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  • Don't know who Govindia is, so I cannot comment on that. Maybe I'll look into that later if that would be interesting to check on.

    Odd, I looked back after this and saw he edited one the relevant posts... maybe even he knew he went too far back then and I just didn't see it until now.

    Perhaps "He started it" isn't a good enough excuse, so sorry for escalating, but it is at least true, I don't really like my intelligence being insulted and I said nothing about him before he started on me like that. Long explanation for that, won't bore you with all of it, but I'm not some stereotypical bimbo with the memory of a goldfish and no awareness of the world. I know about a lot of things. Still far from everything, I'm not much good with languages, or pure mathematics, or a few other subjects I won't claim to have mastered, but still a lot, especially compared to what people like that seem to think just by looking at me and assuming that looks and brains must be inversely proportional. That being a phrase I know without any help. I've read many books, and, as long as I'm not being compared to people who literally do it for a living, I know a good amount of engineering, science, history, politics, and other non-trivial subjects. Programming too. You do programming right, ask me something about programming that isn't too easy to Google. Thinking about this makes me feel like perhaps I should prove that I really do know things, I shouldn't have to but I want to prove it anyway to remove any possible doubt.
    This is why I don't want to post in the picture topic, if I do that, then even if they don't realize it themselves, someone might assume I must be unintelligent or associate me with things like the cherry-picked Miss South Carolina woman or Sarah Palin or someone else like that. I am not dumb. Other than some bad stuff that happened awhile ago that has little to do with this that caused some mental trauma, my brain works fine, and if IQ scores really meant much, mine could be described as above average.
    Even if some people won't believe it no matter what I say, I can prove that I am not stupid or ignorant. If not here, maybe put that Ask Aethelia topic to use again, someone quiz me or something, even if you've never thought of me as fitting the "dumb blonde" stereotype, I can prove it and I very much want to right now.
    I'm not aware of anyone that thinks you're not intelligent...I certainly think you're intelligent, and I've never thought otherwise. If you feel like he or anyone else on here has flamed you, please report it to me and I'll review it. I try to take notice of anything posted on here that might challenge our community values or violate rules, but I do miss things sometimes.

    Eh, people need to grow thick skin eventually.
    Or maybe people need to develop some decency instead. :P
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  • -snip-

    I mean, I'm willing to agree that Justinian is occasionally pretty often somewhat very caustic, but I wouldn't categorize him as an asshole. He's got strong political views that differ from mine and the majority of people here, but more generally I shy away from asserting that examples of behavior in one context can be generalized to be a person's whole personality in all contexts. In essence, it's the difference between 'that's a dickish thing to do' and 'you're a dick'; one says 'bad behavior from an otherwise-decent person', the other says 'you're permanently attainted and cannot be saved'.
    But, no, he wasn't banned from his last region (Ainur), and was instead Crown Prince, although if you want to be incredibly pedantic he technically founded (or was among the founders of) a region (Dellenaria) before fleeing here as a refugee. To be even more pedantic, yes, he did get banned from Ainur actually, but that was among a wave of purges that included @Crushita, @Ashton Mercer, and @Mariam, none of whom, I think, you would find was otherwise worthy of being banned were it not for the fact that autocrats gonna autocrat.
    Well, maybe Crush, he's an arch-heretic.
    Back on subject. Yes, in political arenas he has strong opinions and expresses them aggressively, but I'll also note that when I was his age (a term that makes me feel approximately 1200 years old) I was an avowed objectivist who loudly trumpeted 1) my views and 2) that those who disagreed with me were fucking idiots.
    That's anecdotal as fuck, but essentially I'm saying 'shit he's still basically a kid, allowances should be made for that'. Obviously not as far as actual outright hostility goes, but as far as misjudging how offensive is 'acceptable' for the crowd you're in, there's definitely some slack that can and probably should be cut.

    I'm actually a little disappointed you feel the need to be quizzed. I'm fine with just taking it at face value.

