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What's Going on In Your Games?
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  • Ah, FromSoftware. Headed by Hidetaka Miyazaki. Responsible for Armored Core, King's Field, Tenchu, Otogi, but, their most important moneymaker is by far the Souls series.

    And Bloodborne was the only reason to get a PS4 at the time for me (and the buddy I'm splitting it with, considering letting her have it, tbh, long as she gives me half the cost); there are more releases I'm looking forward to, but, those aren't exclusives and my new PC will be more than enough by then, especially now that new GPUs are just around the corner.
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  • I amazed and mystified my fleetmates in STO by killing a Herald cruiser, a rather tough enemy, in 30 seconds.
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  • Ah, FromSoftware. Headed by Hidetaka Miyazaki. Responsible for Armored Core, King's Field, Tenchu, Otogi, but, their most important moneymaker is by far the Souls series.

    And Bloodborne was the only reason to get a PS4 at the time for me (and the buddy I'm splitting it with, considering letting her have it, tbh, long as she gives me half the cost); there are more releases I'm looking forward to, but, those aren't exclusives and my new PC will be more than enough by then, especially now that new GPUs are just around the corner.

    What kind of games do you normally enjoy?  I recently picked up Arkham Knight and think it's reason enough to keep my PS4 even if it's not a PS4 exclusive.  :D
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  • Came across a bitraider error and now have to redownload SWTOR
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  • Came across a bitraider error and now have to redownload SWTOR
    Going slowly through Destiny and not able to find any gamers on the 360 to help me :-/

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  • Yesterday I got my new Xbone and Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, tomorrow I'll be getting Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition and Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. ^-^ Going to be a great weekend.
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  • I heard Arkham Knight is incredibly shit.
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  • I heard Arkham Knight is incredibly shit.

    I actually rather enjoy it.  It's miles better than City was, which I thought was a boring mess.

    And I liked the fact that the Riddler wasn't a random sidequest this time (Well he was, but to a bigger degree).  Along with his normal riddles and trophy pick ups, you actually interact with him much more in this game, fight characters created by him, participate in more events, and get bigger rewards (the first of his sidequests earning you Catwoman as an ally).
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    I finally got into the new mechanics of EU4, and experienced the time fly by me yet again. I played as Teutonic Order, eventually becoming Prussia. The map above shows my vassals (Riga and Poland) and allies (Sweden, Muscovy, Hungary, Kurland, and Mecklenburg) as of 1600. It's a modest expansion, but it was a victory just surviving while I got used to the changes from EU3. :P

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    I finally got into the new mechanics of EU4, and experienced the time fly by me yet again. I played as Teutonic Order, eventually becoming Prussia. The map above shows my vassals (Riga and Poland) and allies (Sweden, Muscovy, Hungary, Kurland, and Mecklenburg) as of 1600. It's a modest expansion, but it was a victory just surviving while I got used to the changes from EU3. [emoji14]
    Currently working through Destiny trying to get my characters up to 34.  Very difficult when no one wants to play or is around to play

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  • Going between Arkham Knight and Final Fantasy XII and XIII-2.

    Final Fantasy XIII: In the Pulse lowerlands right now, grinding away like hell since it costs 4000+ points to upgrade one skill for each character.  <.<

    Final Fantasy XIII-2: Since I can't stand grinding so much and XIII-2 has a primer at the beginning to get you up to speed, I started XIII-2 while occasionally going back and getting farther in XIII.  Right now I'm in the Bresha Lake ruins getting ready to hunt down Atlas...I just met the creepy bird lady-shopkeeper known as Chocolina.  D:

    Arkham Knight: Right now I'm doing a bit of sidequesting, trying to catch Firefly.  It's funny because throughout the game so far and even on the game's description on the back of the box, they're clearly ignoring Origins and Blackgate, the latter bit especially since it refers to Arkham Knight as the "explosive finale in the Arkham trilogy (Asylum, City, and now Knight)."  Yet when you run into Firefly, he's pissed that you left him to die at the bridge...which is something that happened in Origins.

    So they're not completely ignoring it after all.
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  • Played another 50 years in EU4, to 1650. Unfortunately, I find myself hemmed in by strings of alliances. Lithuania, Kurland, and Pomerania on one side, the HRE with Austria as Emperor to the other. I did snag some territory from Bohemia when Austria declared war on it...I guess Austria wasn't interested in defending a nation it itself was at war with. I still have Poland and Riga as vassals, and Sweden (now Scandanavia) and Muscovy as allies. I could take any one nation, but not with those webs of alliances.

    Probably time to work on the diplomatic game for awhile. :))

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I'm in Act I of Disciples III: Resurrection, simply doing the main and side quests without leaving any area of the map unexplored. I recently upgraded my Spectre to the highest level and now she can paralyse everyone with a single attack! The attack is weak in damage, but the mass paralysis is far more valuable. My Bone Collector will likely not upgrade because of the insanely high XP required for it, but he's doing an okay job at it. Well, that's a rather generous thing to say, he's not great. Salaar is doing fine and dandy. My other party is a Thug and three Spectres. They're going from tower to tower killing zombies to level the Thug up. :P
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  • Still working on Destiny.  Been having difficulty finding people to game with on the 360.  Hoping I will be stable enough to buy The Taken King DLC coming out Sept.
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  • So I long since finished XIII-2 and gave a shot to Lightning Returns...which I thought was abysmal in the gameplay field but exceptional in the story field.  I ended up selling the game because the former ended up outweighing the latter, and I'll most likely just watch the story on youtube videos.  Personally, I think XIII-2 was the gem of the trio and was by far the most entertaining and had the most replay value.  Even after you beat the game, there's other endings that you can obtain including the ending that comes with the Requiem of the Goddess DLC.  And really, compared to the other two, it felt much less like an interactive movie (and the third feeling like Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask on INTENSE difficulty) and much more like an actual game (reminding me very much of Chrono Trigger).

    Lately I've been playing through Sherlock Holmes: Crime and Punishments and a Testament of Sherlock Holmes.  The latter I beat (and it surprisingly took a while), and the former I had already beaten once, but played through again since it's a multiple conclusion-per-case game (with a total of 5 cases, 6 if you count the small ending one), with a minimum of 3 conclusions as well as two different ways you can handle them (condemn or absolve), so we're talking a MINIMUM of 6 different conclusions per case.  There's a trophy that you can get for watching all of them, and I gave up after the 5th case since it makes it impossible to reach 3 (aka 6) of the 6 (aka 12) different conclusions once you hit a specific spot (because one clue appears that completely contradicts any of the early 3 conclusions and thus you'll never be able to access them once you get that clue)...and there's no way to backtrack without playing the entire game over again.

    Now, I've moved onto LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, and am contemplating playing The Last of Us once more, or diving into another game...possibly re-playing Tales of Xillia or the BIoshock series.
    « Last Edit: August 10, 2015, 04:58:24 AM by Pengu »
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