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Key Provisions of the Patriot Act fail to be reauthorized.
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    • Section 215 of the Patriot Act had expired. This section has generated the most controversy and debate because the National Security Agency has used it as the basis to collect the phone records of millions of Americans not suspected of any crime. Many members of Congress would like to see this section changed or repealed.

    • Lesser-known powers under Section 215 also ended. While the mass collection of phone records by the NSA has been the focus of attention, this section of the law is also used by the FBI and CIA to collect other information. For example, the CIA uses it to track financial data, such as wire transfers, that can help expose terrorist networks. The FBI has used it to obtain companies' Internet business records.

    • All investigations of phone records under Section 215 of the law will not stop immediately. A clause in the Patriot Act allows the NSA to continue investigations it has already started. The agency collects data that shows who made and received calls, how long those calls lasted, and when they happened. The data does not include the substance of those calls.

    (I strongly suggest checking out the link, as I excluded a good part of the article, considering it's length)
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Don't worry, Sen. McConnell had a change of heart and convinced the Senate to pass the USA Freedom Act, reauthorizing the mentioned provisions.

    Let's just take a damn second - the USA Freedom Act. Get real.

    Anyway, I would be very disappointed in my government if Section 215 is reauthorized, re-funded, renewed, whatever. It is hilariously illegal and it represents everything wrong with the American government in this age.

    If we allow this to come back to our laws, I'm sorry, but terrorists win.
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