    Eh, people need to grow thick skin eventually.
    Or maybe people need to develop some decency instead. :P
    I mean, y'all are pretty much saying 'people should lock their doors' and 'yeah, but man, wouldn't it be nice if we could trust each other?'
    Do both, and maybe eventually we can stop doing the former. If you only do one, no matter which it is, we're never gonna get anywhere.
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    « Last Edit: September 28, 2017, 07:51:55 PM by Doc »
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  • Think of it as a controlled environment to make people aware of the realities of the world, then. :P

    In my experience over the past year, I've seen if I  simulate the biggest pieces of shit clients we have when I train people new to the job, and challenge them not to lose their cool, the better they end up doing.

    But yeah, we probably should crack down on flaming. We don't want an environment as hostile as the real world in a place where we all come to get our chill on.

    EDIT: By God, that was an impressive retort, Doc.
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  • Yeah, but man, wouldn't it be nice if we could trust each other? :))

    In any case, this particular incident has been handled. Time to move on.

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  • i do try and distill the essence of the matter

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    I'm actually a little disappointed you feel the need to be quizzed. I'm fine with just taking it at face value.

    I should have explained that better, got emotional thinking about what was said to me and didn't word that ideally, I suppose that's a stereotype that I actually am guilty of now...
    It was because as much as I hate it when people online or otherwise immediately assume I'm not intelligent by my appearance, I acknowledge that if I haven't done a thing to prove it, you don't have to believe me when I say I'm especially knowledgeable either. Though I enjoy the spam posts here, and werewolf, and other topics, my posts in those haven't presented much opportunity for that. Just saying it is too easy, others do that who can't back it up, not necessarily here but just in general online, and I don't want to be that. I haven't yet demonstrated I know anything about programming for example, so I can't demand that you believe me when I say I know about programming... maybe just nobody assume I must be ignorant about it and be condescending to me either just because I don't look or act like I would know about programming? Just as an example, nobody implied that one.
    At this point he isn't even what bothers me the most... what really bothered me was the idea that yet again, somehow even without looking at me, the idea got around that I must not know anything. Unless he does know what I look like, there was a hint at knowing me awhile ago, possibly irl? Can't be certain on that, but if so, it's the same as what I've been dealing with for over a decade... it's very tiring. The internet was supposed to be a way to get away from that... can't ever seem to avoid it completely.
    « Last Edit: September 28, 2017, 08:09:14 PM by Aethelia »
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  • Insecurity is what often gets confused with stupidity.

    Studies have shown that we are drawn to believe those who carry themselves with confidence, which isn't a bad thing on its own, but does become one when we factor in that unintelligent people are often the most confident.

    Not saying that you are insecure, of course, but that is certainly the impression I did get from this brief interaction.
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  • If you did say it, I'm not sure I could argue with it... Getting enough external doubt takes its toll... maybe even to some extent when this happens anywhere, some part of it is needing to prove it to myself.
    Not sure if that's healthy. But better than what younger me would have done at least... used to have some moderately unhealthy episodes whenever I was less than perfect.

    Past few minutes now, what I remember is when I was doubted back in late high school. I was reminded a few times that I didn't "need" to take the "hard" major that I took, with whatever subtlety the implications of that were supposed to have. I proved myself back then too by staying with it. Maybe a bad example, as I somewhat regret it now and wished I picked something else, though still not some "easy" major... but I did do it, and now I have the proof for it... somewhere in storage, but I did it, cum laude too. Wasn't the best but did better than what others expected.
    That might be more relatable, I know I'm not the first to go through that.
    « Last Edit: September 28, 2017, 08:31:50 PM by Aethelia »
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  • As difficult as it is to do, we need to make our choices based on what we think would make ourselves happy, not what we hope would make our loved ones happy. If that is doing something that is considered "easy, " but which we know we'll be passionate about, then that might trump all other considerations.

    Of course, that is in theory. I've come to believe that no matter how much we think we know or come across as having our shit figured out, we're all just guessing and stumbling through life, making one mistake after another until we get lucky. I've come to believe that only those who can look back at it all, and say: "You know what, I done fucked up, but man, what a ride it's been," are the ones who can find some semblance of contentment.

