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Say What's On Your Mind
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  • Stay strong, @Mariam! I know how it feels to not have the stability in life to keep building confidence, but as long as you keep trying and do the best you can you can still be proud. :)

    grindr continues to confound me. I messaged a guy that I'd seen on a lot. He complains that this area is shit because there's nothing but bottoms wanting sex in this area, while he's a bottom that's wanting sex in this area. The chat didn't go anywhere, which kinda sucks cause he's the only asian (sorry, asians are like my biggest weakness and it's rare to find one here in rural whitesville) I've seen on there, but I did the best to reach out to him that I could, so I have no regrets.

    It's just that this is far from the first time that I dropped off the face of the earth out of nowhere because I went mental for the millionth time. I hate that this is my status quo. I desire to be seen as reliable, y'know?

    I seriously don't want to approach this matter though because fresh wounds and all. But all you guys need to know is that I'm just in a dark place right now and whenever I start feeling better, I suddenly fall back down. I don't when I'll get better.
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    Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night.
    Justinian Ezkantion
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • Odd, not sure if I misclicked something or some forum submit error happened... forum thought I wanted you on ignore, even though this the first of your posts I've seen. Think I need to be careful with that, that ignore list is mostly reserved for if any MRA jerks show up so I don't have to hear any of their rape apologist bullshit.
    Welcome back, if you are returning after a long absence.

    If we're back to not replying to each other, then what's on my mind right now is that I find it rather cruel that the word "Rhotacism" starts with the letter R. They really couldn't have called it something else?
    • Ethereal Dream
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  • even though this the first of your posts I've seen
    Nah, you got into a debate with him over Ferris Bueller last month. As is tradition in Wintreath, he's once again changed his username to fit the Avatar of the Month theme.
    If we're back to not replying to each other, then what's on my mind right now is that I find it rather cruel that the word "Rhotacism" starts with the letter R. They really couldn't have called it something else?
    Don't forget "lisp" and "hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia" (fear of long words).

    Speaking of rhotacism, I recently discovered an amazing futurism channel hosted by a guy with that speech impediment.
    1 person likes this post: Aethelia
    Citizen: 8 April 2015 - present
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  • Maybe it's supposed to be self-indicative, like a shibboleth; what better way to see if someone exhibits any of those things than to shape the word describing them that way?
    Proud Burner
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  • Oh. A generous way of describing what happened, I guess we may as well be diplomatic about it now, but I know who you're talking about so that works. Most forums I've been on don't allow username changes, so that's good to know that that's possible here. Not a problem, just don't see it often so it was unexpected.

    And... reblocked him. This works both ways right? He's an asshole and I don't need him trying to insult me again. Don't know why some of you put up with him, I searched back then and found out that he's tried to start bullshit before a few times with others and I'm not at all the first to call him out on it, though that was awhile ago.
    For now I'm just disappointed he didn't leave. Or get banned, that would be cool too.
    Hard not to see him as some creep anyway after now that I remember his "Hi Aethelia, fancy seeing you here" without telling me who he is, like some stalker. Maybe if he wants to be an adult and explain himself, there would be cause for more patience with him. Until he learns respect, he could never talk to me again. I'd like to believe that my days of rolling over and surrendering to bullies are now over.

    Edit: This one is my favorite "Uggh, I sent a puppet to what I thought would be a nice region but instead it seems infested with easily offended tumblrinas. I have -4 Reputation because I posted "get triggered commies" with a picture of reagan in a political thread because "triggered is a slur against people with PTSD and is used by 4chan hate criminals" and later I posted a funny little image referencing Chris Rock's skit on how MLK blvd in any city is smack dab in the middle of the ghetto, which got me called out as a "racist". I fucking swear if the place wasn't Byzantine themed I would have left a while ago... "

    Basically a confession to being an asshole. I want to find that region and lower his reputation even more for whatever he tried to start there. It's at if at no point does this guy ever consider that he might actually be wrong about something. He probably got banned from the last region he was in, and deserved it.
    « Last Edit: September 28, 2017, 06:31:24 PM by Aethelia »
    • Ethereal Dream
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  • Oh. A generous way of describing what happened, I guess we may as well be diplomatic about it now, but I know who you're talking about so that works. I was right the first time then, time to undo the undo. Most forums I've been on don't allow username changes, so that's good to know that that's possible here. Not a problem, just don't see it often so it was unexpected.

