Sad to see extroverts are vastly outnumbered. Hannah's really got a thing for organizing data, if you haven't noticed.
What's wrong with getting INTJ?
You never really came off as an INTJ...I'm genuinely surprised.
Me and Anneliese gotta be the social backbone of this region! Is she even still about?
I suppose it's just me then! I gotta throw more parties that you folks can pretend to be too busy for or show up and have an awful awkward time while you try to talk to your friends in small clumps and I blast unpleasant too loud music!
Hehe, that was my intention... Interestingly enough literally all of my close friends are introverts and they have expressed many many many times their distaste for the parties traditionally thrown by extroverts and threatened to kill me should I ever throw one of those parties and invite them or other introverts...Honestly, I think it's unfair... It's the natural order!
Reon posted on August 14, 2015, 06:13:02 PMHehe, that was my intention... Interestingly enough literally all of my close friends are introverts and they have expressed many many many times their distaste for the parties traditionally thrown by extroverts and threatened to kill me should I ever throw one of those parties and invite them or other introverts...Honestly, I think it's unfair... It's the natural order!Yeah.... well, at least I have less problems now then I did before.Also, I must ask even though the answer should be strikingly obvious, did they kill you? :]
I mean I am also bigger than all of them and I like... Really like to fight people... But I mean no matter what thirty people are gonna kill me if they catch me...
Yes! I've got a killer strategy! I sit next to people who look like they do art and look hella shy and I just talk to them... Like even if they don't respond at all past the hello, I'll talk to them... Just monologues... Until they find me interesting or persistent enough and talk back... Works like a charm...The longest so far is three days of monologuing... Not continuous obviously but each day starting again for about 4 hours...