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What's Going on In Your Games?
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Drexyl Nox
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  • If you get the PC version get NVAC from Nexus mods, in fact, I'll link it: NVAC get's rid of most of the crashing problems, if not all of them. it also fixes a few other hiccups.
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  • I got New Vegas for PC on release, and it has almost always worked fine on my PC :P ... well besides the odd glitch of course, but nothing major there (and one time when I had far too many mods installed so it kept crashing :)) ) while a friend of mine had it on her PS3 and there were numerous times when it completely broke down... I guess its anecdotal, but on PC it has been patched a lot, so I imagine any difficulties that did exist have been ironed out somewhat ^-^

    Also I really liked the first 2 fallouts, they have a certain charm that I don't really find quite as much in the newer ones, they definatly aren't for everyone. But for me the world seems so much more tenuous, in the newer games I felt very powerful, and like the centre of attention, and while you are still the protagonist in the older games, I personally found them to be much more interesting in how superfluous the players role seems. It might just be me though, as I find the older games much harder as well :D

    Well, the problem I'm finding with older games like that is that I've been spoiled by modern games. I think I would have liked the first fallouts if I had played them first but now I dont know, you know?

    I find myself finding the opposite true, which is why I'm generally more of a console person these days.

    Back in the day, I was a bit more of a PC guy, though I always loved the older consoles as well.  However, I've been a little disappointed both with console and PC releases as of late for major games (Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Diablo, etc...) because companies don't even completely finish them before sending them out.  They come out exceptionally buggy (I remember hearing Dragon Age destroying consoles before the beginning patches) because they're in a rush.  Whereas back then, it was never like that.  I can't remember any nintendo console (save for blowing cartridges occasionally), the PSX, XBOX, or PS2 ever having issues with buggy games (save for a few like the god awful Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness).  But since the PS3/360 generation (not counting Nintendo, since it's still not a big problem), that's been the major thing: beta version of games...buggy as all hell (mainly major releases and not lesser advertised ones like the Tales series, etc...).

    From what I hear, it translates the same on PC.  Servers being completely unprepared for people on Launch day, buggy titles to almost unplayable ones (sometimes even after patches), and the like.  It's why I tend to stay away from most PC games (that and my computer doesn't like anything bigger than Diablo II/Warcraft III/Starcraft) and stick to playing anything within the realm of the above mentioned games and well as use my PC mainly for SNES/NES/N64/GBA/DOS emulation.

    But it's generally why I have trouble getting into newer titles, especially major ones.  I find myself loving more of the older titles.

    Heck, my last...what...10 game purchases have been old PS1 titles through Playstation Network, rather than any newer/current title.
    « Last Edit: August 24, 2015, 03:32:27 AM by Pengu »
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  • Now I'm onto Minecraft xD

    There's something soothing and even therapeutic about Minecraft...when you're just not thinking about much but how to place the blocks to get the design you want. I never go into MC projects with a concrete plan in mind, just a general idea of what I want to do. Then I tinker with different pieces and areas to get the result that I had in mind and finetune it. :)

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  • Now I'm onto Minecraft xD

    There's something soothing and even therapeutic about Minecraft...when you're just not thinking about much but how to place the blocks to get the design you want. I never go into MC projects with a concrete plan in mind, just a general idea of what I want to do. Then I tinker with different pieces and areas to get the result that I had in mind and finetune it. :)

    That's how I feel about both it and Flower sometimes.  Them being therapeutic I mean.

    With Minecraft, it's the lovely music that plays and you have absolutely nothing preventing you from building whatever you're wanting to...or destroying and exploring wherever you want.

    With Flower, it's the lovely music that plays while you float around, doing simple tasks of touching each of the flowers and extending your petal trail, and seeing the beautiful visuals.

    Both are games that I fall back on when I need something simple and quiet to calm down from something.  There's another game as well, I just can't think of it at the moment.

    Right now though, I've been trying to play through Chrono Trigger to move on to Chrono Cross.  I've also been playing Tales of Xillia, and am thinking of re-starting The Last of Us.
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  • I've been watching a Let's Play of The Last of Us (from Teens React)'s a game that I love watching others play, but I wouldn't be that into the game by myself...a bit too scary and contentious. Maybe with friends though, like if it were part of a party or something...anyways!

    I almost forgot, I've been getting a lot of Civ practice in too, building better strategies for the mid-game and trying to be a more expansive player. Egypt can play as either a tall or a wide civ, but I've come to realize that more real-estate means being able to produce more things, means more science/gold/culture, and means that it's land that opponents can't use against you. The problem is that this conflicts with my early strategy, so I'm having to learn to balance the two things...

