It's one thing to have a personal stake in this, because I've said it thousands of times, and it's true.
But I also have a job to do. In the UH and in the Platform, I'm a representative of the people first and foremost, so the bias hat has to go off. There's a process known as keeping your troubles at the door so that you can do your job properly, and it's a motto I strongly believe in. I may have a bias in all of this, but it's not something I'll let cloud my judgment in doing my job properly.
I'll go the best route that I believe is going to be the fairest for anyone, regardless of who they are, because the opinions of the majority matter more than the opinions of the one. If the majority wants him gone, then I'll support it. If the majority wants him around longer, then I may not personally agree with it, but I'll support it. This is something that I want at least most of the UH and OH to be in agreement with, whether it be in giving him another chance or voting to revoke his citizenship. Because if we want to continue functioning perfectly, we need to be able to keep things professional and consider Wintreath as a whole more than just ourselves or a single person.
As long as Govindia keeps it civil and doesn't start pointing fingers and trying to egg people on or bait them, then I'll encourage him to say his piece and for everyone to look at what he says and consider it in their decisions. Because regardless of anything that happens, I do believe that he should still have a fair process regardless of which direction we choose to go, and I do believe that anyone with a bias needs to take those glasses off and do this purely at a professional level.
This whole revocation isn't about why we hate Govindia and why we don't want to sit with him anymore. It's about the fact that this is someone that is potentially harmful to the atmosphere of Wintreath, and we need to look at the options of whether or not doing this is in fact beneficial or not for Wintreath in the long run, which unfortunately I believe that in the long run, it will be. But as it stands, I'll only be voicing that stance for public record and for others to see, rather than voicing it to a vote. I've already caused enough ruckus with the complaint and with creating the Act (even though I asked someone else to post it
), so staying out of voting and really out of any of the UH's decisions at this point just seems like the most appropriate action.