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Bio Thread
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  • Here are all of the character bios, because they aren't gonna fit in the game thread.

    Post here if you want to change your character's bio.

    Ethan Carmichael (Butterspring)
    Ethan Carmichael


    Chaotic Good

    General appearance:
    6', 150 lbs. Short black hair, dark purple eyes. Fond of wearing dark colors.

    Doesn't like following the rules. Dark sense of humor, often tasteless. Lots of concentration when needed.

    Combat skills (and weapons):
    Can make objects explode by touching them. Can make them explode after a small delay. Explosion sizes are proportional to the object made to explode. Explosion size can be dialed back. Larger explosions require more energy. Immune to own explosions. Can use explosions to aid in movement.

    Other skills (and tools):
    Fairly proficient in various martial arts.

    Ethan was a normal child, until he made his house explode in a fit of rage. Traveling around the country, he stumbled upon the headquarters for the Winter League, and signed up without hesitation.

    Major weaknesses:
    No defenses at all.

    Motivation for joining the party:
    See history.
    Martha Green (Drexyl Nox)
    Name: Martha Green


    Alignment:Chaotic Good

    General appearance: 6', dark hair, caped vigilante

    Personality: Kind, but antisocial, when not in combat, but deadly serious when in combat (pun intended)

    Combat skills (and weapons): Pistols, she wields a pair of FN Five-seveNs

    Other skills (and tools): She relys on a variety of gadgets including rocket boots and a personal fighter.

    History: Martha Green is the result of a failed supersoldier project. She worked for a while with the Detroit PD before hearing about the Winter League. She decided she could do best as part of a group, even though she doesn't like interacting with other people.

    Major weaknesses: Human interaction, anything heavier than a .45 will pierce her armor.

    Motivation for joining the party: see history
    Sharq Bràigheach (Alterra)
    Name: Sharq Bràigheach

    Age: 19, male

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    General appearance: Native Mexican mixed with Scottish, so tanned and tall. No distinctive facial features, kinda rounded and full face. Short mohawk.

    Personality: Serious and mistrustful, affected by a traumatic childhood with heavy involvement by Mexican cartels.

    Combat skills (and weapons): Two obsidian tomahawks; a thirty-centimeter double edged combat knife, his "Straight Silver." Fast and agile, but not a skilled martial artist, a street brawler who stabs first and asks questions later, also efficient at using bolt-action rifles, and owns one but doesn't usually carry it.

    Other skills (and tools): Good sneaking, has camo cloak that can take the appearance of any material and look like it. Speaks multiple languages and can be convincing in any argument.

    History: Born to a Scottish father and Mexican native mother, Sharq was raised in the slums of Mexico City by his father after his mother was killed by a cartel member and his father was fired and cast into misery. He was raised by his father to speak multiple languages and to fight, steal and talk his way through anything and everything. Growing up in the slums was a tough job, especially with cartels running more rampant every year, and Sharq counted a day easy when he only had to avoid or win two fights or less to get to school, and less than ten fights by the end of the day. The 'natural' death of his father at age 60, while Sharq was on his last year of highschool, sparked some questions. It doesn't seem 'natural' to have a heart attack in a healthy, who still runs and exercises, 60 year old male. Sharq began travelling after securing his father's wealth, quite a lot of it surprisingly, and joined up with the Winter League at the age of 19.

    Major weaknesses: Long range engagements, and multiple enemies. He can brawl, but has to get out quick or get tired in a fight.

    Motivation for joining the party: Answers, who, if anyone, killed his father? Why did his father have so much wealth? Who is the man that killed his mother?
    Kazallu (Reon)
    Name: Kazallu

    Age: Unknown. Body is relatively young. At a guess 16-20 years old.

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    General appearance:
    How she used to look, a long time ago... Tends to wear more drab clothes now.

    Personality: Guarded. Suspicious of people and possibly a bit depressed. Filled with neuroses as a result of her ability.

    Combat skills (and weapons): Her body has some muscle memory of fighting and when she can properly give in to instincts in a fight she can be surprisingly competent. She carries a modified rope dart which uses a strange curved blade. The rope itself also appears to be made of some form of metal, though it remains highly flexible. The weapon itself contains a large amount of combat memory with it. Both in and out of the field.

