Post #34535
May 08, 2015, 10:02:35 PM
I assume you're referring to the death penalty.
It doesn't make any type of sense as a preventative measure, actually. Research has not found convincing evidence that the death penalty can actually lower crime rates, or even keep them stable.
Perhaps it is because they feel the need to exact vengeance, as in some cases the family and friends of the victim of a homicide may view the killer getting killed. So there's that.
If we're talking cold logic though, especially in a country like South Africa where the correctional facilities are overflowing with inmates, and most of these are extremely violent criminals with almost zero chance of rehabilitation, then the only realistic solution just to prevent over-population in the correctional facilities without letting violent and non-rehabilitated criminals walk the streets again, is to kill off the absolute worst ones. For obvious reasons, this idea is unpopular.
I'm not sure whether you wanted such a serious answer, but there it is.