Because of the snow I ended up staying home today, which means I started my vacation a day early. I think my primary goals this vacation are to spend a lot of time gaming (especially trying out all the games that I have but never played), spending time with my mom, and doing fun things for the holidays. For once, working on Wintreath will be a secondary goal, although of course I'll be active and doing things still. 
As my vacation is ending, I'm reflecting on the past few weeks, and I feel that I met my goals for the most part, though I didn't get through as many games as I wanted to...I ended up mostly playing Grim Dawn, which is a great arpg in the style of Diablo II. Overall though, I think this was a great break and holiday of the best in recent memory, even.

As it so happens, I spent some time trying to get Wintreath back on track too. We actually started the thane elections, and while I wish we had had more candidates stand, I feel good about the process so far and where it might lead. Over the last few months, I've come to realize that there are issues with a lack of vibrancy and complacency in many corners of the region, and I'm hoping that these elections will produce thanes that will help tackle those issues. I've also restarted a daily news summary for the forum and RMB, made an effort to keep track of and moderate the RMB, and have a presence on New Hyperion's RMB while I'm at it. I am also working on a new website feature that I hope to have out in the next few days.
Going forward, my goal is to try to balance life between work and home and Wintreath and other things I want to do, so that all aspects of my life advance while none stagnate. I know it's going to be a lot harder when I have to include work in the mix, but I'm trying to dedicate some time each night to Wintreath. I hope that in a few months or even weeks we'll have a more dynamic and vibrant region with all sorts of things going on, and I look forward to working with the new thanes and interested Citizens to make that happen.