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Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Posts: 301 Views: 41088

Immediately after he stored the data in the computer, he was informed that James arrived and at the bridge... and staring at the technology there. He walked to the bridge which was nearby his quarters and saw James standing there, probably thinking about the equipment.

"Hello, you must be our astrogator. James correct? I'm glad to have you aboard. Take your time to familiarize yourself with your fellow crew, your quarters and your post. It's good to have another pilot on board. Welcome to the USS Wintreath!"
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Count of Highever
  • Hendrik's martini had made him bold, so as soon as he saw that the latest crew member (and his fellow pilot, at that) had come aboard, he decided he had run around enough, and sent all of them, except for the captain, a private message that they could meet him in the lounge for dinner. All drinks would be on him.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
    • Count of Highever
    • Posts: 8,755
    • Karma: 4,635
    • Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      The Noble House of Valeria
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Seeker of Knowledge
  • James was so engrossed in his observations that he didn't notice the captain approaching him. "Thanks," James replied, embarrassed. He took a look at a conveniently located map of the ship and decided to visit the bar.

    While exploring the ship on the way to the bar, however, he noticed a message from Hendrik, his fellow pilot. From his records, Hendrik seemed to have more experience on the weapons and immediate reaction side of piloting, rather than James' more methodical navigation, which would be fortunate for James if they came across any unexpected situation. The message invited his fellow exploratory crew for dinner.

    Well, if that isn't conveniently timed, James thought. I suppose I'll meet the others soon enough. He began walking again, changing course toward the lounge.
    « Last Edit: November 26, 2015, 05:52:36 AM by taulover »
    Citizen: 8 April 2015 - present
    From the Ashes RP Game Master: 29 November 2015 - 24 July 2018
    Skydande Vakt Marshal: 29 November 2015 - 28 February 2017
    Skrifa of the 13th Underhusen: 13 December 2015 - 8 February 2016
    RP Guild Councillor: 9 February 2016 - 6 March 2018
    Ambassador to Lovely: 23 February 2016 - 17 August 2016
    Werewolf VII co-host: 11 May 2016 - 5 June 2016
    Skrifa of the 18th Underhusen: 8 October 2016 - 7 December 2016
    Ambassador to Balder: 1 December 2016 - 1 March 2022
    Skrifa of the 19th Underhusen: 7 December 2016 - 9 February 2017
    Ambassador to the INWU: 11 March 2017 - 1 March 2022
    Ambassador to the Versutian Federation: 18 August 2017 - 22 March 2018
    Thane of Integration: 29 September 2017 - 7 March 2018
    Speaker of the 24th Underhusen: 10 October 2017 - 7 December 2017
    October 2017 Wintreath's Finest: 4 November 2017
    Speaker pro tempore of the 25th Underhusen: 9 December 2017 - 7 February 2018
    Wintreath's Finest of 2017: 6 January 2018
    Werewolf XIV host: 20 January 2018 - 23 February 2018
    February 2018 Wintreath's Finest: 5 March 2018
    Thane of Embassy Dispatches / Foreign Releases and Information / Foreign Dispatches: 7 March 2018 - 15 March 2020
    Speaker of the 28th Underhusen: 10 June 2018 - 7 August 2018
    Second Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria: 10 October 2018 - present
    Arena Game 6 Host: 28 December 2018 - 9 March 2019
    Librarian of the Underhusen: 29 January 2019 - 12 February 2019
    Speaker of the 32nd Underhusen: 12 February 2019 - 8 April 2019
    March 2019 Wintreath's Finest: 4 April 2019
    Librarian of the Underhusen: 12 April 2019 - 23 October 2020
    Commendation of Wintreath: 24 September 2020
    Peer of the Overhusen: 9 December 2020 - 8 February 2021
    Vice Chancellor of the Landsraad: 26 May 2021 - 15 September 2022
    Arena Game 8 Host: 10 June 2021 - 19 July 2021
    June 2021 Wintreath's Finest: 5 July 2021
    Regional Stability Squad: 28 February 2023 - present
    Minecraft Server Admin: 8 March 2023 - present

    Aura Hyperia/New Hyperion:
    Plebeian: 16 April 2014 - 21 July 2014
    Patrician: 21 July 2014 - present
    Adeptus Mechanicus: 24 October 2014 - 16 November 2014
    Co-founder of New Hyperion: 29 October 2014 - present
    Lord of Propaganda: 16 November 2014 - present
    Mapmaker for Official Region RP: 27 November 2015 - present
    WACom Delegate: 11 November 2017 - present
    Other positions: Hyperian Guardsman, Hyperian Marine (Rank: Scout)
    • Seeker of Knowledge
    • Posts: 13,242
    • Karma: 4,263
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Citizen
  • Aesir Warrior
  • After his guided tour, Zerick decided to forgo the meet up in the officer's lounge and spend the night reading through manuals and looking over blueprints of the various ship systems in an attempt to familiarize himself with the ship. He went straight back to his quarters and accessed his computer terminal.

