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What's Going on In Your Games?
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Liora Cerebella
  • Village Drifter
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  • I don't like all of this parallel or going-back-in-time-to-undo-events-of-3-and-change-characters talk.
    I agree with you, actually.  Time travel stories drive me insane because I equate that to jumping the shark (I'M LOOKING AT YOU, STAR TREK!).  There are a million more reasons why I hate time-travel stories that go into the past but I won't get into that now.  Ever since Activision merged with Blizzard, there has been an appreciable decline in the quality of WoW's expansions.  I've often joked that it'd only be a matter of time before we see something like World of Warcraft: Modern Warfare or World of Warcraft: Black Ops IV, but the way they're revamping the PVP system in Legion...well, it looks like I wasn't far off the mark.  Good to see the PVP system get revamped for the third time now but using Call of Duty's prestige system...meh. 

    Well, I've been playing XCOM: Enemy Within, so most of my time has been spent moving soldiers and yelling at them when they miss a 75% shot. ITS 75%, HOW COULD YOU MISS?
    Oh, are you excited about the sequel coming out this Winter?
    Liora Cerebella

    Liora Cerebella
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  • I don't like all of this parallel or going-back-in-time-to-undo-events-of-3-and-change-characters talk.
    I agree with you, actually.  Time travel stories drive me insane because I equate that to jumping the shark (I'M LOOKING AT YOU, STAR TREK!).  There are a million more reasons why I hate time-travel stories that go into the past but I won't get into that now.  Ever since Activision merged with Blizzard, there has been an appreciable decline in the quality of WoW's expansions.  I've often joked that it'd only be a matter of time before we see something like World of Warcraft: Modern Warfare or World of Warcraft: Black Ops IV, but the way they're revamping the PVP system in Legion...well, it looks like I wasn't far off the mark.  Good to see the PVP system get revamped for the third time now but using Call of Duty's prestige system...meh. 

    Well, I've been playing XCOM: Enemy Within, so most of my time has been spent moving soldiers and yelling at them when they miss a 75% shot. ITS 75%, HOW COULD YOU MISS?
    Oh, are you excited about the sequel coming out this Winter?

    Ok, let me preface this with the fact that I'm a huge nerd and I love XCOM. I even played the Bureau. Anyway, here goes"

    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • I don't like all of this parallel or going-back-in-time-to-undo-events-of-3-and-change-characters talk.
    I agree with you, actually.  Time travel stories drive me insane because I equate that to jumping the shark (I'M LOOKING AT YOU, STAR TREK!).  There are a million more reasons why I hate time-travel stories that go into the past but I won't get into that now.  Ever since Activision merged with Blizzard, there has been an appreciable decline in the quality of WoW's expansions.  I've often joked that it'd only be a matter of time before we see something like World of Warcraft: Modern Warfare or World of Warcraft: Black Ops IV, but the way they're revamping the PVP system in Legion...well, it looks like I wasn't far off the mark.  Good to see the PVP system get revamped for the third time now but using Call of Duty's prestige system...meh. 

    Well, I've been playing XCOM: Enemy Within, so most of my time has been spent moving soldiers and yelling at them when they miss a 75% shot. ITS 75%, HOW COULD YOU MISS?
    Oh, are you excited about the sequel coming out this Winter?

    Ok, let me preface this with the fact that I'm a huge nerd and I love XCOM. I even played the Bureau. Anyway, here goes"


    Have you played UFO: Enemy Unknown? ^-^
    « Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 04:35:24 AM by Pengu »
    • Nuclear Soldermancer
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  • I don't like all of this parallel or going-back-in-time-to-undo-events-of-3-and-change-characters talk.
    I agree with you, actually.  Time travel stories drive me insane because I equate that to jumping the shark (I'M LOOKING AT YOU, STAR TREK!).  There are a million more reasons why I hate time-travel stories that go into the past but I won't get into that now.  Ever since Activision merged with Blizzard, there has been an appreciable decline in the quality of WoW's expansions.  I've often joked that it'd only be a matter of time before we see something like World of Warcraft: Modern Warfare or World of Warcraft: Black Ops IV, but the way they're revamping the PVP system in Legion...well, it looks like I wasn't far off the mark.  Good to see the PVP system get revamped for the third time now but using Call of Duty's prestige system...meh. 

    Well, I've been playing XCOM: Enemy Within, so most of my time has been spent moving soldiers and yelling at them when they miss a 75% shot. ITS 75%, HOW COULD YOU MISS?
    Oh, are you excited about the sequel coming out this Winter?

    Ok, let me preface this with the fact that I'm a huge nerd and I love XCOM. I even played the Bureau. Anyway, here goes"


    Have you played UFO: Enemy Unknown? ^-^

    I have not had the pleasure.
    « Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 04:35:46 AM by Pengu »
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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    Liora Cerebella
  • Village Drifter
  • Visitor from Albion
  • Have you played UFO: Enemy Unknown? ^-^

    I have not had the pleasure.
    Oh boy, I have mixed feelings about that one.  It was really cool but I tried playing it after finishing the new version, and wow...walk about Old School Tough (TM).
    Liora Cerebella

    Liora Cerebella
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  • I couldn't agree with you more on this.  Time travel stories = jumping the shark in a franchise (I'm looking at you, Star Trek!)  Another problem that I have with time-travel stories is that I'm in the camp that believes that while it's certainly possible to time-travel forwards in time (we're always doing that anyway,) but it's completely, physically impossible to travel backwards in time for any meaningful purpose.  People forget that time and space are intrinsically-linked with one another and that with the constant expansion of the universe, there's really no going back at all. 

