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What's Going on In Your Games?
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  • No worries, these things can be easily missed.  :P
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  • Today I tried three games from the Humble Weekly Bundle. None of them are really extensive enough for their own reviews, so I'll just summarize here:

    Analogue: A Hate Story
    I'm not sure if I'm just playing it wrong or I'm not getting something, but my first playthrough was dull. Reading through the data blocks to try to piece together a story just wasn't very exciting, and because I apparently took an action in the game I wasn't supposed to I got stuck with no way to complete the game, leading me to wonder why that action was even available at the time to begin with. Maybe I'm just not getting it, as I've loved the previous two game that Christine Love did, Digital: A Love Story and don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story. Perhaps I'll try again sometime...

    Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~
    So here's the're embarking on your first trip to Japan to meet some people there you met on the internet that's invited you to stay for a week. The thing is, when you get there, you realize they're not the guys you thought they were, but sisters. From this point on the 'game' will tease you with promises of hentai to string you along a tour guide that plays like a visual novel. Each day the girls will take you to some location in Tokyo, or elsewhere, and will tell you about locations, customs, culture, etc. And based entirely on where you choose to explore, you do end up being able to 'date' one of the girls, but don't get your dicks up, getting together is just a footnote in the game ending.

    As a game it's meh. but as a way of getting horny guys wanting hentai to actually learn something about Japan, it's fucking brilliant.

    Long Live the Queen
    Playing as a young princess preparing to become Queen after the death of your mother, you're main objective in the game is to learn the skills needed to survive the next year to your coronation...that is, avoiding backstabbing plots, assassinations, foreign invasions, uprisings, bad events, etc. To do this, you will choose which classes you want to take from a large variety, from court manners (so your character learns what's appropriate for the court and what isn't) to military strategy to magic to projecting your royal presence. The classes you take raise the stats in those areas, and the outcome to different situations that come up depends on various stat checks.

    The problem is, not all stats are created equally, and this led me to losing game after game until I'd advanced through the story enough to know which stats were important. In general, there are 6-10 stats that are fairly important overall, one of two that are absolutely vital to getting through one part of the game but are otherwise useless, and the remaining twenty or so range from "useless" to "might come in handy once or twice". There isn't much room for variability in gameplay, and the exact same storyline plays with each game, so there isn't much replayability unless you just want to go after different endings.

    This could have been a great game if the stats were made more equal and the story was randomized, but as it is it's a decent time-killer until you figure out how to beat the story.

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  • I purchased four games from the IndieGala Heart Attack Bundle in the spirit of Valentine's Day. I really gave a try just to Flowershop: Summer In Fairbrook. I spent a few hours trying to achieve something, but sadly I got nowhere from friendzone. Goddamnit. The story is not infinite and it doesn't loop, you have one summer to do your moves and that's it.

    In less pathetic front, I have returned to Anno Online. Thanks to the Valentine's Day event, I have had the chance to force people to marry each other (they try to hide, but almighty god sees all *evil laugh*)
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  • I bought the Star Wars humble bundle... I am a Sith of unreasonable proportions! You will learn to fear my name!
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  • I purchased four games from the IndieGala Heart Attack Bundle in the spirit of Valentine's Day. I really gave a try just to Flowershop: Summer In Fairbrook. I spent a few hours trying to achieve something, but sadly I got nowhere from friendzone. Goddamnit. The story is not infinite and it doesn't loop, you have one summer to do your moves and that's it.

    In less pathetic front, I have returned to Anno Online. Thanks to the Valentine's Day event, I have had the chance to force people to marry each other (they try to hide, but almighty god sees all *evil laugh*)

    Most games like that have some kind of time limit. :P

    I checked out that bundle and since it came from Winter Wolves I decided to buy it. I've liked both games I've played from them so far (Roommates and Planet Stronghold), so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt here for $5.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Playing Monster Hunter 4U with a friend.

    We were doing HR2 Khezu and midway we forgot it was a capture mission because Khezu never limped. We killed it. We had to redo the mission :(
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  • I just started getting into The Evil Within, and the upped form of Resident Evil on the PS4.

    I must say, I'm enjoying both immensely for different reasons.  Resident Evil has always been much like Silent Hill in the context of having a good amount of jump scares to keep you on your toes.  Whereas The Evil Within is what I've been wanting to see for a while:  It makes me think of what Silent Hill could have been if they continued the traditional route, rather than going a completely different direction with their latest releases (downpour, BoM).  Like Resident Evil, it has a lot of jump scares, and just moments that really make it feel like a well made Silent Hill...even though it's by completely different people.

    Overall, I'm impressed with both, though I might have to go on an easier difficulty on both as well, since both games are pretty much kicking my butt on normal difficulty.  <.<
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  • That might be the first like good review of evil within that doesn't say it's good because of the nostalgia it brings... Are you a big fan of the horror genre?
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  • I'll admit there's some nostalgia there, but it's more that it's showing what I want from a Horror game, rather than what it reminds me of.  SH has always been a game that has me paranoid at the end of the first play to where I have to take it in light amounts (though the playthroughs beyond are much easier).  Clock Tower (SNES) and Clock Tower 3 (up to the end of the 2nd boss) were very much the same as well: the scariness in both of those games was quite exciting, so to me that sets up an expectation for future horror games that unfortunately, every game beyond Silent Hill 3 (minus Dead Space, since I haven't played) that I've played has disappointed...whereas TEW has been meeting and even occasionally exceeding those expectations.

    And yes.  I love games that scare me, though I still have yet to play the Dead Space series.  :'D
    « Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 04:27:19 AM by Pengu »
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • Pengu you do realize that their change in direction was because Team Silent, the creators of the first four games, was disbanded by Konami because they wanted Western Developers to make the games, which led us getting the games we have today. So blame Konami for the Silent Hill games we have now.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Hooray! My Jaffa Cakes came in this morning! 72 cakes should last a good while...maybe...

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  • I splurged on Cities : Skylines.

    It just looks so delicious.

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  • Hooray! My Jaffa Cakes came in this morning! 72 cakes should last a good while...maybe...
    Did I get you hooked on Jaffa Cakes? Yay! :D
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  • sound very pleased with yourself. :P

    Also, I must have confused this topic with Say What's On Your Mind previously, lol.
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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