    Other skills (and tools): She has the ability to willfully see, change, and effect the memory of those around her. So far the limit appears to be that she can only affect those that can directly see her. This comes at the dreadful cost of having to contain all of her personal memory inside of objects... She can contain no memories inside her head. She can implant memories inside of objects within an hour of something happening and the object can be anything from a building to a jacket. She can access the memories only while in physical contact of that item. The memory stays exact and perfectly as it happened inside the object. There is no decay. If an item gets completely destroyed or lost she has no way of accessing the memories. She can transfer memories from object to object... But the process takes about half an hour.
    She has a small metal ball under her skin near her collarbone... She uses this to store most of her general memory.

    History: Kazallu woke up one day in California on a sidewalk with nothing but her clothes, the rope dart, and a note reading 
    "Age gnaws at life
    Without respite –
    Incessantly; insidiously;
    Unnerving in its non–rhythmicity:
    Irregular pendulums–
    Not on clocks–
    Dump cold milestones:
    Another wrinkle; another grey hair;
    Another memory…"
    her head was flooded with memories of her power and how to use it and of the metal ball and of knowledge of the world and memories of her personality. But nothing else. No name, no family, no memories of being a kid, of where she was raised. For the next few months she wandered around testing her powers and trying to figure out who she was. After some time she heard about the Winter League and decided to go and sign up, in hopes that they would know who she was.

    Major weaknesses: No memory of her own... Highly dependent on her objects. Not trustful of most people..."Manipulative." Will often look into other people's memories without asking. Doesn't comply well to social norms. Has been known to change people's memories of her to make herself different. Including but not limited to her making the interaction more charming on her part or making herself look better. Vain.

    Motivation for joining the party: See history.
    Klause Meindhert (Weissreich)
    Name: Klause Meindhert

    Age: 20

    Alignment: Neutral Good

    General appearance: Roughly 6 foot tall, with a lithe body covered in scarring up left arm and onto chest. Surfer hairstyle with pure white hair, eyebrows and faintly luminescent silver irises. Skin has faint etchings of silver in intricate digital-style tracings. Usually wears baggy chinos and a hoody to conceal his skin and eyes whilst out of active service.

    Personality: Quiet and seemingly withdrawn. Highly logical but noted for out-of-the box thinking and a sometimes impractical approach to problems. Loyal but altruistic.

    Combat skills (and weapons): Faster and stronger than a baseline human to a factor of 3 or 4, but doesn't quite classify as a super-strength hero. His main ability is a surge of white energy that illuminates his irises and skin-etchings, which lasts roughly 30 seconds. Each surge gifts telekinesis out to 20 metres, mild pretercognition up to about 5 seconds and a total awareness of everything he is seeing.

    Other skills (and tools): Drastically improved memory and logical abilities to keep up with the information influx of using his surge ability. Relies mainly on a short but ornate sword, but also has a pair of high-tech glasses that conceal his eyes whilst providing him with a HUD.

    History: Triggered during a large super-human caused disaster at the age of 17. After using his power to shield himself and those nearby him from danger, he vanished for 2 years, re-emerging at the age of 19 with a horrifically scarred left side. It's unclear what happened to him, but those close to him have commented on the drastic shift in his personality since.

    Major weaknesses: Focusing too heavily on one individual whilst using a surge can lead to him getting looped into his enhanced awareness of them. His power can spiral out of control, providing useful and useless information in a self-repeating cascade that leaves him immobile. Utilising his surge ability too often causes a "burn-out", a large flash of light along his skin-etchings much like an electrical overload. Leaves him unconscious and those in his nearby vicinity flash-stunned.

    Motivation for joining the party: Unknown reasons.
    Ayla Fellvarda (Ducky911)
    Name: Ayla Fellvarda

    Age: 22

    Alignment: Neutral

    General appearance: A slender woman with long white hair with small black and blue tribal tattoos under her eyes. Typically wears war paint on her body reminiscent of her heritage and prefers to dress in black leather boots with a green or white dress bearing the Ouroboros wreathed in laurels on the chest, the emblem of her native land.

    Personality: She is stoic and diminutive, preferring to leave the talking to others until it involves her skill in combat. She loves animals and has befriended many but her true friend and companion is a loyal hawk named Ethos.

    Combat skills (and weapons): Arya is proficient in the manipulation of molecules and atoms through telekinesis, allowing her almost magic like abilities such as being able to charge electrons for a burst of electric energy or causing oxygen to combust by condensing it to a combustible density and charging the air to produce a spark. She can also direct the atoms of various solids and liquids to form to her will, however this causes a massive decrease of energy proportional to the size/amount/density of the object/fluid and easily makes her vulnerable. She also carries a sword but is not nearly as proficient with it as her molecule manipulation.

