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Founderless Regions Alliance
Posts: 34 Views: 6424

  • Village Drifter

  • The voting period shall be closing in just under two days so don't forget to vote!

    Since I have no doubt some of you are very lazy I will even provide you with all the details you need to vote.

    The Awards

    The Defender of the Year Award

    The formerly named 'EuroSoviets' award is given to the nation who is viewed by the NS community as the one nation who has helped the defender cause the most in the last year.

    The Ananke Award

    The Ananke Award is given to those nations who spend their own time looking out for any invasions that are taking place. This normally means staying up till very late and sacrificing their sleep for the greater good.

    The Anarchotopia Award

    This award is given to the region or organisation which has proved the most successful in preventing invasions.

    The Blackbird Award

    A special award that is given to the invader group which the NS community considers the best out there due to whatever reason.

    The Sir Lans Award

    The old 'Updater of the Year Award' is for the person who has been involved in more update missions than any other, and has shown dedication to be there if they are needed.

    The Operation of the Year Award

    The mission which stands out from all others from the last year due to the success, the numbers involved or any other reason.

    The Best Newcomer(s) Award

    Given to the region, nation or organisation which has appeared within the last year, and impressed the defender community the most. This award has two recipients.

    The Dipes Award

    Given to the nation who has best served the Intelligence cause.

    The Worst Operation Award

    Previously the Worst Invasion Award, this award is given to the operation which was classed as the worst due to Defender mistakes, Invader cunning or any other reason.

    The Worst Invader Group Award

    The award given to a group of Invaders for abysmal failure and/or being a large annoyance overall.

    The Best Defender Quote

    A light hearted award, given to the nation whose quote or motto has been considered strange, funny or different.

    The Meltdown of the Year Award

    Given to a nation, region or organisation which has self-imploded in spectacular (and often hilarious) style.

    The Lifetime Achievement Award for Dedication to Defending

    The award given to the nation who has been a dedicated servant to the defender cause for many years, often sacrificing different luxuries in order to help as much as they can.

    The Can't We All Just Get Along Award

    A reincarnation of The Defender Unity Award seen only in the first Awards - this Award recognises the player, region or group/organisation that has contributed the most to Defender unity/solidarity.

    The Tinfoil Hat Award

    In much the same light-hearted vein as other Awards, this Award is awarded to the best conspiracy theory by or about Defenders.

    People to vote for

    The Defender of the Year Award
    Benevolent Thomas
    Someone Special

    The Ananke Award
    Benevolent Thomas
    Land Filled With people

    The Anarchotopia Award

    The Blackbird Award
    The Skeleton Army
    The Black Hawks
    The Black Riders
    The Brotherhood of Malice
    United Imperial Armed Forces

    The Sir Lans Award
    Benevolent Thomas
    Someone Special

    The Operation of the Year Award
    Furry Federation
    The South Pacific
    Operation Phoenix

    The Best Newcomer(s) Award
    The Saturnian Republic
    Tangaroan Islands

    Lazarene Liberation Army
    Spiritus Defence Force

    The Dipes Award
    Numero Capitan
    Land Filled With People

    The Worst Operation Award
    Osiris campaign against Gatesville

    The Worst Invader Group Award
    The Eternal Knights
    The Black Riders
    The Worms
    The Communist Region

    The Best Defender Quote Award
    Quote from: Wordy
    I tend to pronounce it Tight-o!
    Not sure if that is correct but I like it better than Tit-o
    Then again I am female :P

    Quote from: Paffnia
    This just confirms my opinion that Wordy was the best delegate Osiris has had to date.

    [09:39] <@Guy>
    [09:39] <@frattastan>
    [09:39] <+Indian_Empire> :
    [09:39] <+TheGrimReaper>
    [09:39] <+Indian_Empire> :
    [09:40] <@frattastan> Not the same thing!

    <@frattastan> >_>
    <@Karp> its so hard to tell what frattastan is annoyed about
    <@Wop> everything

    15:26 Luna : About 3% of females have a tusk.

    <@Staplers> pretending to do work
    <@Staplers> (but I'm actually looking up narwhal facts!)

    [17:20] <+Typing> why do i have voice? :o
    [17:20] <@frattastan> It means you can speak if you the channel is 'muted'.
    [17:23] <+Typing> huh?
    [17:24] <@frattastan> I'll let you see.
    [17:24] * frattastan sets mode: +m
    [17:24] * frattastan sets mode: -v Typing
    [17:24] <@frattastan> Try typing something.
    [17:24] <@frattastan> (I'll leave the channel muted for a minute)
    [17:33] * frattastan sets mode: -m
    [17:34] <@frattastan> oh, dammit forgot about it :P
    [17:34] * frattastan sets mode: +v Typing
    [17:34] <@frattastan> ...I'm sorry? :P

    Campinia: are raider spies all morons or is it just bob and wraith?
    Wopruthien: Just Bob and Wraith.

