Post #111487
October 25, 2017, 07:48:25 PM
I don't have it, but if I don't change my ways I'm sure I'll get type two diabetes in time. It's a big reason why I'm changing my eating habits and exercising more.
Anyways, the last month has definitely been a roller-coaster for me, but if there's a silver lining to everything it's the crystallization of what I want in life and the determination to put in the effort to work towards it. Before I was content with waiting for my ship to come in, for my life to change, even for people to message me, but no more. I try to put in a lot more effort towards, keeping in touch with people, even getting things done here. I've also come to realize the importance of having experiences and just having fun, preferably with friends and with people that you love. Life is just too short to be content to wait on things to maybe have to make them happen yourself.