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  • I'm just spit-balling here, but I think it means he presses one button or another for it to turn on, and then for one reason or another, it doesn't.

    This is why I prefer PC gaming, and am still a Sony fan.

    Well, it's a perfectly reasonable to conclude your diagnosis right there if you don't care to try to fix it. If it's red ringed, which I have heard people call "It won't turn on", you can sometimes fix it by wrapping it in a blanket for an hour. This can re-flow the solder leads on the GPU, the failure of which is the primary cause of XBox 360 red-rings.

    If it doesn't turn on at all (No blinking lights, no fans, nothing), Gov should see if he can't test the power supply. The XBox 360 has an external power supply which can independently fail. You can test it with pretty simple tools.

    You people are so pessimistic.
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    « Last Edit: March 24, 2016, 04:56:10 PM by Evelynx »
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  • We are (I am) pessimistic, yes. :P

    Is that the Red Ring of Death problem?
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  • Yeah, it can sometimes be fixed by wrapping the 360 in towels. No joke.
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  • I doubt those suggestions are done by experienced electricians.

    @Evelynx, @Laurentus, and @Gerrick, this is just to let you know what happened.  @North, seriously stop with the sarcasm and condescension >_<

    My Xbox would just power on for one second then just go off.  The power brick has had an orange light, not red.  I'm going to go Gamestop today to buy a new power brick to see if that's an issue.

    If not, my Halo 4 Xbox 360 Slim may need to be serviced, and that would cost me at least $99 to have it shipped directly to MS :(
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  • Yeah the towel trick doesn't work on Slims, only on original 360s. Slims are actually pretty reliable, that sucks.

    As for experienced electricians, electricians don't know dick about electronics.. =p
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  • Yeah the towel trick doesn't work on Slims, only on original 360s. Slims are actually pretty reliable, that sucks.

    As for experienced electricians, electricians don't know dick about electronics.. =p

    I mean experienced electronics technicians, @Evelynx
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  • Well, the towel trick definitely works. Won't help you in this instance. I guess what an experienced electronics technician might do would disassemble it and use a hot air gun to reflow the GPU directly. Probably better overall.

    They'd probably just wrap it in a towel though.   ;)
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  • "This kid says his game-box thing isn't working, ever been inside one of these?"

    "No but I read on the internet if you wrap it in a towel and let it run for a while it'll fix itself."

    "Well, let's give it a shot."


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  • How can you doubt the collective wisdom of the internet?
    Gods. The internet. That thing that named a damn expensive ship Boaty McBoatface.
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  • "This kid says his game-box thing isn't working, ever been inside one of these?"

    "No but I read on the internet if you wrap it in a towel and let it run for a while it'll fix itself."

    "Well, let's give it a shot."


    Labor: 60/hr * 4hrs = $240
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    Sounds about right.. That'd be a lot more expensive than a new xbox though.. =p
    I've done the towel trick to 3 xboxes, one of them my own. Mine broke again later for different roommate related reasons.. wonder what happened to those other two..

    EDIT: Evidently, at least one broke like 2 days afterwards lol.. So not a good fix.

    « Last Edit: March 25, 2016, 12:22:39 AM by Evelynx »
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    Personally, I quite enjoyed "RRS Big Metal Floaty Thingy-thing" and "RRS I Like Big Boats&I Cannot Lie"

    Seriously, some of these boat suggestions are amusing as heck.  But it's even more so to see that Boaty Mcboatface is leading by a whopping  74245 votes, with the 2nd most loved one only hitting 7741 votes.
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  • @Barnes the quote from Handmaid's Tale is nice. It's really a fascinating book! :)
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