    The Meltdown of the Year Award
    The Kemetic Republic of Osiris
    The Empire

    The Lifetime Achievement Award for Dedication to Defending
    Drop Your Pants
    Numero Capitan

    The Can't We All Just Get Along Award
    Land Filled With People
    Benevolent Thomas
    Cameron Romefeller

    The Tinfoil Hat Award
    The FRAncoist Eluminati Conspiracy
    [small]A conspiracy suggesting there is a secretive elite of Pacificans, FRA members and other defenders which conspires to subvert game-created regions and rule the world.
    "the defender-Francoist takeover of Lazarus" - Onderkelia/Whiskum
    McMasterdonia = Guy Conspiracy
    [small]Self explanatory. Guy has to be be McMasterdonia.[/small]
    How to vote

    Voting will close on March 2nd at midnight GMT, and will be followed by the Awards Ceremony.

    There are a number of avenues by which you can vote:

    1) Send a Private Message to the 'Ballot Collector' on the FRA forum.

    2) Send a Private Message to 'Karputsk' on the regional forums of 10000 Islands, Texas, The Rejected Realms, Lazarus or the UDL.

    3) Send a Telegram Message to the nation 'Defender Awards 2014'.

    In your message please indicate clearly the names of those who you wish to vote for.

    Please remember there is one vote for every award - if you vote for more than one person for a specific award, then those votes will be discounted.

    You can only vote for those people who are nominated - write-in nominations will not be accepted.

    The confirmed nominations list is here.

    Please note: Although there are a number avenues by which it is possible to vote only one vote per award per person is permitted. All ballots received via telegram will be vetted to ensure they are not puppet accounts, and any votes from people I suspect have already voted will be discounted.

    Happy voting!

    Get voting! Oh, and before I forget, if you register on the FRA boards to vote you won't be able to vote until you are masked. If this is the case it would be better for you to vote using the other methods listed. :)
    • Posts: 6
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    • Village Drifter
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  • Village Drifter

  • From the Office of the Arch-Chancellor of the Founderless Regions Alliance

    Date: May 2014


    This is the first update of the May-August term for the Founderless Regions Alliance's cabinet.

    Moving Forward with a New Term

    With the new term starting, my goals as Arch-Chancellor largely revolve around general modernization and streamlining the FRA's operational facilities and policies in hopes of increasing our productivity. This term only started mere days ago, so not much has been done quite yet in regards to that, but we hope to take a look at reforming our forum structure, the FRA Rangers' chain of command, our training procedures, our resources, etc. in the coming weeks, while also recruiting, defending, and doing what we usually do.

    If these reforms go well, we will follow by experimenting with an interesting line-up of ideas that you'll have to wait a bit to see. Regardless, I and the Cabinet are looking quite forward to making the most of the new term.

    FRA Leads Liberation of Liberal Haven

    I am pleased to announce the successful liberation of Liberal Haven from the Right Wing Uprising. The mission, which was performed on 5/14's major update, was led and organized by the FRA Cabinet in cooperation with the Lazarene Liberation Army and, of course, Tim, who daringly attempted to trigger for a region that updated immediately after a feeder. Due to a sleepy delegate, the triggering ultimately wasn't necessary, but his efforts are nonetheless appreciated.

    Liberal Haven was of particular concern as a mission because the RWU placed several long-term sleepers in the region and was able to put the stockpiled influence to use through banjections and passwording the region. Cercueil, who is also known as "German Dragons" of NAZI EUROPE, took the delegacy just over fifty days ago and was succeeded by Curious Gecko, another sleeper. We originally planned to submit our own liberation proposal of the region, but Cormac A Stark wrote a fine resolution, beating us to the punch. All in all, it worked out, as the passing of that liberation opened the door for removing the Fascists from Liberal Haven.

    The coalition of forces that liberated the region include the FRA and the Lazarene Liberation Army, whom were responsible for coordinating the operation, the East Pacific Sovereign Army, the RRA, Spiritus, the New Southern Army, the New Pacific Order, and the UDL. We also found ourselves in a rare instance where we were pursuing the same objective militarily as the UIAF; though they originally intended to work separately with TSP to liberate the region, our operation was underway prior to their set-up and thus TSP joined us, and the UIAF, ISRA, and the UK ended up endorsing our lead and Geomania of TSP. The logistics of this arrangement were certainly uneasy at first, but fortunately the liberation was not derailed.