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I've been watching a Let's Play of The Last of Us (from Teens React)'s a game that I love watching others play, but I wouldn't be that into the game by myself...a bit too scary and contentious. Maybe with friends though, like if it were part of a party or something...anyways!

    I almost forgot, I've been getting a lot of Civ practice in too, building better strategies for the mid-game and trying to be a more expansive player. Egypt can play as either a tall or a wide civ, but I've come to realize that more real-estate means being able to produce more things, means more science/gold/culture, and means that it's land that opponents can't use against you. The problem is that this conflicts with my early strategy, so I'm having to learn to balance the two things...

    Ah, it's so much fun, though!  It's really like Bioshock in terms of scariness: It's more in the anticipation most of the time rather than the result (the only instance where BIoshock was genuinely scary was in the first game when you grab an object, turn around, and there's a splicer standing literally right behind you).
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  • I'm playing the Jaws of Hakkon DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition for the first time now.

    My first impressions? Is it just me or are these enemies seriously tough? I've been playing on Nightmare difficulty for my entire character playthrough as a Qunari mage, and haven't really found the game to be quite as challenging as Dragon Age: Origins on the same difficulty, but in this DLC, I definitely feel that it's a return to form.

    The story is also far more engaging than the main quest. I got sick of the main quest about five seconds after the fall of Haven. It helps that the setting is faintly Scandinavian.

    I'm seriously having a blast now. They should have put this much care into the damn main game.

    The tactical mode is still rubbish, and I'm still angry at the limited number of slots for spells and attacks, but it seems I'll just have to wait for someone to mod the shit out of this game to finally solve those, as BioWare seems to be too idiotic.
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  • I was playing Halo: Combat Evolved recently (the original, not the MCC) and having such a blast reminiscing and feeling nostalgia and stuff and it made me curious. The first game I ever played was Halo in 2002, that really was what first got me interested in gaming, leading me to a question. What was that first game you ever played that pulled you into gaming?
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  • Played Heroes of Might and Magic V with @Aragonn today...we weren't able to finish our game, but it seems promising. Essentially it's a fantasy game (the graphics reminded me a lot of Warcraft III actually), and the goal is to build up your town and armies, which are led by heroes, so you can go around exploring the map, killing neutral monsters for experience and items and eventually face your opponents armies (which is also pretty much Warcraft III). The difference is that HoMaM is turn-based, so the pace is pleasant...even laid back...and with so much going on in the main map it's fun to explore and find different things.

    Hopefully we'll have more time to play it in the future. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • So I ended up buying Until Dawn earlier this week and played through it.

    I must say, I'm quite impressed with it.  It's honestly one of the most simple games in terms of gameplay...but with everything that was put into it, it's quite easily forgiven.

    For those who've never heard of it, Until Dawn is essentially a horror game in which you have 8 different characters you can play as throughout the course of the game.

    Rather than being a game about hitting or killing things like Silent Hill/Resident Evil, it takes a page from games like Outlast and Silent Hills: Shattered Memories, where you have to rely more on your wits and quick decision skills to even just survive.

    In fact, it actually takes a couple of leaves from Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. 
    One quite obvious one is the sessions with a Psychiatrist in between intervals.  However, unlike Shattered Memories, Until Dawn takes it even further and gives it a....quite unique approach as you progress through the game.  The questions you get alter certain elements of the game (such as elements that you fear altering things you may see), however, his sessions themselves become quite altered as the game progresses, and among many of the game's twists is one that involves him as well.

    The most charming thing about this game beyond the story and elements like that, however, is the fact that it centers around not one, but eight characters.

    Let me put it this way.  As I said, this is a horror game that thrives on survival rather than killing things.  You are essentially in the shoes of dictating whether these eight people survive the night.  This means that at certain points of the game, you can either help each of these characters survive until the end of the game, kill some of them off, or make sure absolutely everyone dies.  There's absolutely no wrong way to play this game since there are no game overs.   This isn't even a game as much as it is an interactive movie at its finest...and you control how the flow of the movie goes including the ending.

    What this that EVERY playthrough may be different unless you make the exact same choices every time.  What this also means is that Until Dawn has over 256 different endings, because no single character is guaranteed to live to the end unless you make it happen
    (The exception being two characters, but even then, you can make wrong decisions and make them die near the end).

