Actually, my order was more of Laurentus > (but only slightly) everyone > (slightly again) aternox.
And as Laurentus pointed out, if we rely on past behavior, we're essentially screwed, so we'll need to look at the more recent posts.
Aaron and Laurentus suddenly supporting each other after previously opposing each other seems somewhat suspicious.
This isn't typical tau behaviour anymore.
1. You're not answering the question that Aaron is putting to you (why you chose Sapph over me). Are you avoiding the question? It would seem so.
I accept that I'm still suspicious, but I must ask why I would hurt my own cause if I were a Koopa by pointing out that looking for King Koopa would be pretty useless? Especially (as you seem to be implying) if I want to hide the newest addition to the Koopa clan's identity, I'd remain completely silent on that point, since I'd realise that pointing that out could point to Aaron as a new Koopa since we no longer oppose each other so vehemently. I've pretty much been suspicious from the start, so if I am a Koopa, I'd be King Koopa, making Aaron this Iggy character.
2. Second paragraph is self-explanatory and true.
3. Why would Aaron even ask the question of whether we're dealing with a new Koopa, if he could have remained silent and we could easily have remained unnoticed as a Koopa pair?
I don't know what his reasons are for not suspecting me as much as he did previously, but it stands to reason that a defender would do everything in his power to ensure his partner's survival, making his insistence that I was the most suspicious (even though I was only slightly more suspicious) interesting, because if he were a defender, he'd know for certain that Sapph was also one, and would protect him to the end.
I'm beginning to suspect you all the more, tau. Usually, you would consider these things I've pointed out.
I'd in fact have been ready to vote for you if I weren't so afraid that you could be King Koopa, instead of Iggy.
Oh, that reminds me,
@Pengu. Are we already screwed? Because even if we guess Iggy correctly and he gets ejected, we'd probably still lose someone during the night phase, meaning we'd be reduced to a 2:1 good/bad ratio, and if we then guess King Koopa's identity correctly, he would survive and kill another person, winning the game.
Am I correct in saying our only hope would be if our defender performs some world class defending?