Post #51205
December 02, 2015, 10:21:49 PM
Thanks! My personal opinions on each:
1. Probably my least favorite out of the options. It has plenty of space for claims, but it feels like there's too much going on. Also, there's a couple of maps here that have continents near the poles that look really stretched out and distorted. This is an example of that.
2. Looks... off to me, but I'm pretty sure that's just because I'm used to seeing maps with more stuff in the northern hemisphere. I don't mind it, though. Two of those continents resemble a vertically flipped Eurasia and North America, IMO. Overall, not a bad map; looks somewhat stretched near the poles again, but I like the continents/island chains on the left and right a lot.
3. I like this one a lot. It has a defined central area (the large continent up north), an easy spot for Laurentus, no distorted poles, some neat remote islands to choose from, and it doesn't look cluttered. The only potential issue I see is that I'm not sure there will be enough islands for taulover.
4. Those distorted continents really annoy me, they're really just a pet peeve of mine lmao. Other than that, I like this map a lot too - the north-south axis of the primary continents throws me off a bit, but, as with Map 2, I'm pretty sure that's just my Earthling sensibilities.
5. DISTORTED CONTINENTS *rips out my hair*. Not bad, but for once I feel there actually may not be enough on this map. It's not completely devoid of islands, but some more would be nice. There's also too much empty ocean imo.
6. My only issue is the continents abruptly stopping at the poles. It has enough islands, plenty of space to choose from, and that isthmus between the two continents looks like it could create some interesting RP opportunities.
Overall, 3, 4, and 6 are my favorites.