    A good laugh was had after the mission as well...

    Quote from: Liberal Haven Point's Happenings
    4 hours ago: The People's Liberation Army Xiao-Yang was banned from Union of Nationalists by The Middle Republic of The Kuomintang.

    Rangers Withdraw as Natives Successfully Refound Slavia

    The Rangers withdrew  from Slavia this Tuesday after receiving North Polish Union's request to do so in preparation for a refound. Slavia, which was raided because the UIAF saw an opportunity to target it after the founder of the large region suddenly ceased to exist, was held by the occupying imperialist piling force until Dyr Nasad thwarted their refound attempt at the end of the winter.

    The effort was a long haul, both for us and, more dramatically, the residents of Slavia. The initial confusion caused by raiders insisting that their attack was an attack on Slavia because of its role in the FRA, even though Slavia was in the process of withdrawing from the Alliance, was as baffling as it sounds. The massive piling force that was deployed to Slavia was an obstacle that made a standard liberation impossible, so NPU and myself had no choice but to request help from the Security Council in ensuring that the UIAF didn't turn Slavia into a trophy.

    When we managed to take back the region, we had to spend almost a month securing Slavia before we were able to safely transfer the delegacy to NPU, and this week Slavia's community finally pulled off a professional-grade refound of their own, thus ending the ordeal. It is obvious that this has been a trying experience for Slavia, and it was tough not being able to help sooner, but I'm truly glad that the community was able to brave through it all and work with us to re-secure their region.

    I wish them the best of luck on their future endeavors and the protection of their region's sovereignty. Regardless of whether or not they are members of the FRA, we will continue to offer our support of their right to sovereignty in the face of imperialism.

    New Cabinet Elected, Term Length Amendment Passes the RA

    The FRA Regional Assembly recently wrapped up cabinet elections. You may notice that we usually don't have elections in May: this is correct. As Joneswest alluded to in the previous update, we recently implemented election reforms that effected a constitutional amendment mandating terms that are longer than past terms by one additional month. Our short terms have often been a subject of slight irritation, so the amendment was able to pass with ease. The change required that our usual election schedule be altered to suit longer terms. Elections will now occur in February, May, August, and November.

    The new cabinet is as follows:

    Cabinet of the Founderless Regions Alliance

    Arch-Chancellor: Milograd
    Vice-Chancellor: Jonewest
    Regional Liaison Officer: Joe Bobs
    Chief of Defense: Dyr Nasad
    Minister of Intelligence: Guy
    Speaker of the Regional Assembly: Wibblefeet

    Just Around the Corner: FRAVision

    FRAVision, our annual song contest between NS players on their region's behalfs, is also just around the corner. While the details and scheduling are still being worked out presently, those interested in participating as contestants are encouraged to begin thinking about what they'd like to submit. I and Wopruthien will be serving as the event's organizers this year and I fully intend to take bribes from any person who can convince Blue Wolf to actually record a cover of "Tradition" from Fiddler on the Roof.

    Fun (Or Maybe Not?) Discussion of the Week: F.R.A. vs. FRAH, With Linguistics Lessons from Joe Bobs

    To the surprise of some of us in the FRA, there are actually people who pronounce FRA as "FRAH" instead of reading aloud the initialism. We made a topic about it and people were simply horrified that people actually do that.

    That's not terribly interesting, but what is interesting is that Joe Bobs, our RLO, was actually able to explain why most people use "F.R.A." but some use "FRAH". His linguistics degree was the source of both knowledge and sympathy for his financial well-being -- he took the time to explain the initialism's popularity below. It's actually pretty interesting.

    Quote from: Joe Bobs
    However, 'f' is a fricative (a sound where friction is used, e.g. s, f, th, z), and a fricative into an approximant, ending on a vowel, is less natural to say. I'm trying to think of other examples... 'schwa', 'three', 'free'. But notice that the two of those which are easier to say 'three' and 'free' end on high vowels towards the front of the mouth. For 'frah', your tongue has to move backwards in the mouth, and the 'r' almost becomes a 'w', or it does to me anyway. I think the phonemic pattern may be more common in German, so maybe Germans could say it easier.

    I took up asking him why "ointment" is such an unappealing word after the fact, and he happily explained that too. He may analyze a word of your choice upon request if you're lucky.

    Comic of the Update

    Finally, enjoy this comic.

    The lesson? Lima beans are a tool of the opposition. Lazarene rice is inalieable freedom.

