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Gerrick's Convention Proposal
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  • With the second idea, the question becomes...who is going to administrate this? Who is going to determine the ranks and place people in them, ensure that the list of people interested remains up to date, and actually oversee the process of picking people? When I made my suggestion in the other topic, I actually didn't envision a ranking system...just a point system ran from the Cabinet and based on activity in different areas, which would reset each month.

    On another topic, when discussing Cabinet offices, please remember that the structure of the Cabinet and subordinate offices at the Monarch's discretion (Article II Sections 2 and 6). If anyone is planning to write a draft that includes granting authority to some part of the Monarchy, those authorities need to be granted directly to me. From there, if I feel if a separate office is needed, I can delegate them further. I don't want to spoil the enthusiasm, but I want to make that clear given that this has come up in the past.

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  • I don't think anyone is ready to propose legislation yet here. We're just throwing ideas out there. :P

    And I'm sure someone would want to step forward to organise things like these. I could even do it, if I may be so candid. Of course, I'd much prefer someone else to step up into such a role.
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  • I don't think anyone is ready to propose legislation yet here. We're just throwing ideas out there. :P
    On another topic, when discussing Cabinet offices, please remember that the structure of the Cabinet and subordinate offices at the Monarch's discretion (Article II Sections 2 and 6). If anyone is planning to write a draft that includes granting authority to some part of the Monarchy, those authorities need to be granted directly to me. From there, if I feel if a separate office is needed, I can delegate them further. I don't want to spoil the enthusiasm, but I want to make that clear given that this has come up in the past.

    Yeah, exactly. I understand that it's your choice, these are just ideas to get discussion going on how to fix some problems on the legislation process.

    With the second idea, the question becomes...who is going to administrate this? Who is going to determine the ranks and place people in them, ensure that the list of people interested remains up to date, and actually oversee the process of picking people? When I made my suggestion in the other topic, I actually didn't envision a ranking system...just a point system ran from the Cabinet and based on activity in different areas, which would reset each month.

    It was brought up that a position could be made to administer the list and choosing the people to legislate.

    To create the ranks, I don't know, a group of people with the data to do it. It'd probably be quite a mathematical process, looking at everybody's posts/Karma/etc. and determining how much each was worth, then how much would be required for each rank, and finally just putting everybody in their rank depending on it all.

    I must have misunderstood your point system then. The point system you suggested could possibly be rewards that add to the rank points? Like if you had the most or so many then you get extra rank points? I don't know, I'm just spitballing.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • Yeah, exactly. I understand that it's your choice, these are just ideas to get discussion going on how to fix some problems on the legislation process.
    I understand that, but there's no reason not to make sure people are aware of it when it comes up.

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  • Quote from: Gerrick
    With the second idea, the question becomes...who is going to administrate this? Who is going to determine the ranks and place people in them, ensure that the list of people interested remains up to date, and actually oversee the process of picking people? When I made my suggestion in the other topic, I actually didn't envision a ranking system...just a point system ran from the Cabinet and based on activity in different areas, which would reset each month.

    It was brought up that a position could be made to administer the list and choosing the people to legislate.

    To create the ranks, I don't know, a group of people with the data to do it. It'd probably be quite a mathematical process, looking at everybody's posts/Karma/etc. and determining how much each was worth, then how much would be required for each rank, and finally just putting everybody in their rank depending on it all.

    I must have misunderstood your point system then. The point system you suggested could possibly be rewards that add to the rank points? Like if you had the most or so many then you get extra rank points? I don't know, I'm just spitballing.
    As with a lot of this stuff, it really could be automated. I'm not sure how much work it would take to do, @Wintermoot, but my idea on automating this was as follows:
    • For interested/not-interested, this could be a simple checkbox added to the user profile and stored against each user in the database. A simple page with a list of all interested users can then be generated. The person (who is the member of the Riksråd as appointed by Wintermoot; which we'll obviously have to give Wintermoot the power to do for him to appoint, as he says), would then only have to randomly choose members from that list by the process dictated in law (hey, a new law!)
    • For the ranks, I had assumed you were thinking of doing a rank system for something else, Wintermoot, but perhaps I was mistaken. If not, my suggestion is a points system that takes the number of posts and your karma score into account to calculate an appropriate points level for you.
    Obviously we'd need to decide on the ranks system what effect each rank has; it'll only be useful if that is fleshed out, and if we can't figure that out, then there's no point in the ranks.
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  • On another topic, when discussing Cabinet offices, please remember that the structure of the Cabinet and subordinate offices at the Monarch's discretion (Article II Sections 2 and 6). If anyone is planning to write a draft that includes granting authority to some part of the Monarchy, those authorities need to be granted directly to me. From there, if I feel if a separate office is needed, I can delegate them further.
    The person (who is the member of the Riksråd as appointed by Wintermoot; which we'll obviously have to give Wintermoot the power to do for him to appoint, as he says)
    I believe that means Wintermoot has the sole authority to decide whether or not he wants to appoint a Riksråd delegate or not. I suppose that means that if we were to have a tiebreaker or Riksråd legislative Speaker of any sort, it would have to be Wintermoot himself.  For now and until he says otherwise (if he says otherwise).

    In the case of selecting the citizenry, that would also have to be him then, which brings us back to the Overhusen all over again, I believe.
    « Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 10:47:39 PM by Barnes »
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  • No one's ever disputed that such authority lies only with the Monarch, Barnes. :P

    Well, at least not by anyone who's still here.
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  • Right. But i was just saying that we can't say that the Monarch has the authority to appoint a delegate; he gets to decide whether he wants to or not in the first place. Just a minor correction that @Wintermoot would probably appreciate I pointed out.
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  • If not, my suggestion is a points system that takes the number of posts and your karma score into account to calculate an appropriate points level for you.
    and your karma score into account to calculate an appropriate points level for you.
    your karma score

    Whoa no no no...

    Considering we have people on here that will thumbs down/dislike posts like candy or because of their own personal dislike of a person (I can think of two in particular that dislike like it's going out of style :P), that might not be the best idea.
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  • Pengu, why did you have to go ruin my chance of subtly taking over Wintreath? Why!?
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  • Because that interferes with my plans to subtly do the same.
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  • Whoa no no no...

    Considering we have people on here that will thumbs down/dislike posts like candy or because of their own personal dislike of a person (I can think of two in particular that dislike like it's going out of style :P), that might not be the best idea.

    This is why I suggested the system take into account several things like active time spent in the region and passed legislation as well as karma and number of posts (maybe in that order) where active time would most likely be more heavily weighted (more active/older members naturally get higher rank), while karma and posts would be worth less (karma obviously to keep it from being a popularity contest and posts because of the spam games).

    But that's just my opinion :)

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • I need to get rid of Pengu, my frenemy

    Well played, Pengu. Well played.

    Also, I don't think using karma would have the opposite effect of turning this into a popularity contest. :P

    It's also difficult to equate activity with productivity. There are a lot of spammers here, who have been here for like ever.

    I think a simpler system should be used that merely grants points for tasks performed. As WM stated in his proposal.
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  • I agree with Wuufu in that if we don't realize what the ranks/points are for, then there is no point in having them in the first place. And if they're not directly relevant to the legislature, then we should avoid getting off topic.
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  • Ah, yeah I guess that is true.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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