Post #49580
November 25, 2015, 08:32:53 PM
App:Crushita Telcontar
Character Name:Aaban Amer
Bio:Always a lover of science, Aaban did not enjoy living in his extremely spiritual and primitive home country of Crushita. The only place to truly learn about science was in the capital, where he was fortunately born, and despite the countries backwardness, he managed to enroll in Crushita's top (And only) university. Threatened by the ongoing wars between rival factions in the country and fearing being conscripted into an army, he enlisted to join on the USS Wintreath while the country was still officially part of Wintreath.
Special:Studied Astronomy. Aaban has been educated on the usage of equipment dealing with the extraterrestrial and can examine the conditions on planets and get an idea of things like whether they have life or not easier.