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  • How are the Sherlock games?

    I've played Sherlock vs. Jack the Ripper and it wasn't a bad story, but the animations were
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  • I've heard many complaints about the Jack the Ripper one, but I've always wanted to play it since that's the story that I know best (well really, anyone knows best).  Testament wasn't bad, although I think the animations were only SLIGHTLY better, and I liked the little twists and turns about it, and that it actually was presented as a story being read by children who had some significance as well.

    Crime and Punishment was a very welcome change to the series.  The animation was a bit better (and had a PS4 port as well, so I imagine they were a bit more polished for that), Watson's voice actor was miles better than his Testament voice actor, the fact that you CHOSE who you wanted to suspect and arrest in each case (you could learn which conclusion was the correct one at the end and choose a different one if you wanted to, or you could continue the game with your selected choice), and the movements were a bit more fluid.  Some gameplay aspects of Testament such as being able to see every interactive object/person with the press of a button were removed...but they were replaced with new aspects such as his deeper sense (aka seeing objects that may have not been easy to see from far away) and imaginative sense to create how certain scenarios could have gone.

    Overall, I very much enjoyed both of them.  Testament had the better, more interesting story throughout the game (whereas Crime and Punishment played more on random cases, with only a small tying factor compared to Testament)...but CaP had much better gameplay and replay value attached to it.  They're both recommended to play if you played the Jack the Ripper one.
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  • Jack The Ripper is not bad for the story, and has some good puzzles, but the animations....some were lulzy, some were just, ugh, they could have done better on.  The animations were slightly worse than Darkest of Days :P
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  • I've actually never played that one before. But judging the pictures I'm looking at for the Jack the RIpper game, Testament is a slight upgrade, though not a severe one, in the graphics department.  And CaP is a bit of an upgrade from Testament, and a little more noticeably so.

    A shot from Testament

    A shot from CaP
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  • Hihi.  :)  Don't know if anybody cares but the next World of Warcraft expansion was announced last week.  It's to be called: World of Warcraft: Legion

    Basically, the Burning Legion is sick of all the things happening on Azeroth and decided that they're going to crunch us once and for all.  Events start at the Tomb of Sargeras but the entire world will be a battleground.

    Gul'Dan (from the alternate universe) will most likely be responsible for that since the whole Iron Horde thing fell apart in the Warlords of Draenor expansion, and was never successful in getting Grommash Hellscream in drinking the blood of Manoroth. 

    It is awkward, though.  In the teaser cinematic for Legion, you see Gul'Dan prancing around Illidan, who is trapped in ice(?).  I'm not sure if that's going to be awkward, though, since Illidan carried the Skull of Gul'Dan around like a binkie.  I can't imagine what kind of ruin Gul'Dan could wreak if he ever gets his hand on the skull of his prime universe's counterpart.  Things got really confusing in Warlords of Draenor.

    To recap on what happened that led up to Warlords of Draenor:
    Garrosh Hellscream, who was made the Horde's Warchief after Thrall stepped down, went a little crazy in the head, tried to have Vol'Jin assassinated, purged Orgrimmar of all non-Orcs (except for the Goblins) and tried to establish the "True Horde".  The Goblins were kept around because he paid them a lot of gold to create new engines of war for him.

    The Alliance, and what's left of the Horde, laid siege upon Orgrimmar to dismantle the True Horde's war machines and have Garrosh answer for his crimes.  During the siege, you are shown that Garrosh wasn't acting alone - he had been corrupted and possessed by the "Sha of Pride" which is revealed to be Y'Shaarj - one of the Old Gods.

    After Garrosh is defeated and Y'Shaarj's influence is removed, Garrosh was captured and meant to be held for trial in Pandaria when, somehow, he escapes and finds his way back to Draenor as it existed 35 years prior to the current storyline.  He took all of his war machines with him, rescues his father from drinking the Blood of Manoroth, and essentially saves the Orcs from being enslaved by the Burning Legion.

    But the Orcs are now formed up as the Iron Horde, using the technology that Garrosh brought with him, and they build the Dark Portal, fully intending on invading Azeroth (as it existed 35 years prior) using the war machines that the Goblins helped design and construct.  Gul'Dan is pushed aside but later turns into a major force in the Draenor expansion.  Garrosh is slain by Thrall.  Grommash - after murdering a lot of people - finally sees that he's been manipulated by Gul'Dan but by this point, it's far too late, and Gul'Dan manages to corrupt the other Horde chiefs by having them drink demonic blood.  What's meant to be Hellfire Citadel becomes corrupted by fel influences, and it's up to everybody to smash everything and set things right.

    Archimonde has to be defeated yet again but in the process, Gul'Dan gets sucked into the twisting nether and disappears. 

    In Legion, we are finally allowed to have Artifact-level weapons which can be tuned up and customized. 

    And Legion will introduce a new class: the Demon Hunter, which can only be played by Elves (Night Elves, Blood Elves.)

    Warlords of Draenor Opening Cinematic:

    Legion Opening Cinematic Teaser:

    Legion Overview:
    « Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 03:11:14 PM by Liora Cerebella »
    Liora Cerebella

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  • That's one of the areas where I think WoW has gone seems like the storylines have become so convoluted. I played on some private servers back in TBC/WotLK days, and one of the things I liked was how immersive the plots and stories were. I'd spend hours on WoWWiki just reading about various things...but alternate universes just sounds lame, like they ran out of things to write about and do so they need a cheap way to bring back characters they've long killed off. =/

    Maybe I'm just old and don't like change. :P

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  • Fallout Shelter for Android is here
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  • Fallout Shelter for Android is here

    Yes! :D I downloaded it a few hours ago. :)
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  • but alternate universes just sounds lame

    I couldn't agree with you more on this.  Time travel stories = jumping the shark in a franchise (I'm looking at you, Star Trek!)  Another problem that I have with time-travel stories is that I'm in the camp that believes that while it's certainly possible to time-travel forwards in time (we're always doing that anyway,) but it's completely, physically impossible to travel backwards in time for any meaningful purpose.  People forget that time and space are intrinsically-linked with one another and that with the constant expansion of the universe, there's really no going back at all. 

    But I digress: the storyline in Warlords of Draenor was stupid.  I liked Mists of Pandaria because of a lot of the QOL changes that they've made.  I'm a casual player now and don't have the time to raid like I used to back in vanilla and BC.  LFR (Looking for Raid) worked out very well and allowed me to experience raid content without having to pore through posts, looking for a good guild.
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  • One thing I liked about Warcraft in the pre-World days was how direct and interesting the story was.  3 especially was amazing in that field, both in the main game and expansion.

    I was exceptionally worried with how World was going to handle the tools that 3 gave, and it sounds like I was right to be so.  I don't like all of this parallel or going-back-in-time-to-undo-events-of-3-and-change-characters talk.  I really was heavily into that story, and changing it is just upsetting.  it's essentially a middle finger to those who played Warcraft III, because now many of those events that we experienced don't even exist anymore.
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    « Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 12:43:31 AM by Pengu »
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