    Other skills (and tools): She possesses extraordinary tracking and stealth abilities from her homeland and is a brilliant strategist making her a natural leader.

    History: Arya was born a princess in a nation that was an undeveloped isolationist kingdom that had a rich culture and standard of living. This did not mean however, that she was treated in a Disney definition of the term. She was taught the secrets of the royal family's ability to manipulate molecules through rigorous mental energy training, and progressed at a rate that far exceeded any previous family member, while also learning to track and hunt. However due to her proficiency in molecular manipulation, she opted out of the standard bow that was used by the royal family and chose to instead hunt with her ability, as her level of precision in her strikes had never before been seen. Her lifestyle changed though when the outside world discovered her mostly hidden nation, and desiring the land rich in resources, began warring with the kingdom. The nations forces were decimated and, in the fray, General West discovered Arya's ability and captured her for testing before killing her family. However, he did not plan on her violent escape from their testing chambers. Arya fought her way out of the compound but not before she ripped General West apart atom by atom for his crimes. This left Arya near death from the energy required and, if it had not been for a member of the party, she would have succumbed.

    Major weaknesses: While proficient at long range, her molecular manipulation is dangerous to herself and team mates at close range. She is not proficient with her short range weapon making her incredibly vulnerable to head on attacks. The affore-mentioned molding of solids and liquids for example raising an earth wall for protection leaves her exhausted due to high amounts of energy used in the act, so if she has to defend herself or her teammates, she will inevitably have to rely a great deal on them to get her out of an immediate bind.

    Motivation for joining the party: Vowing to never let this tragedy occur again, she joined the party of the man who saved her to satisfy this life need.
    Nicholas Arken (kinxer)
    Name: Nicholas Arken

    Age: 19

    Alignment: Neutral Good

    General appearance: Lanky male with black hair and dark eyes. His forearms up to his wrists are jet-black in contrast with his otherwise lightly-tanned skin. He wears tees in warm and moderate weather and short-sleeved jackets (which look kinda dumb) in the cold.

    Personality: Nick isn't a man of extremes. His upbringing instilled in him an affinity for the careful medium. He has few strong beliefs besides his trust in science (and therefore scientists). He generally doesn't speak unless spoken to, not because he's untalkative, but because that is the environment he grew up in.

    Combat skills (and weapons): Nick has the ability to create magnetic fields around his hands that can pull and/or heat metal. Both of these are fairly powerful to the point where he can reasonably heat a hand-gun sized piece of metal in about four seconds and pull his entire body weight toward an object (not quickly, but at a decent speed) that has more mass than he does. He carries short-bladed knives that he can project toward enemies.

    Other skills (and tools): He wears gloves made of interlocking ceramic scales to protect his hands when he is heating metal. He has a great deal of dexterity after extensive practice with pulling dangerous things toward himself and moving out of the way.

    History: Nick is the result of a genetic modification initiative to create various specialized types of soldier. He was one of the first and was therefore a prototype never meant to see the field. The researchers tested his abilities, the physiological and psychological ramifications, and just generally controlled his existence for the first fifteen years of his life. He was treated well overall, and though he was taught how to use his ability in combat, it was purely for testing purposes and he wasn't conditioned to think like a soldier. When Nick was fifteen, a combination of public outrage at the human rights infringement and governmental realization of how long the research would take caused the research facility to lose its funding and shut down. Nick lived in the abandoned facility for a while afterward, but he soon ran out of food and ventured out into the world. His encounters with normal people were really odd at first, but he managed to become only slightly strange and integrate into society.

    Major weaknesses: Use of his ability produces heat (originating from his arms) proportional to the forces created by his ability. Therefore, he can overheat (heat stroke at the least, combustion if he's pushing himself to the point of death) while using his ability extensively. His energy comes from light and heat, so he has to be in the sun for a significant amount of time every day to be truly effective. Also, his combat skills besides his ability are only average. Oh, and his ability tends to mess up (temporarily OR permanently) electronics.