    Another unique factor is that the game gives you tools in the form of "Totems" to see events before they happen.  See a totem on the ground with black markings?  Pick it up to see your character's death before it happens.  Red totem? Pick it up to see upcoming danger for a character.  Blue Totem? Pick it up to see another character's death before it happens.  Yellow Totem? Pick it up to see a possible solution to a upcoming situation.  White totem? Pick it up to see an upcoming instance to where a character may escape a gruesome fate.

    But each of those totems (save for the very first in the tutorial) only happen if you make specific decisions, and each of the futures that you see in all 36 (I believe) of those totems could also not happen.

    One of my favorites, however, is the Butterfly Effect mechanic in this game, which it prides itself on greatly.

    A small example being when one of the characters you control picks up a gun at a target practice area.  The game has you do a tutorial on how to aim and shoot at things...but something seemingly small happens (unless, like me, you meticulously looked at the Butterfly Effect screen for the title names of upcoming ones).  After you finish shooting the first targets, a squirrel will pop up onto a barrel.  You're then given the choice to shoot the squirrel, or shoot another sack-target.

    If you choose the latter, then nothing happens.  You're given the butterfly effect of "Nature remains in balance," and it affects a certain character later in the game when they're being chased.

    If you choose the former, however, then a crow attacks your female friend almost instantly, leaving her with a scratch on her head.  Later in the game, the same girl is attacked and, because of that choice, her wound is re-opened and she leaves drops of blood on the floor, so even if she tries to hide she's caught.

    And that's just a small example.  There are bigger butterfly effects that happen in the game, some being triggered by other butterfly effects you enact, some triggering no matter what choice you make but offering completely different outcomes.

    And some of those butterfly effects may cost you a character if you make the wrong choice.

    And likewise, the game punishes you for making wrong choices such as being safe versus being quick.  It could cost you another character's life, for example.

    Something people might be deterred by is that it's a 9 hour long game at most.  However, as I just got done saying that A) There's at least 256 endings and B) No playthrough at the thing I think it does quite well with is replayability...both for getting all totems and files, and for seeing many of the different endings and accomplishing either saving EVERY character, or killing each of them (which when you finish the game once, you can do each chapter/episode on its own if you don't want to play through the entire thing again, and what you do will still affect the ending).
    « Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 09:15:04 PM by Pengu »
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  • Right. Didn't read any of that Until Dawn post because I'm planning on getting it and want to stay as spoiler-free as possible.

    Friend recently finished Neptunia's PC remake, so I'm considering going back to that, especially since the 2nd one came out as well. Got it on sale for the both of us because I had extra pocket money and why not?

    Really getting into FFXIV. It's sad, actually. My FC members are lovely, waiting politely for me to get to certain story points before talking about it in comms or in in-game chat.

    Considering going back to either FNV (because November's right around the corner and I'm buying another monitor so I can scream about F4 while I play it) or Skyrim (because I did download all those mods :\). For the latter, I tend to play Bosmer, Redguards, and Orsimer. However, I do have an Altmer playthrough. Nords are boring, no thanks.
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  • I like the Orsimer, Khajiit and Dunmer, myself. The ork's special ability is so kick-ass for warriors.
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • Right. Didn't read any of that Until Dawn post because I'm planning on getting it and want to stay as spoiler-free as possible.

    Friend recently finished Neptunia's PC remake, so I'm considering going back to that, especially since the 2nd one came out as well. Got it on sale for the both of us because I had extra pocket money and why not?

    Really getting into FFXIV. It's sad, actually. My FC members are lovely, waiting politely for me to get to certain story points before talking about it in comms or in in-game chat.

    Considering going back to either FNV (because November's right around the corner and I'm buying another monitor so I can scream about F4 while I play it) or Skyrim (because I did download all those mods :\). For the latter, I tend to play Bosmer, Redguards, and Orsimer. However, I do have an Altmer playthrough. Nords are boring, no thanks.

    I tried keeping it as spoiler free as possible and talking mainly about the gameplay aspects.  :P  I think there were only 2 paragraphs that were spoiler-esque, and I'll spoiler them now.  :)
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  • Got the 5-Disk release of Far Cry and the Four Disks needed for Quake 4. I tried installing Quake 4 on my Windows Partition, but it didn't work. I'm using the Linux Port and moving the required files over to that so I can try out Quake 4.

    For those wondering where I got these, I got them from someone at school...who just gave them to me...this was the conversation:
    Some Kid: "Chanku, you want some old computer games?"
    Me: "Sure."
    Some Kid:"Here" -grabs out these two games and gives them to me-
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • People call you Chanku at school? :P

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