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Volunteer for the Frozen Vanguard!
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  • I might do some stuff this year instead of what I have done the past two years.
    See you later space cowboy.
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    Daoine pacaiste
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  • I don't have a whole lot of time. But I will give all that I can.
    My nations people officially enlist
    Daoine pacaiste
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  • It has started!

    Remember, please help the region by researching the cure. In a few hours we should start getting cure missiles, and that's when the Frozen Vanguard will jump into action going nation to nation and curing them. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Strategy Tips:
    • Focus on curing LARGE nations first.  They add the most to both research rate and infection rate.
    • Work in teams of at least one large nation supported by two or more smaller nations.  Have the large nation cure the target until missile effectiveness is reduced to 1 million per hit, and then move on.  The smaller nations should follow behind the large nation, cleaning up whatever's left.
    1 person likes this post: Chanku

    First Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria - Founded 5.06.2015
    Former Peer of the Overhusen - Served 4.17.2015 until 6.08.2016
    Recipient of the Wintreath Commendation - Awarded 11.02.2017

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    Colberius X
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  • Some important information:

    There is an (Un?)Official IRC Channel for the Frozen Vanguard with a Light RP going on. It is located on the #frozen-vanguard. There is also an area on mumble as well.

    Edit: Oh and Wintermoot says to try and keep all nations researching cure under 400 mil infected, although it is better to get to around 200 mil infected.
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
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    Colberius X
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  • Another suggestion: Because getting hit forces a 3 minute weapon cooldown, be sure to focus on nations who are offline at the moment.  Forgot to include that in my previous post.

    First Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria - Founded 5.06.2015
    Former Peer of the Overhusen - Served 4.17.2015 until 6.08.2016
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  • Damn, When I logged in I already had a Billion Zeds in North Gralend. Thats 1/3 of my population!
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • The South Nivogalese Chancellor, Ingrid Übermensch came out of the Federal Chancellery Palace to address the nation regarding the recent zombie crisis.

    "Meine Damen und Herren, hat es einen Ausbruch der Untoten unter uns. Zombies. Sie haben begonnen, um alle Nationen der Wintreath, einschließlich der unsrigen zu infizieren. Wir wissen nicht, woher sie kamen, aber ich verspreche euch, meine Nivogalisch, dass wir auf diese wirken.

    Wir werden mit anderen Nationen in Wintreath arbeiten, auf einer Vorgehensweise, um die Zombies zu heilen. Wir haben festgestellt, dass, wenn wir produzieren ein Gegenmittel, die die Proteine und Materialien, die den Zustand der Nekrose verursachen angreift, wird dies den Zustand umzukehren und zu stoppen die Ausbreitung der Infektion.

    Wir werden mit verschiedenen Elementen unserem Arsenal, dies zu tun. Ich habe unsere Verbündeten auf FARK unserer geplanten Einsatz unserer Atomwaffen informiert, um eine maximale Abdeckung der Kur, einschließlich der D-5II Trident M51 und U-Boot gestartet Atomraketen, sowie die luftgestützte ASMPA nukleare Marschflugkörper zu schaffen. Die U-Boot-Raketen werden aus zwei Trafalgar -Klasse Angriffs-U-Boote, SFN Talent und SFN Triumph , zusammen mit eingesetzt werden, zwei Triomphant -Klasse ballistischen Raketen-U-Boote, SFN Vigilant und SFN Téméraire , von der Bundesmarine Nivogalisch. Die Luft Vermögenswerte werden von der Bundes Luftwaffe Nivogalisch, die zwei Schwadronen Typhoon 2000er Jahre und ein Geschwader von JAS 39 Gripen-Kampfflugzeugen, zusammen mit einem Geschwader von Sea Harriers vom Flugzeugträger SFN Invicible sein wird.

    Schon früh in den Ausbruch, erholte wir einer der Zombies, lebendig, ohne ihn zu töten. Wir konnten durch Gentechnik und Klonen ihrer Gewebe modifiziert Zombies zu produzieren. Durch Satellitenernährt Fernbedienung haben wir Klone dieser Zombie-modifizierten, mit Gewebe, das die Heilung enthält, von ihrem Fleisch, der eine Kopie der Heilung im Inneren durch ihre Blutbahn. Entwickelt, um gezielt gegen Zombies und nicht irgendwelche infizierten Menschen, diese Heilung Tod Troopers, wird gezielt die infiziert sind, und greifen sie und liefert die Heilung durch ihre Blutbahn und Gegen Infektion. Mit diesem kombinierten Ansatz, glauben wir, in der Lage zu helfen, zu stoppen die Ausbreitung der Infektion.