    Motivation for joining the party: He has no civilian skills, so the party is pretty much his chance at having a decent livelihood.
    Phoenix (Chanku)
    Name: Phoenix

    Age: 14

    Alignment:Chaotic Neutral

    General appearance:Tall, slightly lanky, with Black hair and blue eyes. Is Caucasian, and has spider bites, sometimes Cat ears and a tail can be seen. He is roughly 5'3" and is 95 lbs.

    Personality:A bit standoff-ish, but rather nice and friendly once you get to know him. He hates being forced into society's mold, and is a bit of a loner.

    Combat skills (and weapons): Loves Archery and is an okay shot. He usually has a bow and 5 arrows with him.

    Other skills (and tools): Is really good at hacking and program design, he usually keeps a usb drive with him at all times which contains his 'tools' so to speak. He can 'Revive' however it can not be through natural causes(Natural Disasters, Old Age, Disease, ect.) and takes roughly three days to be revived, and a week before full strength is returned, this only is for himself. He can also learn things rather quickly

    History: A Normal kid whom, after various experiments on him by his father, grew ears and tail. Being ostracized at the age of 6 he learned a lot about computers, which was a side effect of his experiments(Increased Learning Abilities).

    Major weaknesses: Mortality, Water, Tuna, Dogs, Tail and Ears, Natural Events

    Motivation for joining the party: He seems to have little motivation other than finding the base and having nothing better to do.
    « Last Edit: December 12, 2013, 05:24:33 AM by Butterspring »
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  • Edgar Minver (Wintermoot)
    Name: Edgar Minvar   

    Age: 24

    Alignment: Neutral Good

    General appearance: Short, lean, and scrawny...long, unkempt black hair, glasses, and wearing any casual clothes one could find at a dollar store or a Wal-Mart. Appearance isn't something that's particularly important to Edgar.

    Personality: An antisocial, awkward, and bookish man. Edgar seems a little nervous, much like a mouse. He tends to shy away from people, avoid confrontations, and have difficulty having conversations with anybody he isn't very close to. On the other hand, Edgar is extremely loyal to those that do manage to become close to him, almost to a fault. He's trustworthy, does his best to be honest, and live a life according to his own ideas of virtue.

    Power: Edgar has the ability to regulate how fatigued people feel, in that he can either mask the fatigue someone has so that can't feel it, or make them feel more fatigued than they really are.

    Combat skills (and weapons): None. His peaceful nature makes violence of any sort difficult for him to be a part of. He would prefer strategies that minimalize the confrontation aspect of any violence encountered, through use of stealth and surprise. Or so he imagines that's how it'll happen.

    Other skills (and tools): Edgar is very skilled with just about anything involving computers or technology, can repair many types of equipment, and has some limited first aid experience.

    History: Born in Snowford, a small village on the snowy western coast of Wintreath, Edgar has spent most of his 24 years living an unremarkable life. He performed well in school and was very intelligent, but was also a slacker which prevented him from being recognized for his talents. After graduating, he took a job as a librarian, working at the sleepy local library and doing some tech work on the side. One day, while talking to his boss, he realized that he could...feel...that she was quite tired, and with a little effort could change that feeling. Perhaps he always had this ability and didn't realize it until then, or perhaps something happened to cause it. Nobody really knows.

    Major weaknesses: The aforementioned lack of social skills and combat skills. Additionally, his power would have minimal effect on anything that could fight through their own intense feelings, and have no effect on anything that cannot feel fatigue.

    Motivation for joining the party: Seizing upon his newly discovered ability, Edgar decided that he wanted to go out into the world to "prove himself", and live a life that isn't the quiet, dreary one he's always known.

    Azure (The Golden Persian)
    Name: (Well, doesn't really doesn't have a name...though the organization gave the name Azure, due to the luminescent blue markings)

    Age: 23 (Earth rotations around the sun)

    Alignment: Chaotically Neutral

    General appearance: Azure has a bipedal, masculinized humanoid appearance. Azure stands at 6'00'', with a rather big body. Azure's skin is of a lightly tanned one, with luminescent blue markings covering the entirety of the body in intricate, alien designs. The eyes have a white pupil, black irises, and constantly changing colours where the white usually is. Has short, straight hair, gelled up in the middle, that is black with purple tips. Azure also has a set of large canine teeth. Usually only wearing a pair of black jeans of foreign material(Azure goes without on occasion). Azure wears a circlet of sapphire on the head, a medallion necklace around the neck with foreign scripture, and several ruby inlaid piercings on the navel, tongue, and ears.

