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Quotes and dialogue that get you thinking
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Count of Highever
  • I recently read this exchange between Tyrion and Jaime Lannister again, which to my knowledge only happens in the TV series, and was reminded once more why Tyrion is my favourite character and I would stop reading the books or watching the show if he should ever die before the climax of the series. Devoid of context, it may seem an odd thing and completely unnoteworthy. I'm wondering what people's reactions to it were/are.

    Also, this topic can be used for any noteworthy quotes or exchanges, from any medium or experience.

    Quote from: Dialogue between Tyrion and Jaime after Tyrion has been arrested for King Joffrey's murder
    Tyrion Lannister: Do you remember cousin Orson? Orson Lannister?
    Jaime Lannister: Of course. Wet nurse dropped him on his head. Left him simple.
    Tyrion Lannister: Simple? Used to sit all day in the garden. Crushing beetles with a rock.
    [Jaime and Tyrion jokingly mimic how Orson used to crush beetles and the "kun kun kun" he made while doing so]
    Tyrion Lannister: Nothing made him happier.
    Jaime Lannister: Nothing made YOU happier. You'd think being tormented from birth would have given you some affinity for the afflicted.
    Tyrion Lannister: On the contrary. Laughing at another person's misery was the only thing that made me feel like everyone else.
    Jaime Lannister: The joke wore thin, though.
    Tyrion Lannister: For you. You drifted away.
    Jaime Lannister: I had other interests.
    Tyrion Lannister: Yes, other interests. But I stayed with Orson.
    Jaime Lannister: Why?
    Tyrion Lannister: I was curious. Why was he smashing all those beetles? What did he get out of it? First thing I did was ask him "Orson, why are you smashing all those beetles?". He gave me an answer "Smath the beetles. Smath 'em. kun kun kun".
    [Jaime chuckles]
    Tyrion Lannister: I wasn't deterred. I was the smartest person I knew. Certainly I had the wherewithal to unravel the mysteries that lay at the heart of a moron. So I went to Maester Volarik's library.
    Jaime Lannister: [shakes his head disgustedly] Volarik. Tried to touch me once.
    Tyrion Lannister: Turns out, far too much has been written about great men and not nearly enough about morons. Doesn't seem right. In any case, I found nothing that illuminated the nature of Orson's affliction or the reason behind his relentless beetle slaughter. So I went back to the source. I may not have been able to speak with Orson, but I could observe him, watch him, the way men watch animals to come to a deeper understanding of their behavior. And as I watched, I became more and more sure of it. There was something happening there. His face was like the page of a book written in a language I didn't understand, but he wasn't mindless, he had his reasons. And I became possessed with knowing what they were. I began spending inordinate amounts of time watching him. I would eat my lunch in the garden, chewing my mutton to the music of "kun kun kun". And when I wasn't watching him, I was thinking about him. Father droned on about the family legacy and I thought about Orson's beetles. I read the histories of Targaryen conquests. Did I hear dragon wings? No, I heard "kun kun kun". And I still couldn't figure out why he was doing it. And I had to know because it was horrible, that all these beetles would be dying for no reason.
    Jaime Lannister: Every day around the world, men, women and children are murdered by the score. Who gives a dusty fuck about a bunch of beetles?
    Tyrion Lannister: I know, I know. But still, it filled me with dread. Piles and piles of them, years and years of them. How many countless living crawling things smashed and dried out and returned to the dirt? In my dreams I found myself standing on a beach made of beetle husks stretching as far as the eye could see. I woke up crying, weeping for their shattered little bodies. I tried to stop Orson once.
    Jaime Lannister: He was twice your size.
    Tyrion Lannister: He just pushed me aside with a "kun" and kept on smashing. Every day until that mule kicked him in the chest and killed him.
    [Tyrion notices a beetle on the floor. He picks it up, puts it back down and leaves it unharmed]
    Tyrion Lannister: So what do you think? Why did he do it? What was it all about?
    Jaime Lannister: I don't know.
    [they hear bells tolling. Jaime wishes Tyrion good luck and leaves]
    « Last Edit: June 19, 2015, 05:08:27 AM by Laurentus »
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    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Pretty sure Tyrion was suggesting that his family in general (and perhaps all Royal families) remind him of the senseless and unnecessarily criel actions of a moron.

    On topic:  Thoughts become things - Kai Greene.
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