Post #41697
July 31, 2015, 02:36:43 AM
I tried it, but I couldn't get into it.
I've had roommates that play it, and they've scared me enough to where I never want to play it, let alone play it with someone.
One of them would scream insanely loud if someone took his kill away, and would resort to actually throwing stuff, hitting his computer screen, or beating his keyboard because he lost. He went through I want to say 4 different computer screens because he ruined them from his incessant tantrums, and a couple of keyboards as well.
The other was more quiet with swears, but he's gone through having to replace his phone multiple times because he's thrown it at the wall whenever he gets incredibly frustrated with the game.
I've heard of many others similar in that regard, so I stay away from it. If you're having that much of an issue with a game, then it's not even fun anymore. That's like playing Candyland and you pull ahead of someone, and they reach out and forcibly push/throw the pieces out of the way because they hate losing.
In the end, it's just a game. If you're seriously getting that pissed off over something completely virtual, then it's not worth playing it. So I stick to games that I know I'll actually enjoy, rather than have it soured by other people of all types.