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  • (Incidental tangent - I find it hilarious that Loveman was gay, and Lovecraft is often described as basically asexual, suggesting both their names are kind of literal in that one loved men and the other loved his craft, however you may feel about the outcome of said craft).
    Sadly, that is inaccurate. His ex-wife confirmed that not only did the racist nerd man Fuck, he was good at it.

    (I read his entire wikipedia page out of boredom once)
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  • ST Joshi, who is pretty much the singular leading light in Lovecraft...ology these days (Derleth could claim to be the Pope sort of post-Lovecraft-dying and pre...himself...dying, but his Mythos work, to say nothing of interpretation, was rubbish anyway), certainly made the claim that Lovecraft was pretty asexual in the autobiography he wrote of him.

    But to quote Wikipedia back at you - I need only reference how Greene "later said Lovecraft had performed satisfactorily as a lover, though she had to take the initiative in all aspects of the relationship."
    'Satisfactorily' is hardly strong praise (and certainly unlikely to suggest he was 'good at it'. Pair that with sufficient disinterest in sex that she's taking the lead in the far less equal times of the '30s, particularly in a time before we've really conceived of different perspectives on gender, sexuality, and romance, suggest to me he would, were he transposed to the modern day, quite easily fit onto the ace spectrum.
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  • ST Joshi, who is pretty much the singular leading light in Lovecraft...ology these days (Derleth could claim to be the Pope sort of post-Lovecraft-dying and pre...himself...dying, but his Mythos work, to say nothing of interpretation, was rubbish anyway), certainly made the claim that Lovecraft was pretty asexual in the autobiography he wrote of him.

    But to quote Wikipedia back at you - I need only reference how Greene "later said Lovecraft had performed satisfactorily as a lover, though she had to take the initiative in all aspects of the relationship."
    'Satisfactorily' is hardly strong praise (and certainly unlikely to suggest he was 'good at it'. Pair that with sufficient disinterest in sex that she's taking the lead in the far less equal times of the '30s, particularly in a time before we've really conceived of different perspectives on gender, sexuality, and romance, suggest to me he would, were he transposed to the modern day, quite easily fit onto the ace spectrum.
    Are we having a discussion about whether HP Lovecraft is Asexual
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    Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night.
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • I had a was the end of the world. Dark voids were appearing all over the world, almost like black holes where nothing existed anymore except an endless black void, and they were growing. As they would grow, the area around them would become more and more pixelated, until it was finally overcome by the void itself and simply ceased to exist. But they were growing slowly enough that a person could outrun it, which both gave people time to take a stab at figuring out what was going on and for a sense of doom to fall on the world.

    When it started, I was vacationing with some other people from Wintreath on a small island off the northern coast of Australia...the island was maybe a quarter to a half a mile wide, just large enough to have lots of beach on all sides and a luxury house in the middle. All I remember about the house itself is that it had a small, enclosed outdoor space right in the middle of the house, with a pool, and that the walls of the enclosed space were mostly glass, so you could see into the kitchen and common areas from the pool.

    It was unbelievable and surreal at first, watching news reports of growing panic all over the world from the peacefulness of a sun-drenched tropical island, but as the reports grew from fear and panic to rioting and the breakdown of social order, it became clear that this was very real. Most of the people I was with left to try to go back home and find their friends and family, so at the end the only people left on the island were me and Chanku.

    I don't know what became of the people who left, as by this point it was becoming harder to have any contact with the outside world...the television could find no signal, and the phones couldn't reach anyone. There was no way of knowing what was going on except to leave the island, and for whatever reason we had already decided against that. But it ultimately didn't matter, because it didn't take long for the events of the world to reach us. At some point, the voids had started growing much faster, at least a few feet a second, and one dark and rainy morning (the first we'd had in the entire dream) we woke up to discover our island was surrounded on all sides by the encroaching void.

    I don't know if we were even thinking at that point, but once we saw this we retreated back to the interior courtyard of the house, for some reason believing that a simple house could protect us from this force that had seemingly swallowed the rest of the world. Only when we got there, we discovered that another void had appeared in the pool and now filled the entire space, as if the water had been replaced with dark blankness. Essentially, the void was coming at us from the outside in and from the inside out. I remember becoming very calm and focused at this point, wondering if maybe we were the last two people left in the world. We talked briefly, and decided that there were only two choices remaining, to do nothing and drag this out as long as possible, or to accept fate and make this as short as possible, so we made a decision, hugged, and then we did it...we both simultaneously jumped into the void in the pool.

    At this point the dream breaks down and isn't nearly as coherent as the earlier bits, but it wasn't the end. We woke up in a city in a renewed, revitalized world. I can't even explain what made it that way. The city was meticulously clean and I remember thinking there were quite a few white skyscrapers, but otherwise it seemed like a typical large city. I just had the sense in the dream that the world had been renewed and revitalized, and that everyone had been reunited and was happy at how things had turned out.

