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Jarls and the Underhusen Discussion
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  • Hmm, I don't actually think the odds are necessarily in favour of Jarls and Thanes by default, I think rather that if no one posted any campaign threads then it would be previous members of the UH that were at the greatest advantage. :P But we can post campaign threads, for example, let's say I didn't post any sort of campaign, I doubt I would have got anywhere near the votes I did, and I can probably say that for most of the other candidates...

    Also Jarls and Thanes don't have any set term dates, so if some of our best legislators are appointed to one of those positions, and they are forbidden from being in the UH then, I personally would see that as a disservice to the region, we wouldn't be able to benefit from their talents as much as they would have to choose which position they would rather have...
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  • Also Jarls and Thanes don't have any set term dates, so if some of our best legislators are appointed to one of those positions, and they are forbidden from being in the UH then, I personally would see that as a disservice to the region, we wouldn't be able to benefit from their talents as much as they would have to choose which position they would rather have...

    Honestly, I see it being an opposite effect, and this part of Hannah's post is a reason why.

    We're Jarls, yes, but again, we're also some of Wintreath's most active.

    With as little of active members as we have, you're talking we'd have to cut out 6 of those members from ever campaigning, and since OH members can't be in the UH (unless they want to be taken out of the OH so they can do it), we're talking that's 10 members that aren't allowed to be in the UH at the moment.

    And if we take your "multiple positions being a no-no" argument further, that'd be 16 members that wouldn't be allowed to campaign, because hell...if we don't allow multiple positions of government, why not make it so you can ONLY be a Jarl or a Thane, and can't take on multiple spots in the Riksrad?  That'd be shutting out 12 members of the Riksrad if we have a full cabinet and 4 members of the OH.  And even more so if we revive ministries that are gone or introduce new ones...which will need another Jarl and another Thane.  Like Hannah stated, we have no set term date at all for the Riksrad that's literally 12 people if we had a full cabinet with our current ministries who would never EVER be able to campaign unless they were removed from their Riksrad position...but even then, someone has to replace them...and that person would have to suffer that same restriction until the day they were removed.

    And considering Wintreath has maybe...what, 25 active members at best on most days, you're talking only 9 people would be able to campaign, and that's IF they even have the desire to do so, which many of our members don't regardless of who all is running.

    So if we do that and none of our active members even feel like running, then what exactly do we do with the UH?  Let it stand empty?  Or allow people to take on the spot regardless if they hold another position or not?

    Personally, I prefer the latter.  I don't want to see us restrict our way of doing things, especially since, despite looking like we have many members, we actually don't have that many active ones to keep this place running if we allow it to be spread thin like that.
    « Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 01:23:30 AM by Pengu »
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  • I want to start off by saying that I don't mean anything personal to you @Pengu or to anyone else. I am not downplaying your abilities or skills at all but rather just wanting to discuss something about the region.

    I would appreciate it if we talked without the hostility you're directing at me.

    Quote from: Pengu
    Being as that's not the case and everyone who had accepted stayed in, a fear of losing automatically to a Jarl isn't something that's real, because everyone here aside from apparently you knows that they have a chance to win regardless of whether or not they're a citizen, jarl, or other title.
    Saying people should've dropped out is not an argument. It is not black and white and if people think they have a low shot they should just drop out. Most people would stay in hoping they get the votes to win.

    It's not the citizens or the jarls faults that the people in high positions of governmental power, like the Jarls or thane, will always have an advantage. They're heard about more often, they have a sense of accomplishment about them, they're regarded in a higher sense than someone who is a non-Jarl. It's not their faults but it just doesn't seem right to allow someone with a beginning advantage who is already running a higher governmental position to run for yet another set of office.

    Quote from: Pengu
    Grasping at straws.  Stop it.  It makes you look bad.  It's not like the Jarls even got ALL of the votes, they just got the majority.  If you were someone that has been here for more than just recently, you'd know exactly why we got the most votes.  As you don't, please stop throwing in this argument for the sake of trying to keep us out of the UH.  It's really getting quite offensive to me now.
    I'm not trying to keep you, or anyone else out of the UH like it's personal. I'm not saying you, or anyone else is bad. What I am saying is that out of the 11 nominees the 4 jarls and 1 thane were the ones who were elected.

