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What's Going on In Your Games?
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  • Though I'll say that it most likely was.

    Since normally posts are made with a certain...styling I guess you could say, we've never really ran into the problem of pressing the thread outward like that.  I imagine when you have an exceptional amount of letters completely together with a lack of spaces, enters, or any other type of break, it makes it drag on.

    Though that also makes no sense since it should do the same even if there's spaces.  <.<

    Edit: It looks like it is, as I just tested in one of the spam threads.  So lack of spacing in letters/words causes thread expanding.

    Oh dear, I broke it, I'm so sorry  :P
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  • It happens.  I'm sure worse things have happened on here.  :P
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  • Became Harbinger of the Companions, joined the Legion, accidentally killed Lydia... 

    She had a bad feeling about that. :-\
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  • I immediately discarded Lydia when I could by making her my Housecarl.  As much as I like having a secondary character, she was pretty useless in my opinion.
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  • Hey, I liked Lydia! I even married her (mostly for the homemade pies) and went through the entire game with her :]
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  • I liked her as a Housecarl, but I didn't care for her as a companion.

    Granted, she didn't even help defend my house from a Giant while she was a Housecarl.  I guess becoming that means she'll never fight again...she'll just walk around the place, occasionally sit down, and whatnot.

    I married one of the Blacksmiths, because I liked being able to get a portion of his proceeds whenever I felt like it.  :P
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  • Well, I married Lydia in one game. I married the Argonian woman in my other cause I always play as an Argonian in elder scrolls games. Incidentally, are they ever going to make an elder scrolls game in the Black Marsh?
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  • Well, I married Lydia in one game. I married the Argonian woman in my other cause I always play as an Argonian in elder scrolls games. Incidentally, are they ever going to make an elder scrolls game in the Black Marsh?

    I believe Online goes through Black Marsh at some point or another.

    But as for main game wise, that'd just depend on what their plans are for 6.  I was hoping more for a proper exploration of Summerset Isles and maybe Valenwood alongside it since neither are large enough on their own compared to the last three games.
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  • And I normally play as a Khajiit.  I enjoy having a character that resembles a tiger...though I amusingly haven't made one Khajiit character for Online.  They've mostly been Nords, Bretons, and Imperials.
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  • I've only played as Nords and Imperials, but I've recently had an idea to play a Thalmor-hating Altmer...maybe after I'm through with my current character...
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Well, I married Lydia in one game. I married the Argonian woman in my other cause I always play as an Argonian in elder scrolls games. Incidentally, are they ever going to make an elder scrolls game in the Black Marsh?

    I believe Online goes through Black Marsh at some point or another.

    But as for main game wise, that'd just depend on what their plans are for 6.  I was hoping more for a proper exploration of Summerset Isles and maybe Valenwood alongside it since neither are large enough on their own compared to the last three games.

    Well, we all prefer to forget Online, right? Honestly though, I haven't played it. I get turned off by online play most of the time and the reviews and comments from people I know did little to encourage me to get into ESO.
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • Well, I married Lydia in one game. I married the Argonian woman in my other cause I always play as an Argonian in elder scrolls games. Incidentally, are they ever going to make an elder scrolls game in the Black Marsh?

    I believe Online goes through Black Marsh at some point or another.

    But as for main game wise, that'd just depend on what their plans are for 6.  I was hoping more for a proper exploration of Summerset Isles and maybe Valenwood alongside it since neither are large enough on their own compared to the last three games.

    Well, we all prefer to forget Online, right? Honestly though, I haven't played it. I get turned off by online play most of the time and the reviews and comments from people I know did little to encourage me to get into ESO.

    I actually enjoy ESO.  D:  It was horrible at launch from what I heard, but it got a pretty nice upgrade with Tamriel Unlimited...and they made it free to play in the same sense as DC Universe does just have to buy the game itself.
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  • Well, I married Lydia in one game. I married the Argonian woman in my other cause I always play as an Argonian in elder scrolls games. Incidentally, are they ever going to make an elder scrolls game in the Black Marsh?

    I believe Online goes through Black Marsh at some point or another.

    But as for main game wise, that'd just depend on what their plans are for 6.  I was hoping more for a proper exploration of Summerset Isles and maybe Valenwood alongside it since neither are large enough on their own compared to the last three games.

    Well, we all prefer to forget Online, right? Honestly though, I haven't played it. I get turned off by online play most of the time and the reviews and comments from people I know did little to encourage me to get into ESO.

    I actually enjoy ESO.  D:  It was horrible at launch from what I heard, but it got a pretty nice upgrade with Tamriel Unlimited...and they made it free to play in the same sense as DC Universe does just have to buy the game itself.

    Well thats nice, I'm glad they were able to make ESO un-terrible.
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • Well, I married Lydia in one game. I married the Argonian woman in my other cause I always play as an Argonian in elder scrolls games. Incidentally, are they ever going to make an elder scrolls game in the Black Marsh?

    I believe Online goes through Black Marsh at some point or another.

    But as for main game wise, that'd just depend on what their plans are for 6.  I was hoping more for a proper exploration of Summerset Isles and maybe Valenwood alongside it since neither are large enough on their own compared to the last three games.

    Well, we all prefer to forget Online, right? Honestly though, I haven't played it. I get turned off by online play most of the time and the reviews and comments from people I know did little to encourage me to get into ESO.

    I actually enjoy ESO.  D:  It was horrible at launch from what I heard, but it got a pretty nice upgrade with Tamriel Unlimited...and they made it free to play in the same sense as DC Universe does just have to buy the game itself.

    Well thats nice, I'm glad they were able to make ESO un-terrible.

    I'm sure people still have gripes with it...much like people will gripe about practically any game, really.  :P

    On a sidenote, and @Wintermoot might like this, but I ended up buying Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on Playstation Network, and have started replaying it.
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  • I have a confession to make...I've never actually played Castlevania. :P

    I originally got into the theme/music/plot when I heard one of the tracks in I Wanna Be the Guy a few years back, and I've looked up things from there, but I've never actually played any of the games.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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