    This works both ways right? He's an asshole and I don't need him trying to insult me again. Don't know why some of you put up with him, I searched back then and found out that he's tried to start bullshit before a few times with others and I'm not at all the first to call him out on it.
    For now I'm just disappointed he didn't leave. Or get banned, that would be cool too.
    Hard not to see him as some creep anyway after now that I remember his "Hi Aethelia, fancy seeing you here" without telling me who he is, like some stalker. Maybe if he wants to be an adult and explain himself, there would be cause for more patience with him. Until he learns respect, he could never talk to me again. I'd like to believe that my days of rolling over and surrendering to bullies are now over.

    Edit: This one is my favorite "Uggh, I sent a puppet to what I thought would be a nice region but instead it seems infested with easily offended tumblrinas. I have -4 Reputation because I posted "get triggered commies" with a picture of reagan in a political thread because "triggered is a slur against people with PTSD and is used by 4chan hate criminals" and later I posted a funny little image referencing Chris Rock's skit on how MLK blvd in any city is smack dab in the middle of the ghetto, which got me called out as a "racist". I fucking swear if the place wasn't Byzantine themed I would have left a while ago... "

    Basically a confession to being an asshole. I want to find that region and lower his reputation even more for whatever he tried to start there. It's at if at no point does this guy ever consider that he might actually be wrong about something. He probably got banned from the last region he was in, and deserved it.

    Civil debate is fine, ignoring someone is fine, calling someone an asshole is not fine. If you can't be civil with someone or work things out with them, by all means ignore them, but please do not flame them.

    You can view someone's past usernames by going to their profile and clicking the upside down area beside their name. This will give you all their past usernames and the dates that they had them.

    It's just that this is far from the first time that I dropped off the face of the earth out of nowhere because I went mental for the millionth time. I hate that this is my status quo. I desire to be seen as reliable, y'know?

    I seriously don't want to approach this matter though because fresh wounds and all. But all you guys need to know is that I'm just in a dark place right now and whenever I start feeling better, I suddenly fall back down. I don't when I'll get better.
    You're doing the best you can, and it takes time to break out of mindsets like that. I think that in time you'll be able to feel better for longer, especially after you turn 18 and can do more things to help yourself. And for what it's worth, I think you're a reliable member on here at least. ;)

    If you want to talk about it more in the future, we're here for you. I'm here for you.

    Is it all that surprising? America as a whole has subscribed to the myth that selfishness is the best path forward for society as a whole for more than a century, based pretty much entirely on Adam Smith's economic voodoo. I'm sure if people had their way, all their tax dollars would be spent on things that directly benefit them - fuck that dude in Detroit, I gotta get mine. Hell, fuck that dude living across the city -MY neighborhood is the only one that deserves funding.
    How much more do you think people can justify that kind of thinking when it's 'not even a state' but a territory?
    It's not surprising as a whole...I'm aware of the culture of greed and selfishness that's taking the country by storm. I'm a little surprised that this person in particular has that opinion and doesn't know the facts of what he's talking about, since we've talked before and usually pretty smart and has never expressed anything like this before. Usually people with those kinds of sentiments don't like me to begin with. :P
    2 people like this post: taulover, Elbbsas

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Oh. A generous way of describing what happened, I guess we may as well be diplomatic about it now, but I know who you're talking about so that works.
    Really? From my perspective as a bystander at least, the discussion was remarkably civil.
    This works both ways right? He's an asshole and I don't need him trying to insult me again. Don't know why some of you put up with him, I searched back then and found out that he's tried to start bullshit before a few times with others and I'm not at all the first to call him out on it.
    For now I'm just disappointed he didn't leave. Or get banned, that would be cool too.
    Hard not to see him as some creep anyway after now that I remember his "Hi Aethelia, fancy seeing you here" without telling me who he is, like some stalker. Maybe if he wants to be an adult and explain himself, there would be cause for more patience with him. Until he learns respect, he could never talk to me again. I'd like to believe that my days of rolling over and surrendering to bullies are now over.

    Edit: This one is my favorite "Uggh, I sent a puppet to what I thought would be a nice region but instead it seems infested with easily offended tumblrinas. I have -4 Reputation because I posted "get triggered commies" with a picture of reagan in a political thread because "triggered is a slur against people with PTSD and is used by 4chan hate criminals" and later I posted a funny little image referencing Chris Rock's skit on how MLK blvd in any city is smack dab in the middle of the ghetto, which got me called out as a "racist". I fucking swear if the place wasn't Byzantine themed I would have left a while ago... "

    Basically a confession to being an asshole. I want to find that region and lower his reputation even more for whatever he tried to start there. It's at if at no point does this guy ever consider that he might actually be wrong about something.

