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MBTI Personality Test
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  • He's told me what it is before but I really just cannot remember at the moment...
    Though of course the most important thing to remember about the test is that it isn't who you are but rather how you think of yourself, as it is a self-evaluation... Many of us have delusions about our own characters and this test does nothing to dispel or avoid those... So a better question is not who is Wintermoot but who does Wintermoot think he is...
    Fair point, but I almost always get the same result, even when I'm manic and feel completely different, so it really is hard for me to fathom that someone can be so mysterious. I honestly can't peg him.

    Like with other people, I simply don't have enough data to go on to try and guess, but with Wintermoot, the data seems contradictory.
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  • I'm also curious as to what gave me away for my personality type. :-P
    I'm going to announce ahead of time that I apologise for anything that sounds remotely insulting. :P

    When I think about it, I should at least have been able to consider that Reon is Feeling oriented too with his ideologies. The rest was a mystery, however. :P

    That is also one of the things that gave you away, Pengu, as I realised during the NPO/NLO situation that you stood firmly with what you perceived to be right, thus making you an idealist.

    Let me just again note that I'm not trying to be insulting when I say that. You are definitely one of the cleverest people here, especially in a social context, able to gain insights into other people that I really struggle to do. However, often times, you can be swayed away from doing what you objectively know should probably be done because it doesn't feel right. I could see that you also didn't handle socially stressful and heated situations well, as you quickly became fatigued by them, and instead of showing outright anger, you are more likely to become increasingly fatigued and hurt as you try to bottle up your anger, which gave away the I and F. 

    You think in broad, general terms, which gave away the N, and you also have no trouble coming to a concrete decision or working out a concrete plan and following schedules, which gave away the J. Your insanely good organisational skills also hint at the J.

    Interesting observations I will say, and absolutely nothing was insulting in what you said.  I will agree that I would definitely consider myself an idealist, which is funny because I've never been really that outspoken on things I believe in before.  As I've gotten older, I've gotten much more so to where I will argue tooth and nail for something I believe strongly in, which I'm sure has shown a few times on here.

    And I guess your observation about straying is because essentially it was a clash of what I felt was right in the heat of the moment versus what I actually believe to be right.  In the revocation sense, in the heat of the moment the revocation seemed right because it's essentially something that teaches a lesson in that it'd be the hardest smack to the face that someone's behavior is/was not okay.  However, it's also essentially unfair because in the sense of this specific one, the subject was only given verbal warnings.  If we were to attribute it to a real life example, that'd be like a parent continuously telling their child not to pull their sister's hair, and then without warning the next time it happens, they ground their child for more than a year with no electronics and no interaction outside of going to school.

    I generally try to be someone that doesn't get outright angry.  I think anger is a pointless emotion to have since it's rather exhausting on its own, and essentially does nothing productive unless in the right context...which there's rarely ever such a thing.  I may get frustrated from time to time, but I'll never let myself get to a point to where I'll ever raise my voice or say things I know I'll regret later.

    I'm glad that I can fool people into thinking that I'm organized, though.  I'll just let you keep thinking that.
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  • I'm also curious as to what gave me away for my personality type. :-P
    I'm going to announce ahead of time that I apologise for anything that sounds remotely insulting. :P

    When I think about it, I should at least have been able to consider that Reon is Feeling oriented too with his ideologies. The rest was a mystery, however. :P

    That is also one of the things that gave you away, Pengu, as I realised during the NPO/NLO situation that you stood firmly with what you perceived to be right, thus making you an idealist.

    Let me just again note that I'm not trying to be insulting when I say that. You are definitely one of the cleverest people here, especially in a social context, able to gain insights into other people that I really struggle to do. However, often times, you can be swayed away from doing what you objectively know should probably be done because it doesn't feel right. I could see that you also didn't handle socially stressful and heated situations well, as you quickly became fatigued by them, and instead of showing outright anger, you are more likely to become increasingly fatigued and hurt as you try to bottle up your anger, which gave away the I and F. 

    You think in broad, general terms, which gave away the N, and you also have no trouble coming to a concrete decision or working out a concrete plan and following schedules, which gave away the J. Your insanely good organisational skills also hint at the J.

    Interesting observations I will say, and absolutely nothing was insulting in what you said.  I will agree that I would definitely consider myself an idealist, which is funny because I've never been really that outspoken on things I believe in before.  As I've gotten older, I've gotten much more so to where I will argue tooth and nail for something I believe strongly in, which I'm sure has shown a few times on here.

    And I guess your observation about straying is because essentially it was a clash of what I felt was right in the heat of the moment versus what I actually believe to be right.  In the revocation sense, in the heat of the moment the revocation seemed right because it's essentially something that teaches a lesson in that it'd be the hardest smack to the face that someone's behavior is/was not okay.  However, it's also essentially unfair because in the sense of this specific one, the subject was only given verbal warnings.  If we were to attribute it to a real life example, that'd be like a parent continuously telling their child not to pull their sister's hair, and then without warning the next time it happens, they ground their child for more than a year with no electronics and no interaction outside of going to school.

