Post #41475
July 30, 2015, 07:41:38 AM
So, here we are again.
First off, I dislike posturing, so I'll get this out of the way first: yes, I have been horrendously inactive, and yes, I have been a monumental failure as the Speaker in this last term, and based on those two things alone, I am far from the best candidate.
I don't even have a solid list of promises, as I've seen now that promising to revolutionise the judiciary is a dead-end. I'm of the belief that instead of pushing for completely new systems, we should simply fix the ones we have.
What I can say is that I am an experienced member of the Underhusen, and that I almost always have an interesting idea to offer when faced with a challenge. I'm also often the one to take the first step and get everyone together to try and analyse a situation and share their thoughts, before rushing headlong into a messy situation.
Admittedly, trying to maintain the Underhusen's approach with an involved citizenry didn't work out quite so well when the citizenry became inactive, so I'll take this into account going forward, and instead of waiting for many varied responses from the citizenry, I'll simply look at a situation from their perspective and act accordingly. Believe me when I say, I'll go to war with people if they infringe on your rights as citizens, and I vehemently oppose any piece of legislation that I view to be unfair, especially when limiting a citizen's rights.
So to summarise:
1. I'll be more active than I have been.
2. I'll try to take evolutionary, not revolutionary steps to try and fix our judicial system.
3. I'll continue to be a strong voice for the citizenry, even when that results in unpopularity.
4. While my adaptability didn't lend itself well as the Speaker, I'm fully capable as a Skrifa to work with anyone, and take charge when a situation gets messy.
5. I'm fully capable of making wildly unpopular decisions when the situation calls for it, and damn the consequences.
Please, ask me questions, and decide if I'm worthy of your votes.