    Always was amused that they advertise their patties as "100% real Canadian beef" as if it's something extraordinary. That says nothing about all the garbage their cows are fed before they're dragged to the butcher's, caked in their own shit. And I'm eating this. Poor cows and poor me.
    « Last Edit: August 03, 2014, 06:49:40 PM by Seroim »
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  • Reminder to myself to check this out at home:

    This was a scary story X:

    I read to Part 3 and didn't get to finish the last one. Gave me the jeepers creepers.
    Check out my Interview!
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