    The young engineer saw an option for submitting logs and decided it would be beneficial to submit a log before starting his daring mission.

    Engineer Zerick Chase, First log

    I've finally come aboard this magnificent technological marvel called the USS Wintreath. I still remember being so anxious the past few days, growing ever more so as this grew nearer.

    The guided tour was fun. I got to see in person the equipment I'll be using. My next personal mission will be to find out what all the equipment does, learn how the ship's systems work, and figure out how to keep everything running in top condition.

    On a completely irrelevant side note, THIS SHIP LOOKS AMAZING!

    Zerick submitted his log then proceeded to carry out his task.
    Jarl Aragonn
    The Aesir Empire

    • Aesir Warrior
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    • To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.
    • Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • OOC: So I'm assuming we're still doing the dinner?


    A bartender approached Aria with a drink in hand. She turned her gaze from the television to him.

    "I was told you look like you could use a drink, ma'am," he said, handing her the martini. She thanked him and turned back to the screen, watching more headlines from across the region float by.

    She noticed her wrist lighting up, and put her martini on a table beside her chair so she could check it. The notification came from Hendrik - whom, she recalled, was one of the pilots on board. It was a group invitation to dinner in the lounge. Well, she thought. I'm already here, may as well attend. She was not big on social gatherings, but it would be good to at least meet her fellow expedition members.
  • Former Citizen
  • Hail Hydra!
  • Anderson took his last step on solid ground, at least for now. He slowly walked on to the shuttle that would take him to the USS Wintreath, to embark on another great adventure.

    So this is it, he thought, space. He'd seen his fellow soldiers fly up before, but never in a million years did he imagine that he would also be floating in space, the one place that needed to be explored.

    As the USS Wintreath came into view, he took a deep breath and stepped into his new life.
    You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
    - Mae West
    • Hail Hydra!
    • Posts: 1,921
    • Karma: 549
    • I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good.
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      The Noble House of Valeria
      Wintreath Nation
    Alexandr was informed that Mr.Anderson was aboard. He told a nearby crew member to escort him up to the bridge to meet the Captain.
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Seeker of Knowledge
  • As James walked toward the lounge, he passed by the quarters. Might as well take a look, he thought.

    He entered his room, which was (again) rather spacious and aesthetically pleasing. James activated the computer terminal, and spent a few minutes skimming through various crew dossiers. I'll have to read these in more detail later, but right now I have an event to attend.

    James also noticed a "logs" option, but decided against writing a log at the immediate time. After a short break, he left his quarters and headed for the lounge, this time in earnest.
    Citizen: 8 April 2015 - present
    From the Ashes RP Game Master: 29 November 2015 - 24 July 2018
    Skydande Vakt Marshal: 29 November 2015 - 28 February 2017
    Skrifa of the 13th Underhusen: 13 December 2015 - 8 February 2016
    RP Guild Councillor: 9 February 2016 - 6 March 2018
    Ambassador to Lovely: 23 February 2016 - 17 August 2016
    Werewolf VII co-host: 11 May 2016 - 5 June 2016
    Skrifa of the 18th Underhusen: 8 October 2016 - 7 December 2016
    Ambassador to Balder: 1 December 2016 - 1 March 2022
    Skrifa of the 19th Underhusen: 7 December 2016 - 9 February 2017
    Ambassador to the INWU: 11 March 2017 - 1 March 2022
    Ambassador to the Versutian Federation: 18 August 2017 - 22 March 2018
    Thane of Integration: 29 September 2017 - 7 March 2018
    Speaker of the 24th Underhusen: 10 October 2017 - 7 December 2017
    October 2017 Wintreath's Finest: 4 November 2017
    Speaker pro tempore of the 25th Underhusen: 9 December 2017 - 7 February 2018
    Wintreath's Finest of 2017: 6 January 2018
    Werewolf XIV host: 20 January 2018 - 23 February 2018
    February 2018 Wintreath's Finest: 5 March 2018
    Thane of Embassy Dispatches / Foreign Releases and Information / Foreign Dispatches: 7 March 2018 - 15 March 2020
    Speaker of the 28th Underhusen: 10 June 2018 - 7 August 2018
    Second Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria: 10 October 2018 - present
    Arena Game 6 Host: 28 December 2018 - 9 March 2019
    Librarian of the Underhusen: 29 January 2019 - 12 February 2019
    Speaker of the 32nd Underhusen: 12 February 2019 - 8 April 2019
    March 2019 Wintreath's Finest: 4 April 2019
    Librarian of the Underhusen: 12 April 2019 - 23 October 2020
    Commendation of Wintreath: 24 September 2020
    Peer of the Overhusen: 9 December 2020 - 8 February 2021
    Vice Chancellor of the Landsraad: 26 May 2021 - 15 September 2022
    Arena Game 8 Host: 10 June 2021 - 19 July 2021
    June 2021 Wintreath's Finest: 5 July 2021
    Regional Stability Squad: 28 February 2023 - present
    Minecraft Server Admin: 8 March 2023 - present