    And that was the dream.  It's a shame we don't have people who interpret dreams around...I'd be curious to know why I would vacation on a tropical island when I hate tropical weather, at least, lol.
    « Last Edit: July 25, 2018, 05:49:57 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Interpreting dreams happens to be a hobby of mine.

    EDIT: The dream seems very close to the premise of this movie, though.

    I have an idea of how to interpret your dream, if you're interested.

    « Last Edit: July 25, 2018, 06:05:23 PM by Laurentus »
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Interpreting dreams happens to be a hobby of mine.

    EDIT: The dream seems very close to the premise of this movie, though.

    I have an idea of how to interpret your dream, if you're interested.

    That movie does have a lot of interesting parallels...I wasn't aware of it cause I'm not really a movie person. :P

    I'd be interested if you want to take a shot at it.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • First, interpreting dreams has only ever been a fun exercise for me, not anything that should be taken too seriously. Secondly, two different people can look at the same set of circumstances and have wildly different interpretations of what it means, so a large part of my interpretation is what I know and think of you. With that out of the way, let's begin.

    The place you happened to find yourself in is of little consequence, the company you kept is the major clue here: all people from the Wintreath community. A place you escape to as the real world gets increasingly shitty. And that, in essence is what the darkness swallowing your world is: recently, many people in this community have started to be incredibly busy in real life, and with that, don't visit Wintreath as often as they used to. @Sapphiron, me, @Weissreich, @Reon, @PB, @Pengu, @HannahB are but a few names of the multitudes of people you have come to know and love who have had to disappear from the community for ever-longer periods of time. The one constant, despite all the friction that is clearly on display sometimes, is Chanku. Your dream's resolution at the end symbolises your hope that we can all come back to the community.

    Or the darkness that swallows the world is Donald Trump's brand of politics, but anything can be relevant to the shitty state of world politics at anytime, so that interpretation is a major cop-out. :P
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • That...I hadn't thought of that, but I can see how it would make sense. Besides Chanku, I don't know who specifically was with me at the start of the dream. I felt close to them and knew they were from Wintreath, of course, but there was nothing specific about any of them in the dream, and I don't even think I had any interactions with any specific one of them. It's like they decided what they decided and left as a group.

    It was interesting to see how you took it though...thank you. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • My pleasure. How did you interpret it?

    Also, here is a review of Annihilation. I highly recommend it to people who like obscure sci-fi movies that are more about ideas than set-pieces.

    « Last Edit: July 25, 2018, 07:06:30 PM by Laurentus »
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • I didn't, it was just so out there that I couldn't think of anything, lol.

    I suppose from time to time in the past I've thought about how short a shelf-life a friendship with me is...most of my friendships last a year or two, and it's very rare for me to have a friendship last more than five years or so. It even depresses me sometimes, because I feel like although I've always had the best of intentions I've made more enemies than friends over the course of my life, so I must be a very abrasive person in some ways. It's been kinda rare for someone to still be in my life after almost five years, not just in terms of Wintreath but really my entire life.

    But beyond that, Chanku has really been there for me and defended me and Wintreath through some really shitty things that happened in Lazarus, and I suppose that had a deep impact on me as be honest, I'm not used to someone going out of their way to stand up for me like that. Maybe that's why in my dream he stuck with me through the end of the world.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • I didn't, it was just so out there that I couldn't think of anything, lol.

    I suppose from time to time in the past I've thought about how short a shelf-life a friendship with me is...most of my friendships last a year or two, and it's very rare for me to have a friendship last more than five years or so. It even depresses me sometimes, because I feel like although I've always had the best of intentions I've made more enemies than friends over the course of my life, so I must be a very abrasive person in some ways. It's been kinda rare for someone to still be in my life after almost five years, not just in terms of Wintreath but really my entire life.

    But beyond that, Chanku has really been there for me and defended me and Wintreath through some really shitty things that happened in Lazarus, and I suppose that had a deep impact on me as be honest, I'm not used to someone going out of their way to stand up for me like that. Maybe that's why in my dream he stuck with me through the end of the world.

    I'm pretty sure my friendship with you has been past 2 years, and it's not going away any time soon.

    Even if I disappear from Wintreath, Discord, or both...I'm always on Facebook/Messenger, and I'm even fine exchanging numbers and texting.  :p
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  • I wish I had advice to give you, but I'm just not a people's person. It surprises me to this day that so many people are willing to put up with my shit.
    3 people like this post: Michi, Arenado, Imaginative Kane
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • I wish I had advice to give you, but I'm just not a people's person. It surprises me to this day that so many people are willing to put up with my shit.
    You don't have to be an exceptional advice giver or a people person.

    Sometimes just being there or even attempting to try to be there can be good enough for someone.

    Just knowing that someone cares can really light up a person's day sometimes better than if you gave them what you felt was exceptional advice.
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  • Aw, they do love each other :]
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  • Yeah, I know. I just feel bad when someone tells me about their problems and I can't do anything to help them.
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