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Person Found Guilty of Intentionally Exposing Partners to HIV
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    omg, really? This is the sort of thing that makes me feel vindicated that I don't hook up with guys from websites. I'm glad he's going to be spending a long time in jail for this...

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  • It's a shame that we still have to worry about this in the 21st century. 
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  • It's a shame that we still have to worry about this in the 21st century.
    Not to mention that there are people that would intentionally spread it to unknowing people. I've read about 'gifters', people that give HIV to others that want it, and I've always hoped it was just a myth...this is worse than even that. >_>

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  • It's a bad situation, but at least HIV isn't the death sentence it once was.
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  • It doesn't surprise me.  If you go on Adadm4Adam, you'll see guys that even identify as HIV positive, yet say they'll only do bareback.  Really?  What person in their right mind is going to want to BB with someone who is HIV positive and possibly get it?

    As someone in that link who commented said, his feigned ignorance on the whole thing astounds me.  He told partners that he was clean, and then when he testified he said he KNEW, but "didn't know what it was" and "didn't know how to tell people" because he "thought it was just another STD."

    There are a few things I don't buy in that story:

    1) If he thinks it's just some kind of STD, that's still bad enough to where you don't want to have unprotected sex (I mean, it is called a SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED disease for a reason)

    2) This is a guy that was attending a university, I highly doubt he was stupid enough to not think of researching such a thing if he wasn't sure.  And considering I know colleges alone TALK about HIV and HIV awareness from time to time (at least I know my university did), I doubt that he didn't know what it was.

    I'm pretty sure he knowingly did it, and then played the ignorant card so people would think that he did it unknowingly.

    However...he's not completely at fault either.  Yes, he deserves a long jail/prison sentence since he essentially sentenced those people to death himself by passing the virus to them...however let's not forget that this is a two way street.

    When you're meeting a stranger for a hookup, you should never take them at their word, because the only thing people care about in a hookup is getting their rocks off.  So even if someone tells you they're clean (which two of the people were smart to ask), you should still grab a condom just in case.  It doesn't matter if you like the feel of it more when there isn't one, because how do you like the feel of the possible STDs and viruses that may come with it?

    Unless you've been with the person while they were getting tested, saw the results yourself, or have been with them long enough to establish that trust (and even in that case, it's not always guaranteed), then you should never take anyone at their word, since people like this can lie about it.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • It doesn't surprise me.  If you go on Adadm4Adam, you'll see guys that even identify as HIV positive, yet say they'll only do bareback.  Really?  What person in their right mind is going to want to BB with someone who is HIV positive and possibly get it?

    As someone in that link who commented said, his feigned ignorance on the whole thing astounds me.  He told partners that he was clean, and then when he testified he said he KNEW, but "didn't know what it was" and "didn't know how to tell people" because he "thought it was just another STD."

    There are a few things I don't buy in that story:

    1) If he thinks it's just some kind of STD, that's still bad enough to where you don't want to have unprotected sex (I mean, it is called a SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED disease for a reason)

    2) This is a guy that was attending a university, I highly doubt he was stupid enough to not think of researching such a thing if he wasn't sure.  And considering I know colleges alone TALK about HIV and HIV awareness from time to time (at least I know my university did), I doubt that he didn't know what it was.

    I'm pretty sure he knowingly did it, and then played the ignorant card so people would think that he did it unknowingly.

    However...he's not completely at fault either.  Yes, he deserves a long jail/prison sentence since he essentially sentenced those people to death himself by passing the virus to them...however let's not forget that this is a two way street.

    When you're meeting a stranger for a hookup, you should never take them at their word, because the only thing people care about in a hookup is getting their rocks off.  So even if someone tells you they're clean (which two of the people were smart to ask), you should still grab a condom just in case.  It doesn't matter if you like the feel of it more when there isn't one, because how do you like the feel of the possible STDs and viruses that may come with it?

    Unless you've been with the person while they were getting tested, saw the results yourself, or have been with them long enough to establish that trust (and even in that case, it's not always guaranteed), then you should never take anyone at their word, since people like this can lie about it.

    You know I'm a very sexual person, and I get a lot of questions about why I don't go on those websites and hookup with people...this would be why. I'm pretty shy around strangers, and I just can't imagine fooling around with someone I just met to begin with. And then everytime I see a profile on A4A I can't help but wonder how many people they've fooled around and exchanged fluids with, and then I wonder about their cleanliness, and it goes from there. I know people that use these websites and thus far haven't had anything happen to them, and that's great, but I don't want to worry about what I may get from people.

    Back to this case, there's no way in hell he couldn't have known about HIV and what he had...the problem is that younger gay people that are our age or younger don't see HIV/AIDS as a big thing. We weren't there when this was a scary thing that people were dying from, and people tend to think about it as something that pills will solve. My guess is that he didn't see it as a big deal, and knew that telling people that he had HIV would make them think twice about fooling around with him, so he just didn't bother. That is criminal, and I'm glad he's getting what's coming to him, even if the other parties have some responsibility for their own safety as well.

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  • It doesn't surprise me.  If you go on Adadm4Adam, you'll see guys that even identify as HIV positive, yet say they'll only do bareback.  Really?  What person in their right mind is going to want to BB with someone who is HIV positive and possibly get it?