    Of course, by all means feel free to block him. But this is Wintreath, we don't ban people simply because we perceive them to be assholes, that'd go against our core values. Just take a look at how long we put up with Govindia, to wide interregional censure even, before finally stripping him of his citizenship. And he's still not banned.

    And even though I've gotten into rather heated debates with him before, to say the least, afaik Justinian hasn't done anything close to ban-worthy. Quite to the contrary, he's proved himself a valuable part of our Monarchy as Court Scribe, and a well-experienced roleplayer and GM.
    2 people like this post: Laurentus, Elbbsas
    Citizen: 8 April 2015 - present
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  • Of course, by all means feel free to block him. But this is Wintreath, we don't ban people simply because we perceive them to be assholes, that'd go against our core values. Just take a look at how long we put up with Govindia, to wide interregional censure even, before finally stripping him of his citizenship. And he's still not banned.
    Are you trying to say that Gov's an asshole? *glares*


    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Of course, by all means feel free to block him. But this is Wintreath, we don't ban people simply because we perceive them to be assholes, that'd go against our core values. Just take a look at how long we put up with Govindia, to wide interregional censure even, before finally stripping him of his citizenship. And he's still not banned.
    Are you trying to say that Gov's an asshole? *glares*

    No, I said that people may perceive him to be one.
    1 person likes this post: Wintermoot
    Citizen: 8 April 2015 - present
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    Skrifa of the 19th Underhusen: 7 December 2016 - 9 February 2017
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    October 2017 Wintreath's Finest: 4 November 2017
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    Wintreath's Finest of 2017: 6 January 2018
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    February 2018 Wintreath's Finest: 5 March 2018
    Thane of Embassy Dispatches / Foreign Releases and Information / Foreign Dispatches: 7 March 2018 - 15 March 2020
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    Second Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria: 10 October 2018 - present
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  • No, I said that people may perceive him to be one.
    Haha, alright, just checking.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I'm an asshole, you're an asshole, everyone is an asshole!

    For real though, people who are honest are going to end up being called an asshole at least once in their lives.
    1 person likes this post: Elbbsas
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  • Or maybe, just maybe, people can debate the issue with an open mind and refrain from personally attacking each other.

    I know it's a lost cause out in the real world, but I hope for that here at least. :P
    1 person likes this post: taulover

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Eh, people need to grow thick skin eventually.

    EDIT: But I must say I've always liked people like Justinian and Seroim.
    « Last Edit: September 28, 2017, 07:19:05 PM by Laurentus »
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Don't know who Govindia is, so I cannot comment on that. Maybe I'll look into that later if that would be interesting to check on.

    Odd, I looked back after this and saw he edited one the relevant posts... maybe even he knew he went too far back then and I just didn't see it until now.

    Perhaps "He started it" isn't a good enough excuse, so sorry for escalating, but it is at least true, I don't really like my intelligence being insulted and I said nothing about him before he started on me like that. Long explanation for that, won't bore you with all of it, but I'm not some stereotypical bimbo with the memory of a goldfish and no awareness of the world. I know about a lot of things. Still far from everything, I'm not much good with languages, or pure mathematics, or a few other subjects I won't claim to have mastered, but still a lot, especially compared to what people like that seem to think just by looking at me and assuming that looks and brains must be inversely proportional. That being a phrase I know without any help. I've read many books, and, as long as I'm not being compared to people who literally do it for a living, I know a good amount of engineering, science, history, politics, and other non-trivial subjects. Programming too. You do programming right, ask me something about programming that isn't too easy to Google. Thinking about this makes me feel like perhaps I should prove that I really do know things, I shouldn't have to but I want to prove it anyway to remove any possible doubt.
    This is why I don't want to post in the picture topic, if I do that, then even if they don't realize it themselves, someone might assume I must be unintelligent or associate me with things like the cherry-picked Miss South Carolina woman or Sarah Palin or someone else like that. I am not dumb. Other than some bad stuff that happened awhile ago that has little to do with this that caused some mental trauma, my brain works fine, and if IQ scores really meant much, mine could be described as above average.
    Even if some people won't believe it no matter what I say, I can prove that I am not stupid or ignorant. If not here, maybe put that Ask Aethelia topic to use again, someone quiz me or something, even if you've never thought of me as fitting the "dumb blonde" stereotype, I can prove it and I very much want to right now. I don't want anyone else just assuming I'm a fool and need everything explained to me because I can't piece together simple concepts when I can, and far more.
    « Last Edit: September 28, 2017, 07:29:39 PM by Aethelia »
    • Ethereal Dream
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