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Procedure for Advisory Opinions and Determining the Constitutionality of Law Act
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  • Citizen
  • Quote from: Procedure for Advisory Opinions and Determining the Constitutionality of Law
    1. This shall be titled the Procedure for Advisory Opinions and Determining the Constitutionality of Law Act

    Procedure for Issuing Advisory Opinions
    2. Should a Wintreath Citizen request an advisory opinion, and they have been given explicit standing by this law or any other law, then Section 4 of this law shall take affect no later than twenty-four hours after the initial filing.

    3. Should a citizen that has not be explicitly given standing by this law, or any other law, request an Advisory Opinion the Storting must vote on whether or not to issue an advisory opinion through the standard legislative process, as defined by the Fundamental Laws Article I section 7, section 8, and section 9. Should it pass, then Section 4 of this law shall take effect no less than twenty-four hours after the initial acceptance

    4. Upon a case being accepted, both chambers of the Storting shall convene in private to discuss and debate the matter. After a period not to be less than five days from the period in which the Storting initially convened, should the Chairman of the Overhusen believe that enough discussion has occurred for the Storting to issue an opinion, they may halt discussion to bring a vote. After the vote, should the Storting reach a majority opinion the Chairman of the Overhusen shall announce the outcome and the Speaker of the Underhusen write the opinion of the Majority, and submit it to the Storting for final approval by the Majority. After it's approval it shall be released in a public area able to be read by all citizens of Wintreath.
      4.1 Any member of the Storting may also vote for debate
           to continue, which should it gain the majority debate
           shall continue for a period no less than twenty-four
           hours. Unless the end of the Session is within that time
           frame, in which this vote shall be invalid.
      4.2 Any member of the Storting may write and release their
           own opinions in the same location that the Speaker of
           the Underhusen released the majority opinion.
      4.3 The Storting must discuss all Amicus Briefs filed prior to
           the vote, and may not take a vote until then.
      4.4 Should the speaker be in the opposition to the majority
           then the majority may select their own writer by a vote.
      4.5 Should the Chairman announce the outcome counter to
           the true majority any member of the Storting may
           request a recount. The request must be seconded by
           another member, after which the Speaker of the
           Underhusen shall count and announce the votes.

    5. The Storting may invite any Wintreath 7Citizen whom they deem to be well-versed with Wintreath Law to the discussion, so long as the invited citizen did not request the opinion.

    6. Advisory opinions may only clarify existing law.

    Procedure for Determining the Constitutionality of Law
    7. And Wintreath Citizen may file a request for the Storting to review the Constitutionality of the existing Law within Wintreath. In the filing the citizen must include the section of law, and the name of the being challenged; their arguments for or against the law's constitutionality must be included as well. The filing must occur in a public place.

    8. After the filing of the request the Storting shall vote on whether or not to hear the case. The vote shall be introduced into the Underhusen within seventy-two hours after filing. The vote for acceptance shall follow the lines of standard legislative procedure as defined in the Fundamental Laws, Article I sections 7 through 9.

    9. Should the request pass as defined in Section 8 of this document, then both chambers of the Storting shall be convened by the Chairman of the Overhusen, within a period not to be shorter than twenty-four hours after acceptance. During this time all members are too discuss and debate the matter in the Storting, along with discussing any Amicus Briefs filed during this time; after a period of one week from the date of convening the Chairman of the Overhusen may halt all debate and begin a vote. The outcome of the vote shall be decided by which ever option has the majority of votes, and shall be announced by the Chairman of the Overhusen. After which the Speaker of the Underhusen is to write the opinion of the majority and submit a copy of it to the rest of the Storting for final approval. Should it be approved then it shall be released in a public place for any Wintreath Citizen to read. Should the decision render a law unconstitutional the law shall be voided immediately after the filing of the decision. 
      9.1 Storting members may also vote to continue debate,
           which should it get the Majority of votes, shall continue
           debate for a period no less than twenty-four hours,
           unless the end of the session shall be within that period
           of time.
      9.2 Any member of the Storting may write and release their
           own opinion and release it in the same location as the
           Majority Opinion and only after the Majority Opinion has
           been released.
      9.3 The Storting must discuss all Amicus Briefs filed prior to
           the vote, and may not take a vote until then.
      9.4  Should the speaker be in the opposition to the
            majority then the majority may select their own writer
            by a vote.
      9.5 Should the Chairman announce the outcome counter to
           the true majority any member of the Storting may
           request a recount. The request must be seconded by
           another member, after which the Speaker of the
           Underhusen shall count and announce the votes.

    10. During this the Storting may invite anyone whom they deem well-versed within Wintreath Law to discuss it, so long as they are not apart of the people filing.

    General Procedure
    11. During either of these any citizen may file an amicus curiae with their opinions and statements on the law and the current topic. The Storting is to also consider these in their discussions.

    12. Reviews of law and matters of whether or not a law is constitutional shall not be done within the same session a law has been passed, unless a recall has successfully occurred.

    Just something that I quickly wrote up :P
    « Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 04:24:31 PM by Chanku »
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Count of Highever
  • Could you perhaps edit this? As it is, I'm not quite sure what this is.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
    • Count of Highever
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  • The creation of procedures for Article I Section 15 this section, " The Storting shall have the authority to interpret these Fundamental Laws and statutory laws and consider the constitutionality over laws brought before the Storting..." and Article I Section 16
    See you later space cowboy.
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    Current Positions in Wintreath
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  • Alright anyone wanna help me make this law more legible/understandable?
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Count of Highever
  • I could edit it, but as I've said in PM, I could destroy the meaning in the process.

    Simply editing it for grammar, spelling and structure would make it a lot more readable and understandable. You've already demonstrated your talent with these things (often to the point of annoyance :P) so it shouldn't be a problem for you.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
    • Count of Highever
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  • @Laurentus how are sections 2-5? Just wanted to see if those were satisfactory before continuing.
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Count of Highever
  • There are two section 5s, and a few mistakes here and there, but it looks much better now. The language is a bit long-winded, but I'll get to that when you've put everything in that you want to put in.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
    • Count of Highever
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  • There are two section 5s, and a few mistakes here and there, but it looks much better now. The language is a bit long-winded, but I'll get to that when you've put everything in that you want to put in.
    @Laurentus , Yeah I know. It was done on purpose to see if up to section 5 (the first one) was good enough. :P However I've finished rewriting it.
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
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    Royalty of Wintreath
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