Post #48523
November 11, 2015, 12:27:47 AM
Oh my! forgive me for having forgotten about this thread!
You are right in saying that you haven't seen me outside of this topic, because these are the only posts I've made outside of applying for citizenship. I'm a tiny bit more active on the message board. All I'd like to say is that I want to become more active in the community; in what I can't be certain. I guess I'll have to do that exploring on my own. I will say that I happen to like helping people out in terms of assisting to what the region needs or helping people get started and offering game advice.
As far as the region is concerned, I happen to enjoy that there are so many regional activities in order to keep people involved and happy in the region; I owe that to your dedicated leadership, dear Wintermoot. And personally I'm glad, because when I was first considering joining a region I feared that I'd join a lonely one where no one talks.