I had some dreams last night...weird, as mine seem to be v_v
First, I dreamed that Betty White had been revealed as a pedophile...the police had caught her trying to hook up with an underage boy. But then it turned out that she had cancer, so she was in the hospital, cuffed to a bed, with a police officer outside her door making sure she didn't escape. I honestly have no clue why I dreamed this...she's a sweet and lovely person, and I feel bad having dreamed this. v_v
The second dream was much more vivid. It was set up like a game, where your character was friends with this guy whose girlfriend was in danger of being killed by her ex, and your goal was to prevent that from happening. She was staying in one of those cheap, sleazy, one-floor motels...the kind that I think may have been a decent place to stay 50 years ago but hasn't really been maintained since. Specifically, she's on the bed making calls on her cell phone. You and the friend start out outside behind another building, but you can see her through the window on the bed...it's sometime late at night, with no other activity going on that I could notice, and it's lightly drizzling.
I remember two play-throughs...the first time we did nothing to see what would happen. In this case, the guy slammed through the door to the rest of the motel, put a gun to her head, and spoke frantically at her for a minute or two before finally pulling the trigger and blowing her off. The window blinds are closed, but the room is lit in a way that you can see silhouettes of everything that happens from where we are. The game then ends. In the second play-through, I suggest that we charge the door to her room facing the parking lot and try to restrain the man before he can do anything, but this doesn't work either...obviously, it's much quicker to pull out a handgun than charge across a parking lot, and he just kills her immediately, then shoots us as we're coming through the door. Another game over. Arguably worse than when we did nothing at all.
Logically, the best thing to do would have been to confront him before he actually enters the room, but I got the sense that it wasn't possible or allowed...that you had to wait until he actually did something and then react to it. Besides, the game only started a minute or two before he bursts through the door, and it's not like you see him or anything beforehand, so it may not have even been possible.
Edit: I made a map of everything in the second dream.