Post #112929
November 14, 2017, 08:04:48 AM
So, amusing coincidence time.
Some weeks ago, I was riding the bus home from work. There was this really cute guy two seats behind be, and some typical crazy bus people in between us and on the other side of them.
I don't even entirely remember what the conversation was, mainly one was crying about pretty much nothing, and the other one was muttering and swearing, conversing with the crying one and constantly repeating entire sentences.
The entire time, the cute guy and I kept looking at each other and really trying not to laugh. We both had to turn away and points when we did, especially because the overly crying woman would occasionally keep trying to talk to one of us.
When the bus finally reached the transit center, I rode off and stopped at Gamestop for really no reason except to talk to a friend of mine that worked there. I was about to leave when the cute guy from the bus walked in and started walking around, looking at games. Naturally, I stayed, playing the demo games on the PS4 to keep busy so I could casually check him out while he was walking around.
Eventually, he made his way to the Switch section, which is only a short couple of feet away from the PS4 demo console. I mustered some courage and began talking games with him. He was looking for games to play, and I told him what I'd been hearing about Super Mario Odyssey (mind you, this was before I bought my Switch and played it).
He ended up buying it based on my recommendation. Which I'm surprised he did so since it's a $60 game right now. But he ended up leaving, and I pretty much walked up to my Gamestop friend and told her how cute he was.
Turns out, we actually knew each other already.
We've been talking on OkCupid a bit since September. He ended up messaging me yesterday recognizing me (we had stopped talking for a bit since mid-October), and I was honestly blown away that I didn't recognize him from his OkCupid picture. But to be fair, he was exceptionally cuter in person.
So we're talking some more again. I gave him my number, so hopefully we'll switch over to texting and setting up plans for an actual meet up.