Post #39010
June 23, 2015, 04:23:46 AM
Ugh, read a few pages back and it still pains me that I've yet to get Crusader Kings; pay day's this Friday, so fingers crossed for leftover money!
Just beat Dark Souls on PC (after playing it at a friend's on her 360 a few years back, I might as well 100% it so all my achievements can be nice and minty on my Steam account), currently mocking a buddy because she can't seem to get the hang of parrying Gwyn.
Eyeballing my Steam Library, though New Game Plus looks a hell of a lot more appealing than Scholar of the First Sin. I played vanilla DS2; I know how B-Team hurt my feelings.
In Love Live! School Idol Festival, I'm Tier 2 on the current event and I haven't even gotten the actual "reward", which generally means that people will try their damnedest to spam as many points as possible on later days of aforementioned event. Rhythm games are stupid, don't play them.