And the most tragic part is that the people don't vote against these governments, because they fucking buy this shit. Of course, these governments encourage this instability and superstition by not developing education systems, as a smart and educated voter wouldn't vote for them. For instance, none of my black friends at the university vote for the ANC, the ruling party, but the uneducated majority continues to do so.
It's essentially the same in America in different ways. Compared to other parts of the world, we're handed everything on a silver platter despite how much people tend to say that strictly about the rich. But most Americans grow up in some sort of home, and are able to make a future for themselves and are well taken care of (and yes, compared to some countries out there, even lower class is still very well taken care of), have plenty of opportunities to get at least a decent job and work their way up, and are educated in some degree because we have the privilege of being able to at least attend public school all the way until graduation of high school (and are even still given that privilege if we repeatedly show lack of interest in what we learn or have learning problems...AND are given extra help in the latter field, AND have the opportunity to go for a GED and go to college if we drop out of high school), and even have many opportunities to attend college for free/through scholarships/grants, or through student loans.
Yet, we have an incredibly fucked up government system that needs excruciating fine tuning and work done to it. We have two branches of government that essentially hold all of the power, and then we have the president that seemingly holds some as well, but is essentially a political figurehead meant to stand around, look pretty, and make promises.
People will always complain because the promises almost 90% of the time completely fall through, and it's "Obama's fault" or "Bush's fault" or "Clinton's fault" because they made promises that they'd accomplish all of these things and didn't go through with it.
But those same people always forget one very important fact: Practically anything the president does can be completely overturned by Congress.
Essentially, it's a game of luck. If, say, the House and Senate have Republicans as a majority and the president is a Democrat (or vice versa), then absolutely nothing will be accomplished because Democrats and Republicans can almost never agree on anything. Both parties are almost always complete contrasts of each other unless it's hot button issues that would give them bad publicity if they went about it the wrong way (and even then, apparently ANY publicity is good publicity). So president Obama can, for example, make promises to improve the economy, do away with student loan debt, or end world hunger. But if Congress decides it doesn't want to agree, then they essentially hold more power to throw constant hurdles in his path (IE the complete shutdown of congress for days because disagreements).
Sadly, both parties are inherantly flawed, and you'll hear people constantly complain about it and how it's an imperfect system that needs to be fixed. But they'll still vote for that system and will do absolutely nothing to fix it outside of complaining...because complaining is easy when you can do it on your bed while talking on your cell phone and typing on your laptop with the lights in your room still on.
Oh, you're mad because Bush is screwing up the economy with his choices? Then why did you vote for him? What? Obama made promises that he didn't follow through with? Then go back, read a book on how government actually works, and then come back and complain about the right people. Why continue to vote for the people that you know will always give half-assed promises when you know they're not the ones that can follow through with them? If you vote for someone and then hate how they do, then don't complain about them or continue to complain about candidates you don't think are doing what you want. DO something about it. Go out there and get active and stand up for what you think should be done. Sitting on your ass and eating bon bons and complaining isn't going to accomplish anything, and it shows that while you're vocally saying something, you're completely content with how the system is ran.
Because guess what? Sitting back and whining about how the economy is bad doesn't do crap. The increasing poverty level is going to just continue to increase while you sit back in your comfy chair whining about it. Do your part fix it, and maybe cut back on buying that giant flatscreen that you don't actually need? That's a start.