    Personality: Azure has a curious nature. Ever since Azure found himself on this planet, Azure has been immensely curious about it. Usually has a quizzical look on the face, and is constantly touching things in order to see what they do. Cannot speak, for the species have never spoken with their mouths, and instead must remain silent to others, as no one knows how to use the light language of the markings, the pheromone transmissions, or the written language of the species. Azure has recently gotten a rather lonely persona, but, as Azure slowly learns of the written and sign language of this world, Azure hopes to communicate for once.

     From this Earth, Azure has found great joys in music, even if Azure doesn't know what they mean half the time. Azure loves the water, and the sun, and the atmosphere, and one could see Azure stand in a meadow, body fully nude towards the sun. Azure also writes all the adventures in a foreign material bound book in the species own language. Azure also has found most humans to be rather weird, not liking how close Azure's body comes up to them, and the unnecessary touching that Azure was raised as appropriate and a way of communicating. Azure does, however, find them a fun and stimulating species.

    Combat skills (and weapons): Azure's canine teeth contain an unknown toxin, that, when expelled to others of the species, merely allows for more intimate conversations between people, and is used as an aphrodisiac when used on oneself. However, for humans, it causes one to go into a comatose state for a period ranging for several hours to several days. Azure has also been trained in the self-defense and offensive attacks of the species, involving graceful movements, spins, and acrobatics, with deadly precision to certain parts of the body using the palm of the hands and heel of the foot(and since the human and his species have similar body structures, they work just as well, if some precision is off). Azure also has a handcrafted spear with intricate designs inlaid with silver and sapphire with a built in retractable gold chord that can be thrown between 12-17ft and retracts back. Azure can use the spear in conjunction with the defensive and offensive art.

    Other skills (and tools): Toolwise, besides the spear, pants, accessories, and journal, not really anything except a light royal purple knapsack to hold stuff, and a weird harp like instrument. Other skills that he has: can play the harp-like instrument, which produces a slightly hypnotic sound, with a melancholic tune.Excels at cooking on this planet, and running. Also has a nice, disarming smile with light dimples, which Azure uses to make people less wary, as who can hold back against such an innocent face,  despite the wicked eyes. Azure's eyes allow for seeing, while also in regular human vision of the electromagnetic scale, in ultra violet and infrared, and, to a light extent, x-rays and radio waves. Also, as the brain is biologically different as well as mentally and neurologically different, telepathy, mind reading, mind control, empaths, and the like have no true.

    History: Azure is of the alien race Descalzo, a species that lives across the stars in an unknown galaxy circling an unnamed star. Without writing too much about the history/culture of Descalzo, lets just say that Azure had a wondrous childhood, filled with adventure and games. Right now, despite Earthly being a young adult, only at late adolescence, which Azure will be staying in much longer then the humans, till roughly 35, in which begins the rather long phase (human standards) of young adulthood.

     Anyways, one day, during a festival that was happening in a community, light struck down on Azure, sending the body across space and time into the wilderness that surrounded Wintropolis. There, Azure was discovered, wide eyed and afraid, until brought in by the organization, where Azure spent the first three months being examined and studied every which way, until finally they gave back the equipment, which Azure became distraught without. They tried introducing Azure to the human culture, which was found to be greatly interesting and exciting, but was extremely hard for to grasp and understand. After a while, when they thought Azure could grasp at least a very little understanding, they thrust Azure into the superhero program.

    Major weaknesses: Azure still does not fully understand human language/culture/and ideas, and therefore can lead him to do things that would be considered very out of the way, as well as to keep Azure really blocked off from team mates. All combat is revolved around play and game, as the species see it as sport, and probably won't understand till a bit later that things are life/death. The air of the Earth is lightly toxic. Azure can breathe normally and even pant with the lungs and body able to repair fully, but too fast and heavy breathing could lead Azure to be somewhat sick for a while, and possibly faint if too much at a time. Azure is also more susceptible to the viruses and bacteria of this planet, though, while his immune system is still capable, it will spend longer fighting them off, and possibly have unknown side effects. Also, latex, polyurethane, polyester, cotton, and rubber, when contacted with the skin, gives have a chemical reaction causing the skin to burn.

    Motivation for joining the party: Azure has no where else to go, and is looking for a place to be safe, and feel at home, till Azure possibly finds his way back across the stars.
    « Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 10:19:17 AM by Reon »
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