    Quote from: Pengu
    And our region is different.  Deal with it.  We're not Region Inc.  We're Wintreath.  If you don't like the way we do things, then that's your issue.
    I didn't mean that in any offensive way and I'm not sure why you're so defensive over it. So Wintreath can never adopt ANYTHING any other region has done? I'm just speaking from my past and my past in legislation.
    “You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.” - Albert Camus
  • Former Citizen

  • Also Jarls and Thanes don't have any set term dates, so if some of our best legislators are appointed to one of those positions, and they are forbidden from being in the UH then, I personally would see that as a disservice to the region, we wouldn't be able to benefit from their talents as much as they would have to choose which position they would rather have...

    Honestly, I see it being an opposite effect, and this part of Hannah's post is a reason why.

    We're Jarls, yes, but again, we're also some of Wintreath's most active.

    With as little of active members as we have, you're talking we'd have to cut out 6 of those members from ever campaigning, and since OH members can't be in the UH (unless they want to be taken out of the OH so they can do it), we're talking that's 10 members that aren't allowed to be in the UH at the moment.

    And if we take your "multiple positions being a no-no" argument further, that'd be 16 members that wouldn't be allowed to campaign, because hell...if we don't allow multiple positions of government, why not make it so you can ONLY be a Jarl or a Thane, and can't take on multiple spots in the Riksrad?  That'd be shutting out 12 members of the Riksrad if we have a full cabinet and 4 members of the OH.  And even more so if we revive ministries that are gone or introduce new ones...which will need another Jarl and another Thane.  Like Hannah stated, we have no set term date at all for the Riksrad that's literally 12 people if we had a full cabinet with our current ministries who would never EVER be able to campaign unless they were removed from their Riksrad position...but even then, someone has to replace them...and that person would have to suffer that same restriction until the day they were removed.

    And considering Wintreath has maybe...what, 25 active members at best on most days, you're talking only 9 people would be able to campaign, and that's IF they even have the desire to do so, which many of our members don't regardless of who all is running.

    So if we do that and none of our active members even feel like running, then what exactly do we do with the UH?  Let it stand empty?  Or allow people to take on the spot regardless if they hold another position or not?

    Personally, I prefer the latter.  I don't want to see us restrict our way of doing things, especially since, despite looking like we have many members, we actually don't have that many active ones to keep this place running if we allow it to be spread thin like that.
    Let's not deal with slipper slope fallacies.
    Secondly, let's just stick with Jarls not being able to run for UH.
    Thirdly if we take the Jarls out of this election that still left us with more than 5 people running in the election,
    “You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.” - Albert Camus
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • I want to start off by saying that I don't mean anything personal to you @Pengu or to anyone else. I am not downplaying your abilities or skills at all but rather just wanting to discuss something about the region.

    I would appreciate it if we talked without the hostility you're directing at me.

    I don't like when people come in and say that our system is bad and that we should restrict certain people from being able to take part in free democratic elections.  It rubs me the wrong way and goes against what Wintreath stands for.

    Any hostility is coming from that field.

    Quote from: Pengu
    Being as that's not the case and everyone who had accepted stayed in, a fear of losing automatically to a Jarl isn't something that's real, because everyone here aside from apparently you knows that they have a chance to win regardless of whether or not they're a citizen, jarl, or other title.
    Saying people should've dropped out is not an argument. It is not black and white and if people think they have a low shot they should just drop out. Most people would stay in hoping they get the votes to win.

    It's not the citizens or the jarls faults that the people in high positions of governmental power, like the Jarls or thane, will always have an advantage. They're heard about more often, they have a sense of accomplishment about them, they're regarded in a higher sense than someone who is a non-Jarl. It's not their faults but it just doesn't seem right to allow someone with a beginning advantage who is already running a higher governmental position to run for yet another set of office.

    Actually, it really is that black and white.  If people are scared that someone else is going to get the automatic win over them, they usually drop out unless they're a hardcore candidate that sees it to the end no matter what.  If I knew an election was rigged to where only current senators were going to get voted in no matter what, I wouldn't take part.  After all, it's completely obvious at that point, so why bother running?  However, our elections aren't rigged, and people have an equal chance to win regardless of their title/position.  We've had new members earn a spot, Jarls, long time citizens, and many others.  For you to step in after quite some time and jump in with trying to start talk about restricting who should be able to campaign is being ignorant of Wintreath's customs, mission, and history.

