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Eugene Volokh, First Amendment Expert, files Amicus Breif in a case
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  • Alright so if you know a little about GamerGate, you undoubtedly have heard of the 'Zoe Post' the thing that ended up factoring into the creation of GG. Zoe Quinn (Legal Name: Chelsea Van Valkerburg) got an order against Erin Gjoni from speaking about her. The judge didn't give Erin a chance to defend himself, nor did his lawyer have a chance to actually speak(IIRC) and the thing only lasted 5 minutes with Chelsea/Zoe winning.

    Erin has appealed this, with his lawyer. Recently Eugene Volokh, a person widely considered to be a First Amendment Expert, recently filed an Amicus Brief on the side of Erin. Zoe/Chelsea and her lawyers (she has 3 or 4 IIRC) have also submitted a request to nullify the order.

    Here is the Brief
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • I'm assuming in reference to this:

    In mid-August 2014 Eron Gjoni, Quinn's former boyfriend, published the "Zoe Post", a 9,425-word blog post, extensively quoting from personal chat logs, emails and text messages, detailing their relationship. According to Zachary Jason of Boston Magazine, who had spent three months in discussion with Gjoni, the post was designed to cause "maximum pain and harm" to Quinn.[8] The post, described by The New York Times as a "rambling online essay", included the allegation that Quinn had a relationship with Nathan Grayson, a journalist for the video game news website Kotaku.[9] These allegations led critics of Quinn to claim that the relationship had induced Grayson to publish a favorable review of Depression Quest.[10][11][12][13][14][15] This was quickly proven to be false, as Kotaku editor-in-chief Stephen Totilo confirmed within four days of Gjoni's post that Grayson had never reviewed Quinn's games, and that the only piece Grayson had written at Kotaku concerning her was published before their relationship began


    And for the record, I thought Depression Quest was a great game that tried to put people in the shoes of someone that was suffering from depression. It deserved the acclaim.

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    (Now with inf. less snark!)
    « Last Edit: August 27, 2015, 12:40:51 AM by Chanku »
    See you later space cowboy.
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