    Dies mag hart sein für viele, um zu verstehen, kann ich Ihnen versichern, meine Nivogalisch, dass dies die beste Vorgehensweise, unter Berücksichtigung mehrere andere Szenarien, einschließlich das Senden bewaffnete Patrouillen in zu jagen und zu unterdrücken, die Infektion, oder direkt starten Raketen auf sie und eine große Mehrheit der Bevölkerung zu töten. Das ist für mich inakzeptabel. Ich kann nicht versprechen, dass wir alle infiziert heilen, aber wir werden unser Bestes tun, um zu schützen, was übrig ist, und helfen, sicherzustellen, dass unsere Überlebenden eine bessere Zukunft für morgen.

    Stärke und Ehre, für den Ruhm des Nivogal und Wintreath, für die Tiefkühl Vanguard!"

    Translation from Nivogalese German:

    "Ladies and gentlemen, there has been an outbreak of the undead among us.  Zombies.  They have begun to infect all of the nations of Wintreath, including ours.  We do not know where they came from, but I promise to you, my fellow Nivogalese, that we will act on this.

    We are working with other nations in Wintreath, on a course of action, to cure the zombies.  We have found that if we produce an antidote that attacks the proteins and materials that cause the condition of necrosis, this will reverse the condition and halt the spread of the infection.

    We will be using various elements of our arsenal to do this.  I have informed our allies at FARK of our planned use of our nuclear arsenal to provide maximum coverage of the cure, including the D-5II Trident and M51 submarine launched nuclear ballistic missiles, as well as the air-launched ASMPA nuclear cruise missiles.  The submarine launched missiles will be deployed from two Trafalgar-class attack submarines, SFN Talent and SFN Triumph, along with two Triomphant-class ballistic missile submarines, SFN Vigilant and SFN Téméraire, from the Nivogalese Federal Navy.  The air assets will be from the Nivogalese Federal Air Force, which will be two squadrons of Typhoon 2000s and a squadron of JAS 39 Gripen fighters, along with a squadron of Sea Harriers from the aircraft carrier SFN Invicible.

    Early on in the outbreak, we recovered one of the zombies, alive, without killing him.  We were able to, through genetic engineering, and clone its tissue to produce modified zombies.  Through satellite-fed remote control, we have modified clones of this zombie, with tissue which contains the cure, with their flesh carrying a copy of the Cure inside through their bloodstream.  Designed to specifically target zombies and not any infected humans, these Cure Death Troopers, will target the infected, and attack them, delivering the cure through their bloodstream and counter infection.  With this combined approach, we believe will be able to help halt the spread of infection.

    While this may be hard for many to understand, I can assure you, my fellow Nivogalese, that this was the best course of action, after considering several other scenarios, including sending armed patrols in to hunt down and suppress the infection, or directly launching missiles at them and killing a large majority of the populace.  That is unacceptable to me.  I cannot promise that we will cure everyone infected, but we will do our best to help protect what is left, and help ensure our survivors have a better future, for tomorrow.

    Strength and honour, for the glory of Nivogal and Wintreath, for the Frozen Vanguard!"
    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
    Citizenship Granted 24 Dec. 2013!

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  • Welp Wintreath is clear of Zombies, thanks to those that helped out, and to those who followed along with us on the RMB.
    See you later space cowboy.
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    Current Positions in Wintreath
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  • We are now number 29 in the count for survivors. Of that only 5 other nations in the top 30 have their regions open completely and they are:
    Of those 5 only Scandinavia has completely eradicated the Zombie Threat.

    Further Only two of those regions have dead counts less than Wintreath, those are Scandinavia and Belgium

    So I would say we have done extremely well so far. From the data I believe it is safe to conclude that we are also the largest open region to have eradicated the zombie threat while being in the top 30 of the regions with the highest survivor count and lowest dead count.
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
    Matriarch of House Kaizer
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