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New Horizons
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  • Is anyone else excited about seeing Pluto up-close and personal for the first time ever? This is something I've been following for the last few months at least. ^.^

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  • Interestingly, "New Horizons" is a charter school in my area, and I was very confused as to how it found its way here.
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    Isn't it marvelous seeing a (former) planet closer than it's ever been seen before? And the quality is just going to get better through Tuesday. Afterwards, they hope to study an object even further out in space in two to five years. :D

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  • I love looking at the old voyager photos, and I got a blast out of watching the Rosetta and Philae mission work out! :)

    This looks to be just as good, or even better, I wasn't around for voyager (obviously) but I'd like to think this is what is was like :)

    Anyway I have been boring my flatmates to death about this stuff recently  ^-^ it's nice to see it's not me interested in it :D

    Anyway can't wait to get more pictures and information about Pluto and our Solar System. :)
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  • isn't Pluto a planet again?
    Drexyl Nox
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  • isn't Pluto a planet again?

    Sadly not (at least not from what I have heard  :-\), from what I know: Pluto is a minor planet and a dwarf planet, it is the 2nd largest detected dwarf planet in the solar system (the largest being Eris), and the largest known object in the Kuiper belt. :)

    The reason Pluto was designated as a Dwarf planet by the IAU, was that the definition of what a planet actually "is" was changed, the requirement to have cleared the neighbourhood around it's orbit was added... this was due to  finding many similar objects to Pluto...  :-\ and as pluto is in the Kuiper belt it hasn't cleared it's neighbourhood.  :(

    Maybe the New Horizons mission will find something that leads it to be a planet again, although I imagine if that happens Ceres, Makemake and Eris might find their way onto the list of planets as well.  ^-^
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  • I believe there should have been an exception made for Pluto for historical reasons if nothing else. I grew up being taught that there were nine planets, and to demote one because we expanded our knowledge of other bodies seems...wrong.
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  • I must point out that the statement "changing our worldview based on increased evidence seems wrong" is a very poor argument...
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  • In life there are constant exceptions to things made for sentimental reasons, and in this case there isn't really any harm in making an exception for a planet, it's part of our history.

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  • Sorry to play devils advocate a bit here Wintermoot  :-\

    But even going by historical context there are still a few other objects that should fall into an exception...

    I am going to use the old example of Ceres, it was discovered in 1800 roughly (it was even discovered before Neptune), but it's position had been predicted long before, when it was discovered, everyone celebrated and added it to all the charts and maps of the solar system and for around 50 years it was taught in schools that there were 8 (later on 9 when Neptune came along) planets... then as more and more objects were discovered around it, it was determined that it was in-fact just a small object in a much larger "belt", which is now called the asteroid belt, many people didn't like this change of it to a Minor planet. (hence it's designation as "1 Ceres" as it was the first minor planet, Pluto on the other hand is "134340 Pluto"  :-\ )

    It then went to several phases with some countries printing it as a planet in textbooks and others not, up until 2006 when the international definition of a planet was finally agreed on for the first time, causing both it and Pluto to be dropped for everyone...

    The story is to point out that Ceres has as much of, if not potentially more of a claim to "planet-hood" but people very rarely argue for it nowadays compared to back in the 1800s, has the dropping of Ceres back in the 1860's affected anyone these days... not really, will the dropping of Pluto affect anyone nowadays, not really in the long term. Will an accurate definition of a planet help scientists, yes possibly. :)

    Basically the effort of keeping a planet, while nice and everyone would like it, would be unnecessary.  :(

    Sorry about all that (this has become a somewhat massive rant  :-\), I understand that it is an unpopular opinion  :( but I think that Pluto should remain a dwarf planet, in my opinion Science should be universal and while very trivial I feel like bending the rules, even just this once, wouldn't be doing future generations justice...  :-\
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  • To put it simply, I'd rather our textbooks be factually correct than historically attached...outside of history books, of course.  :P  If Pluto was dropped as a planet because of discoveries made, then I'd rather see it presented like that since anything else, regardless of how historically attached people may be to other decisions, will just confuse younger generations if we still attribute it as a planet despite everything nowadays pointing to otherwise.

    I'm all for historical attachment at points, but not if it's something that contradicts the evidence/facts of the here and now.
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