    But I digress: the storyline in Warlords of Draenor was stupid.  I liked Mists of Pandaria because of a lot of the QOL changes that they've made.  I'm a casual player now and don't have the time to raid like I used to back in vanilla and BC.  LFR (Looking for Raid) worked out very well and allowed me to experience raid content without having to pore through posts, looking for a good guild.

    I think that time travel and alternate universes could be great elements in a story if they're done right, but they seem to be often used as cheap plot devices...such as in this case, to bring back characters they've killed off in the legitimate universe. It's a bit worrying for WoW...their first few expansions were based in Warcraft II and III, Mists of Pandaria wasn't very well received overall, and it looks like Warlords of Draenor isn't going to carry the banner with so many players leaving. Though I personally knew it was in trouble when I read they were targetting casual players with the whole having your followers do things while you're offline thing like in DA: Inquisition.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I've been playing the hell out of Mass Effect for the 360 lately.  I found all 3 games used at Gamestop - interestingly, buying the 3 of them separately was about $4 cheaper than buying the used bundle...

    But I read GameInformer's cover story about The Taken King today, and it sounds like it'll really change the game up significantly.  It addresses a lot of complaints about the story, leveling, all kinds of stuff.  I'm really looking for a reason not to pick it up again...
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  • I've been playing the hell out of Mass Effect for the 360 lately.  I found all 3 games used at Gamestop - interestingly, buying the 3 of them separately was about $4 cheaper than buying the used bundle...

    But I read GameInformer's cover story about The Taken King today, and it sounds like it'll really change the game up significantly.  It addresses a lot of complaints about the story, leveling, all kinds of stuff.  I'm really looking for a reason not to pick it up again...

    Get it for Xbox 360!  I need people to play with!
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  • I've been playing the hell out of Mass Effect for the 360 lately.  I found all 3 games used at Gamestop - interestingly, buying the 3 of them separately was about $4 cheaper than buying the used bundle...

    But I read GameInformer's cover story about The Taken King today, and it sounds like it'll really change the game up significantly.  It addresses a lot of complaints about the story, leveling, all kinds of stuff.  I'm really looking for a reason not to pick it up again...

    Ahh, Mass Effect..... Good memories.... and then a really bad one when I finished the third one.......
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • Though I personally knew it was in trouble when I read they were targetting casual players with the whole having your followers do things while you're offline thing like in DA: Inquisition.

    A feature I seriously despised about DA: Inquisition.  Not necessarily the fact that it still counts down even when turned off (I'd seriously rage if it didn't), but for the fact that they even have a feature like that anyways.  It seems like a cheap cop-out experience builder with no way to shortcut it whatsoever.  If you have 3 characters out for a 3 day period, tough.  You'll have to wait those 3 days with no way to shorten them before you can use them for another mission.
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  • The fuck happened to this thread
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  • I was hoping it was North's long expression, since it was cutting fiercely through the quotes, but removing them from the quotes did nothing to adjust the size back, so I haven't the slightest clue.

    And I'll put them back in the quotes, I just wanted to see if that was the reason.  :P
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  • Though I'll say that it most likely was.

    Since normally posts are made with a certain...styling I guess you could say, we've never really ran into the problem of pressing the thread outward like that.  I imagine when you have an exceptional amount of letters completely together with a lack of spaces, enters, or any other type of break, it makes it drag on.

    Though that also makes no sense since it should do the same even if there's spaces.  <.<

    Edit: It looks like it is, as I just tested in one of the spam threads.  So lack of spacing in letters/words causes thread expanding.
    « Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 04:41:23 AM by Pengu »
    My Wintreath Resumé
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    Liora Cerebella
  • Village Drifter
  • Visitor from Albion
  • I think that time travel and alternate universes could be great elements in a story if they're done right, but they seem to be often used as cheap plot devices...such as in this case, to bring back characters they've killed off in the legitimate universe. It's a bit worrying for WoW...their first few expansions were based in Warcraft II and III, Mists of Pandaria wasn't very well received overall, and it looks like Warlords of Draenor isn't going to carry the banner with so many players leaving. Though I personally knew it was in trouble when I read they were targetting casual players with the whole having your followers do things while you're offline thing like in DA: Inquisition.
    Things started going downhill starting with Cataclysm, that's when the Activision-Blizzard merge happened. 
    Liora Cerebella

    Liora Cerebella
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  • I completely forgot about Cataclysm...goes to show how memorable things were after WotLK for me. :P

    Actually, I'd probably still be playing WoW if the private server I was playing on hadn't had its data servers just aren't as reliable, lol.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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