    Quote from: Pengu
    Grasping at straws.  Stop it.  It makes you look bad.  It's not like the Jarls even got ALL of the votes, they just got the majority.  If you were someone that has been here for more than just recently, you'd know exactly why we got the most votes.  As you don't, please stop throwing in this argument for the sake of trying to keep us out of the UH.  It's really getting quite offensive to me now.
    I'm not trying to keep you, or anyone else out of the UH like it's personal. I'm not saying you, or anyone else is bad. What I am saying is that out of the 11 nominees the 4 jarls and 1 thane were the ones who were elected.
    I don't care the reason.  The fact is you're talking about wanting to restrict a democratic process in a region that has clearly never had a problem with how we do things.  If they did, then we wouldn't be in the UH right now, because nobody except you has seen our being in dual positions being a problem.  Continuously throwing out the number statistic is being intentionally ignorant of the facts that have been presented about those Jarls beyond them being a government title.

    Quote from: Pengu
    And our region is different.  Deal with it.  We're not Region Inc.  We're Wintreath.  If you don't like the way we do things, then that's your issue.
    I didn't mean that in any offensive way and I'm not sure why you're so defensive over it. So Wintreath can never adopt ANYTHING any other region has done? I'm just speaking from my past and my past in legislation.

    Intention and result are two different things.  You may not have meant it offensively, but it comes out as highly so, at least to me.  I've worked my ass off in this region because I love it and the members to death, and respect everyone here.  To say that I shouldn't be allowed to be in a spot that better represents them simply because I have a position as Jarl of Culture is highly offensive because I should be able to run for it if I want it.  The beauty of elections is that even if I ran for it, it's not guaranteed that I'd get it.

    I'm not saying we shouldn't adopt things that other regions has done, but you're using your own region as an example, and you just stated not too long ago that, and I'll quote:

    Huge hit of inactivity. I tried to help revive it but it is difficult when there are leadership spots empty and the forum being dead. I was in the works of adding in an entirely new section to the forum with an entire comprehensive history of the region and subforums of directors explaining how to properly do their job. I started that big project when we were just hitting a little bit of inactivity and I thought it would help keep new people but then everything just died.

    So I'm telling you that Wintreath isn't a large region.  The majority of our members are NS dwellers and have no intentions of coming here.  Our forums have a fair number of active members, but not much.

    You've already stated yourself that you had leadership gaps because of inactive members, and that despite everything you tried to do, it died.

    Whereas here, we HAVE a working system regardless of the only fair amount of active members.  We have multiple positions that we allow, yes, but we're still fluidly active and continuously introducing new things to bring even more people to Wintreath.

    Please don't spout off things like this when what you tried didn't work, and you're spouting it off to a region to where our methods are clearly working to some extent.  It comes off as borderline arrogant, and again ignorant to what Wintreath stands for.  We don't restrict, or "ban" people from taking on multiple duties if they choose to.  I'd rather have a UH full of Jarls that are completely active rather than an empty one, and your methodology of restricting multiple roles would do just that.

    And I said it once, and I'll say it again: If you don't like the way we do things, either deal with your issues or move on.  Nobody is asking you to like our system or to get on board with it.  We're not a place that restricts the rights of members due to them having multiple positions.  We embrace the fact that members want to do more around the region, and encourage people to take on the workload that they personally feel like they can handle.  If that means they just post in the forums, great!  If they want to get involved in the UH, even better!  If they're a jarl and want to get active in the UH, then terrific!  If that's not something that appeals to you, then perhaps Wintreath isn't the place for you.
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  • Seeing as how this data is actually available, perhaps it would be in our best interest to explore whether the presence of the Riksråd in an election influences the results. This is something I can't say I've seen explored before in my time here.  Are we unintentionally giving Riksråd members de facto UH seats?  If so, is that a good thing?

    I campaigned for UH within WEEKS of arriving in Wintreath, and I won a seat. I can't remember who ran against me.  Now I'm genuinely curious if any of the Riksrad was present.
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  • @Point Breeze AFAIK, there were. Reon ran. (I"m not sure if Pengu had JoC yet or not)
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • I believe Pengu joined the region shortly after I did.  Daphne was Jarl of Culture when I joined...I think.
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  • Keep in mind that Amalya was still the JoC while Pengu was as well, Pengu was the acting JoC for a while.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Nuclear Soldermancer
  • Guess I'll put this here then:
    Jarls and Thanes are marked (as beat I can) and winners are in Bold!