    I generally try to be someone that doesn't get outright angry.  I think anger is a pointless emotion to have since it's rather exhausting on its own, and essentially does nothing productive unless in the right context...which there's rarely ever such a thing.  I may get frustrated from time to time, but I'll never let myself get to a point to where I'll ever raise my voice or say things I know I'll regret later.

    I'm glad that I can fool people into thinking that I'm organized, though.  I'll just let you keep thinking that.

    I can't speak for planning camping trips or how tidy your room is or whatever, but you've shown some class A organisational skills on here, and I get the sense that you're always aware of the time. :P

    And I actually wasn't only referring to the revocation, but even there, even though you gave valid reasons to start the movement, it was coming from an emotional place on some level. :P

    I just ignored both your and Gov's emotions when I made my decision, as well as my own (which kept nagging at me with guilt).

    But I'll publicly admit that with the side I'm seeing of Gov now, I hope it doesn't ever have to come to that again.
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  • Scarlet Petal Floats
  • 6. Sapphiron = ISTJ
    That was completely accurate. :P Was that an easy read?
    « Last Edit: June 08, 2015, 03:30:29 AM by Sapphiron »
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  • It's pronounced ah-nuh-LAY-zuh.
  • Ok!  Give me one!  Why did you think of me in that way?
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  • 6. Sapphiron = ISTJ
    That was completely accurate. :P Was that an easy read?
    Yes, it was. :)

    Communicating with you is like communicating with my best friend, who is also an ISTJ, and I spent quite a lot of time getting to know how you handle things both from UH work and the Werewolf games I've observed with you in it. Also, the fact that you never miss a detail was a dead giveaway for the S. :)

    Ok!  Give me one!  Why did you think of me in that way?
    Yours was also easy for the most part. :P

    You're definitely not shy, and jumped right into the social aspect of things with the Ask Me Anything thread, which was a dead giveaway for E. :)

    You also think broadly, which gives away the N. :)

    Then there was the discussion we had about justice vs mercy, in which I said at some point that justice cannot exist without mercy, and mercy can't exist without justice, but you still preferred mercy to justice after that, so that showed idealism, thus leading me to the F. :P

    I was unsure whether you were a P or J, so I went with J because of your ability to juggle recruiting, AMA and other things in the region simultaneously, but perhaps I should have remembered that you burnt your steak while recruiting, thus being a dead giveaway for P, as that is also definitely something I would do. :P
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  • but perhaps I should have remembered that you burnt your steak while recruiting,

    She burnt her steak?!  Oh my, that's definitely some dedication right there.  I couldn't imagine doing something intensely enough to where I'd forget that I was cooking a steak.  :D
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  • Goddamn, I wish I had let you all try and guess mine now... I've seen more detail on here in these posts than I have had back in some actual professional psyche reports :D

    Anyway, really well done on guessing so many people's right Laurentus , it's been fun and interesting to read what you notice about each person :) keep it up :)
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  • Goddamn, I wish I had let you all try and guess mine now... I've seen more detail on here in these posts than I have had back in some actual professional psyche reports :D

    Anyway, really well done on guessing so many people's right Laurentus , it's been fun and interesting to read what you notice about each person :) keep it up :)
    The pleasure has been all mine. :)

    I'll post something cool here at some point in the near future.
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  • INTP-A

    99% introverted
    36% intuitive
    92% thinking
    24% prospecting
    44% assertive

    Bet you didn't see that coming.
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  • INTP-A

    99% introverted
    36% intuitive
    92% thinking
    24% prospecting
    44% assertive

    Bet you didn't see that coming.
    With your singular interest in Legal Philosophy, it wouldn't have been a stretch of the imagination. :P

    But holy hell, I think that's the highest introversion score I've yet seen.
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  • INTP-A

    99% introverted
    36% intuitive
    92% thinking
    24% prospecting
    44% assertive

    Bet you didn't see that coming.
    With your singular interest in Legal Philosophy, it wouldn't have been a stretch of the imagination. :P

    But holy hell, I think that's the highest introversion score I've yet seen.

    This usually helps with the high scores.
    « Last Edit: June 08, 2015, 03:01:35 PM by Seroim »
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    This is hilarious, really.

    Unfortunately, when I last read it, not all of the types' stories had been completed.

    And given that the writer is an INTP, well... don't hold your breath that he'll ever finish it. :P
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Oh gosh, Insenjar/Leutheria was all about these sorts of personality tests...I think you two would have had a lot to talk about in this area. :P In any case, since we were close friends and she was my queen here, I went through a lot of tests and discussions about them. :P

    Still, it's been awhile so I took this one just to confirm that I'm still INFJ. :)

    76% Introverted
    11% Intuitive
    56% Feeling
    27% Judging
    18% Assertive

    « Last Edit: June 08, 2015, 05:09:27 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Well, I was almost completely wrong, but that is one mystery resolved, lol. Thank you.
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