    Aura Hyperia/New Hyperion:
    Plebeian: 16 April 2014 - 21 July 2014
    Patrician: 21 July 2014 - present
    Adeptus Mechanicus: 24 October 2014 - 16 November 2014
    Co-founder of New Hyperion: 29 October 2014 - present
    Lord of Propaganda: 16 November 2014 - present
    Mapmaker for Official Region RP: 27 November 2015 - present
    WACom Delegate: 11 November 2017 - present
    Other positions: Hyperian Guardsman, Hyperian Marine (Rank: Scout)
    • Seeker of Knowledge
    • Posts: 13,242
    • Karma: 4,263
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Count of Highever
  • Hendrik had just arranged a bunch of chairs around a circular table, so everyone would sit comfortably while being able to converse with all their fellow officers.

    Next, he set Pieter up to broadcast his exact location to everyone, and proceeded to download the menu. "Pieter, do me a favour. Please display this information in the form of a hologram. You know how I hate reading it on your screen."

    "You're just trying to show off."

    "Yeah, yeah. Just shut up and do it."
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
    • Count of Highever
    • Posts: 8,755
    • Karma: 4,635
    • Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      The Noble House of Valeria
      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • Hail Hydra!
  • A crew member approached David, stating, "You must be David Anderson. The captain is expecting you at the bridge."

    News sure travels fast, he thought. "Just lead the way," David said.
    You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
    - Mae West
    • Hail Hydra!
    • Posts: 1,921
    • Karma: 549
    • I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good.
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      The Noble House of Valeria
      Wintreath Nation
    Soon, he could hear the footsteps of David coming by.

    "Greetings! Welcome to the USS Wintreath. You must be our new explorer. Its good to hear another explorer enlisted. Anyways, feel free to explore the ship and meet your crew mates. I believe someone is hosting a dinner in the lounge for you guys."
  • Former Citizen
  • Hail Hydra!
  • "Will do," Anderson said. "By the way, where are my quarters? I'd love to get a feel for my new home!"
    You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
    - Mae West
    • Hail Hydra!
    • Posts: 1,921
    • Karma: 549
    • I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good.
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      The Noble House of Valeria
      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • Once more, her wrist lit up. Aria looked down to see another notification from Hendrik, displaying his location to the officers. She turned her head to see him near a large circular table. At present, he was alone; though, judging from the number of seats, she expected at least a sizable portion of the others to file in over time.

    She stood up and strolled over, approaching the pilot. "Greetings. You would be Hendrik, correct? A pleasure to meet you."
    "A crew member will show you the way." Alexsandr responded.

    He then turned his attention to the starmap and the log that recorded most of the ship's happenings.
    « Last Edit: November 26, 2015, 08:35:14 PM by Commander_Zemas »
  • Former Citizen
  • Hail Hydra!
  • "Thank you," David replied.

    As he was led to his quarters, he noticed a message from Hendrik inviting him to join the rest of the crew at the lounge for dinner. My first meal in space! he thought. Approaching his room, he thanked and dismissed the crew member, set down his belongings on his bed, and set out for the lounge. There will be another time to know every nook and cranny of my room, he thought, For now, I should get to know the rest of the crew!
    You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
    - Mae West
    • Hail Hydra!
    • Posts: 1,921
    • Karma: 549
    • I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good.
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      The Noble House of Valeria
      Wintreath Nation
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