    As someone in that link who commented said, his feigned ignorance on the whole thing astounds me.  He told partners that he was clean, and then when he testified he said he KNEW, but "didn't know what it was" and "didn't know how to tell people" because he "thought it was just another STD."

    There are a few things I don't buy in that story:

    1) If he thinks it's just some kind of STD, that's still bad enough to where you don't want to have unprotected sex (I mean, it is called a SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED disease for a reason)

    2) This is a guy that was attending a university, I highly doubt he was stupid enough to not think of researching such a thing if he wasn't sure.  And considering I know colleges alone TALK about HIV and HIV awareness from time to time (at least I know my university did), I doubt that he didn't know what it was.

    I'm pretty sure he knowingly did it, and then played the ignorant card so people would think that he did it unknowingly.

    However...he's not completely at fault either.  Yes, he deserves a long jail/prison sentence since he essentially sentenced those people to death himself by passing the virus to them...however let's not forget that this is a two way street.

    When you're meeting a stranger for a hookup, you should never take them at their word, because the only thing people care about in a hookup is getting their rocks off.  So even if someone tells you they're clean (which two of the people were smart to ask), you should still grab a condom just in case.  It doesn't matter if you like the feel of it more when there isn't one, because how do you like the feel of the possible STDs and viruses that may come with it?

    Unless you've been with the person while they were getting tested, saw the results yourself, or have been with them long enough to establish that trust (and even in that case, it's not always guaranteed), then you should never take anyone at their word, since people like this can lie about it.

    You know I'm a very sexual person, and I get a lot of questions about why I don't go on those websites and hookup with people...this would be why. I'm pretty shy around strangers, and I just can't imagine fooling around with someone I just met to begin with. And then everytime I see a profile on A4A I can't help but wonder how many people they've fooled around and exchanged fluids with, and then I wonder about their cleanliness, and it goes from there. I know people that use these websites and thus far haven't had anything happen to them, and that's great, but I don't want to worry about what I may get from people.

    Back to this case, there's no way in hell he couldn't have known about HIV and what he had...the problem is that younger gay people that are our age or younger don't see HIV/AIDS as a big thing. We weren't there when this was a scary thing that people were dying from, and people tend to think about it as something that pills will solve. My guess is that he didn't see it as a big deal, and knew that telling people that he had HIV would make them think twice about fooling around with him, so he just didn't bother. That is criminal, and I'm glad he's getting what's coming to him, even if the other parties have some responsibility for their own safety as well.

    That is exactly the problem.  Getting HIV is a huge life changing thing for people, even if it's not to the same extent as it was in say, the 80s, when much more people died from it.  Sure, now we have treatments to help people fight the virus, but we've still yet to reach an actual cure, and you're talking now those people have to resort to pills to help them, and even then they may still have shorter lives because of it.

    But while physically they're still alive, mentally they might as well be almost completely dead because of how much their life has just been ruined because some asshat decided to lie about his status and pass the virus.  If it wasn't such a big deal, why do many people shy away from the idea of being with an HIV positive person in utter fear that they'll contract it?  It's definitely a big deal because as far as that person knows, you not only shortened their potential lifespan, but you also just doomed them to a life to where they may never find someone unless they do what you did and lie about their status.
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  • Or bond to another hiv positive person... Which does happen a relatively fair amount.
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  • Or bond to another hiv positive person... Which does happen a relatively fair amount.

    I actually don't hear about that one quite commonly, though I know it happens, and it's not like it doesn't make sense since you can't give each other mega HIV at that point.

    But this is why people should always be safe about it.  If you don't know, ask, and if you're unsure, use protection.  There's no reason to risk getting an STD or even a potentially life-altering virus just so your sex feels nicer.  It may be a "one night stand," but that doesn't mean you should be stupid about it.  Life is only as short as you make it, so don't go making stupid decisions for the thrills or feels if you want your life to last longer.
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  • The only group that has growing HIV rates across most developed countries are men who have sex with men. It's gotten to the point that the World Health Organization recommends that sexually active gay men take antiretrovirals as a preventative measure, something we discussed in another topic, which I still think damages the LGBTQ community and reinforces the stereotype that all gay guys think about is fucking and that they all engage in risky, unsafe sex.

    Now we have someone that knew he was infected, but obviously cared more about fucking than the safety of his partnered...hell, maybe the idea that he was infected them turned him on. I'm afraid that people that read about this and don't know better won't see a sick person, they'll see someone that's representative of gay/bi men in general. =/

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • While such narrow-minded misconceptions will arise, the government can go a long way by educating people to the truth.

    The sad reality is that the statistics make this something that has to be considered...
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  • I wouldn't hold my breath for the American government to do much of anything. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Lol, as much as some Americans can complain, there really are places in the world that are run a helluva lot worse than you could possibly imagine.

    I'm not suggesting America is run perfectly (quite the contrary, from my perspective), but relatively speaking, you guys should be glad. :P

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  • I dated a guy with HIV once, he was the nicest guy, didn't hide it from me, remembering him is painful though.
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  • I wouldn't hold my breath for the American government to do much of anything. :P

    It's government. No government anywhere does much of anything.

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