    August 2015
    Chanku. - Jarl
    HannahB - Jarl
    Crushita Norfolk-Telcontar
    Laurentus - Thane
    Pengu - Jarl
    Point Breeze - Jarl

    June 2015
    The Church of Satan
    Chanku - Jarl

    Drexyl Nox

    April 2015
    Pengu - Acting Jarl
    Reon - Jarl
    Chanku - Jarl
    Joshua Bluteisen
    The Church of Satan
    Point Breeze - Jarl

    February 2015
    Drexyl Nox
    - Jarl
    Joshua Bluteisen
    - Jarl

    December 2014
    Reon - Jarl

    Joshua Bluteisen
    Denth Kasten - Jarl

    I have done my best here to compile a list of the last 5 elections and the Jarls and Thanes that ran in them, I think it's all correct but it is quite possible I got some things wrong or typo'd here or there... Also I would have gone back further but it was hard enough getting these 5 :P

    Edited: Laurentus was only thane for the last day of the June elections so was mistakenly marked by me...
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    « Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 07:20:10 AM by Laurentus »
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    I think the most revealing thing about Hannah's STELLAR analysis is that we've never had SO MANY Jarls and Thanes in an election before.  Given that, the rate at which they were elected is also higher than any previous instance. 
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  • @Point Breeze we should probably not list them as a thane/jarl if they were not at the time :/
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • My my my...given that our regional values promote cooperation and community over politics, debates of this sort are very rare. I think we see why that's a good thing here. :P

    Personally, I think democracy is a fickle process that produces weak governments and invites infighting, and that's why Wintreath is a Monarchy with a large amount of appointed positions. However, when it comes to the one portion of government that is democratic, I have always felt that the people should be free to make the choices that they want. If the electorate believes that people in multiple positions are a problem, then they should remove those people from the Underhusen via democratic means such as voting them out of office. I believe that as flawed a system as it is, democratic government is best when elections are as competitive as possible, with as many different people from different backgrounds are running as possible. When we move to limit people's choices, what we're really saying is that they can't be trusted to select the right people, and at that point why even bother having elections?

    Furthermore, making people choose between serving in the Cabinet and the legislature would harm the region by reducing the number of people available for both areas. Jarls are people with both talent and experience in the areas their Ministry covers, and they would be difficult or impossible to replace if they were forced to leave to serve in the Underhusen while reducing elimination in Underhusen elections, to the point that perhaps we would not have enough candidates to fill all open seats in some elections, essentially allowing anybody that threw their hat in the ring to win by default.

    This may seem like a big deal because of the most recent election, but when you look at elections overall it shows that this one is something of an anomaly. In the June election the only member of the Cabinet to run for Underhusen was Chanku, and he actually lost. At the same time voters elected three people to their first terms in the Underhusen: Aragonn, tatte, and HannahB. It's hard to say why people selected all Cabinet members this term...perhaps it even has less to do with their Cabinet positions and more to do with the fact that they're all veteran legislators in general. However, I think there's opportunity for everyone to be elected so long as they do the work...adopt a platform, run a campaign, and interact with the voters.

    I appreciate your insights and your willingness to bring forward your views, Odyssey, but I would also encourage you to get a feel for the region, the people, and the system...perhaps you'll see that things aren't as flawed as you seem to believe. :)
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  • I happen to think experience is the key aspect here. The people who were elected this term were very experienced, and taken against the context of the previous term, which was a bit disorganised and not as active as we would have liked, it is not surprising to see voters gravitate to known quantities. It may even seem the sensible step.

    But I concede your point about democracy. Anyone who knows how to bullshit is pretty much guaranteed a seat, just like in real life. :P

    On a personal note, activity and engaging with the voters is the most important aspect. I ran in elections when I was in the region for literally a week or two, and handily managed to beat two Jarls I was competing against (Point Breeze and Chanku), while tying with one (Reon) and getting beaten by then-Acting Jarl of Culture Pengu. That was actually the now-infamous election of two-- TWO -- runoffs between Chanku (Jarl), Point Breeze (Jarl) and Sapphiron (non-Jarl). Chanku and Point Breeze lost to Sapphiron in the first runoff, while Point Breeze and Chanku tied, and Point Breeze won in the subsequent runoff.

    Right there we see that two ordinary members who were simply active and who campaigned well were able to get in.

    If you don't like that, blame democracy. She's a fickle bitch. :)
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  • I don't mind having Jarls serve in the legislative, though my tendencies are the one advocating for inclusivity and having unique members in both the legislative/executive to avoid conflict of interests. However, I'm against making any laws that disallows Jarls from serving in the Underhusen. I like to have the citizenry determine who shall be in the Underhusen, rather than limiting the choices of candidates running for such position.

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