    I believe I had a point somewhere. Alas, I've forgotten what it was.
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  • That people who acknowledge their fuck-ups and move on are happier? :P
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  • That's what it became, but I started out wanting to say something else. :P
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  • Focus, focus, focus, Laurentus. :P

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    there was a hint at knowing me awhile ago, possibly irl?
    legitimate serious thanks for just quoting the words and not actually me because wow i find those PMs mildly annoying and wish I knew how to turn them off (which is a low-key hint to anyone who knows how to please tell me how to do that, that I have now transformed into an outright statement, whoops)

    I got halfway through looking up what exactly you meant and then thought 'mm...nah, that's a bit too much effort'. Then Two-tal Warhammer took too long to boot up so I continued (which, thanks to the 'search' feature being a thing, was not, in fact, too much effort).
    And then I discovered it was in the Pathfinder thing, which okay, fine, that is kinda weird, but more importantly glancing at it reminded me we'd just gushed about Total Warhammer by virtue of saying you were interested in Warhammer. Overall: that's like 3 layers of meta.
    Nonetheless this leads to perhaps the key question by which I can judge you for all eternity: how do you feel about Stormcast Eternals?

    Studies have shown that we are drawn to believe those who carry themselves with confidence, which isn't a bad thing on its own, but does become one when we factor in that unintelligent people are often the most confident.
    For those who aren't familiar with this topic, we're talking about the Dunning-Kruger effect, which is pretty neat to think about, and certainly fits with every problem I've ever experienced in college, where my perceived competence constantly far outstrips my actual competence because I'm a narcissist with delusions of intellectual godhood, except immediately after a midterm.
    Putting my various failings aside, your assertion is mostly true, but a better way of expressing it is that people who are least knowledgeable about a specific area are those who are most confident about their knowledge of said subject area. A pithy way of putting it might be 'not knowing how much they don't know, they think they know all there is to know' (with the corollary that 'those who do know how much that don't know assume that everyone knows what they know' because it seems so fucking obvious to them, since it's hard, if not impossible, to think about something without using knowledge that you already possess).
    But where I differ with your interpretation is on the basis that while knowledge of a subject area is often conflated with intelligence, it is not the same thing as intelligence. I could be the best physicist in the world (spoilers: I am not), but if I were confronted on the subject of, say, endocrinology, I'd be hopeless (spoilers: I am also hopeless at this in real life). I would probably be marginally better than someone with less schooling (but with otherwise the same intelligence), but the difference probably would be minor at best. Intelligence is not 'how well you know things', but rather 'how good you are at learning things'. Admittedly, the relationship between the two is such that those who know more things are likely to be better at learning things, but they're not the same thing.

    tl;dr fuck i take too long writing these things there's always 5 posts after
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  • And this, kids, is why we don't aim for absolute accuracy when trying to make an argument. The other guy covers more topics, 99% accurately, leaving you still figuring out how to word it just right five topics later. :P

    Fo' real doh, I've honestly forgotten the part about it relating to a certain field, so thanks for brushing up my memory.
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    legitimate serious thanks for just quoting the words and not actually me because wow i find those PMs mildly annoying and wish I knew how to turn them off (which is a low-key hint to anyone who knows how to please tell me how to do that, that I have now transformed into an outright statement, whoops)

    Not sure if you mean it or not? Playing it safe for this one and doing it again... but honestly I just botched the quote tag during editing, didn't immediately feel the need to fix it, and left it in it's simplest form as {quote}{/quote} because I didn't have the syntax memorized to re-add a certain person's name to it and just left enough to not make it confusing by making it look like I said it and am replying to myself, I figured at the time that what I said in response wasn't dependent on who said it anyway.
    ...maybe last explanation I need to post here, we'll see. Maybe I should stop checking this topic for awhile.
    « Last Edit: September 28, 2017, 09:05:22 PM by Aethelia »
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