Post #143863
January 03, 2020, 09:44:53 AM
My adventures in the Neverwinter Night's "Darkness Over Daggerford" module continue!
Oh yes! I managed to open the Baahl cult's secret vault in my new fortress! Three new rooms and tons of gold! Aside from a small fissure in the main wall, I think I've uncovered all of the building's secrets. Even better, this module actually lets you hire an interior decorator! Got me some coffins with an ominous glow, red carpets, skulls, some magical contraptions and even a throne! Now people sometimes visit me in my fortress to ask the great druid, Taurphenron Cromvir, for help!
As one of the sidequest's, I had to help a knight lay siege to the castle of a greedy noble. The noble, Feldran, had stolen Griswald's (the knight) girlfriend. The girlfriend, a princess named Soliana, had been lied to by Feldran so that she would be with him. Feldran told her that Griswald had moved to Baldur's Gate. So while Griswald and his fellow knights made camp outside Feldran's castle, Soliana was kept in her room and completely oblivious to the truth. The castle was along the Sword Coast, on the seaside cliffs of the Blade Hills and the only way in was the drawbridge at the front...or so it appeared. When night came I climbed down the cliffs and searched the base of the surrounding area. I happened across a woman tending to a lone grave at what appeared to be a camp. She introduced herself as Olhree and used it to fish for food ever since Feldran's mother, who was buried here, had died several years ago. Feldran's mother allegedly met her end by falling off the cliffs during a stroll. Olhree always suspected that Feldran had killed his mother so he could inherit the entire castle sooner. She told me of another way to enter the castle. A maze of tunnels beneath it that was used to empty their shit pots...
Turns out Olhree use to be the personal maid of Feldran's mother and just to spite him, she drew me a map of the tunnels so that I could infiltrate the castle. Much like Trevor Belmont in the Castlevania anime, I waded through shit to sneak inside. I emerged into the castle's subcellar from a fissure in the wall. Transforming into an iron golem, I wandered through the halls of Castle Exeltis, where I came across Lord Feldran himself. He couldn't shut up about how "honorable and sophisticated" he was, that Griswald was nothing more than a barbarian who was unworthy of Soliana. And so our fight began! He cast a lot of spells but he wasn't all that strong, especially given that he still couldn't stop shouting about how he was going to kill me. So after some poison gas and a few punches from my large iron fist, he teleported away with the usual, "This isn't over! You won't leave this castle alive!" Wandering some more I found Princess Soliana locked away in her room.
I had to let her in on the truth, that Griswald wasn't just not in Baldur's Gate, but that he was actively fighting to free her. She was of course drawn to Feldran's wealth and he always made sure to act sophisticated in her presence, but she also knew that Griswald always listened to what she had to say and that he loved her strongly. I managed to convince her that Feldran was a liar who didn't actually love her. During the conversation she confided to me that she was actually a falcon, one that had been turned human by a witch in a distant swamp. All that was left was to make my way to the front gates and lower the drawbridge so Griswald and his knights could storm the castle. I decided instead to kill any guards I saw so Griswald's knights had a better chance of success. While I was searching for the way to lower the drawbridge, I'd found the library, which had some motive-shattering evidence. It turns out that Feldran had stupidly gambled his fortune away and killed off the grapes that his family made wine from to create said fortune. So when he got word of Princess Soliana of some mysterious kingdom he'd never heard of, he began looking for information and devised his plan to replenish his fortune by marrying into money...
Amidst the castle's servants shouting "Intruder! Run away!" I made it to the ramparts, where the lever to lower the drawbridge was located. So I pulled the lever and Griswald's knights charged in! Felgran made his return in the courtyard, pompous as ever, to engage Griswald in battle! However since Felgran is an overconfident weakling (and a coward to boot), Griswald killed him with one swing of his greatsword. It was a very anticlimactic death, heh. Griswald made his way to Soliana's room and the two were finally together. She and I decided against mentioning the whole "bird thing" to Griswald. She may have been a falcon once but she's a human now. Why ruin the relationship?