Post #25054
November 05, 2014, 09:29:20 PM
I've been making it through Tales of Xillia 2. I have to say I'm a little disappointed in parts and impressed in others. Examples being:
Pro: They added decision making, meaning there will be sequences where the main character has to make a choice in dialogue.
Con: Unlike Tales of Xillia 1 where both of the main characters were quite chatty the entire time, they decided to make the main character for 2 almost mute. He'll sigh occasionally and say one word responses every so often outside of choice situations, but that's really it.
Pro: They added some new mechanics for the main character including a new "form" as well as being able to switch between dual swords, a sledgehammer, or dual pistols.
Con: Leveling up has been simplified. The web screen where you can pick the attributes to increase has been scrapped, and now you can just equip different orbs to level up a list of attributes over time.
Pro: They've added a job system, where you can do jobs for extra cash.
Con: They've added a debt that you have to pay off throughout the course of the game, so doing extra jobs is unfortunately mandatory. This isn't a pain until weapons/armor become more expensive, and the payback amount for the debt increases. Also, you're restricted from going to certain areas until you've paid off portions of that debt.
Everything else has been pretty flawless so far, and I do enjoy the game quite a bit. Each character has their own little sub-story complete with various chapters for each that you can complete throughout the game, and you can build affinity with each character by doing their quests and using them in battle. Graphics are just as pretty as the first game, and the music has been pretty great. Story itself has been interesting, but one thing I've always loved about the Tales series is the various twists that happen, including the really big game changing twist that nearly EVERY Tales game I've played (Vesperia, Graces F, Xillia 1, Phantasia) has had. So I'm looking forward to seeing more of what Xillia 2 has to offer.