    Thank you for reading, and you'll be hearing from us again later this month.

    Arch-Chancellor of the Founderless Regions Alliance
    1 person likes this post: Omega
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the update! :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
    Drexyl Nox
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  • Official Unofficial Wintreath Mascot
  • Nice Update!
    Drexyl Nox
    • Official Unofficial Wintreath Mascot
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  • Former Citizen
  • Thank you very much for the update.
    • Posts: 732
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Greetings! In line with our Embassy Overhaul, your embassy has been successfully converted into a consulate, preserving all previous posts that were in the embassy. Again, thanks for your understanding of our reasons behind the changes to our embassy structure. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,496
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    • Regional Stability Squad
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      Wintreath Nation
    Joe Bobs
  • Village Drifter
  • Quote

    Special Founderless Regions Alliance Update

    New Cabinet Elected

    August is election month in the FRA, and the new Cabinet is as follows:

    Arch Chancellor Joe Bobs
    Vice Chancellor Tim
    Chief of Defence Dyr Nasad
    Minister of Intelligence Frattastan
    Regional Liaison Officer People United Together
    Speaker Wibblefeet

    Joe Bobs was previously Vice Chancellor following the resignation of Jonewest and also Regional Liaison Officer. Tim has served as Regional Liaison Officer earlier this year. Dyr Nasad is the incumbent Chief of Defence, having previously served also as Minister of Intelligence for many terms. Frattastan has previously been Chief of Defence for a very long time as well as Arch Chancellor. People United Together has previously served as Regional Liaison Officer. Wibblefeet has been Speaker of the Assembly since early FRA Rangers were seen defending villages from the raiders of Attila the Hun.

    A Return to Our Roots

    I, Joe Bobs, am announcing a new focus for the FRA, a return to and expansion of the ideals that the FRA was founded upon. The FRA was originally founded partly as a Defender organization, partly as a non-military body with an aim of ensuring the success, vibrancy and development of its member regions. The FRA is going to return to these roots, but also expand its vision to help non-member regions.

    How can we do this? It is sadly true that we do not have unlimited resources, it is unrealistic to suggest that any region can come and state that activity is low and we will send a group over to spur your forum or RMB into activity. What we can do is provide advice from some of the most successful region builders in the game. We can help you draft a constitution, help you build a diplomatic network, help you ensure the security of your region, or help you with various other elements of the game. We are making a commitment to information proliferation, the sharing of the experience and knowledge with those energetic new players who want to forge a new region, or for the seasoned players who are finding their footing in a changing landscape.

    I also want to assure you this is not a recruitment tool. We are offering help to regions with zero obligation to join the FRA. If a region chooses to join, that’s great, but it’s not something for which we are pushing. My hope is that the FRA becomes the organization you can turn to for help, whether that’s the Rangers for defence, or the FRA for help with your region. The FRA is committed to ensuring the continued survival of NationStates and the variation and vibrancy of its communities. What we get out of it is a more enjoyable NS world that we inhabit.

    As part of this commitment to the communities of NationStates, I am also announcing the creation of the Regional History Library, this will be a section of the forum open to all containing the histories of as many regions as possible. Through this library we hope to be able to catalogue and exhibit the extraordinary breadth of communities in NationStates.

    I am also delighted to announce Tim as my Vice Chancellor. Tim is one of the leading figures of the Defender and indeed the NationStates world, and as Founder of Spiritus knows a thing or two about region building. Along with the rest of the FRA Cabinet and others in the alliance, he and I will be working on ensuring this new vision is successful.

    If your region needs help, in whatever form that may be, please do not hesitate to contact me via telegram at Joe Bobs or visit the FRA Forum.

    FRAvision 2014

    FRAvision is coming soon! An invitation will be winging your way very soon.
    "There's nothing shameful in ignorance; what's shameful is an absence of desire to absolve ignorance."

    Arch Chancellor of the Founderless Regions Alliance | High General of the GRA Defence Force | Correspondent for The Rejected Times
    Joe Bobs
    • Posts: 79
    • Karma: 9
    • FRA Arch Chancellor
    • Village Drifter
    • Logged
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the update, and congratulations on becoming Arch-Chancellor! I hope you'll still find time in your busy schedule to poke around here from time to time. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,496
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    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
    Joe Bobs
  • Village Drifter
  • Thanks for the update, and congratulations on becoming Arch-Chancellor! I hope you'll still find time in your busy schedule to poke around here from time to time. :)

    Thanks Moot! Yeah, I seem to have my fingers in many pies now, I'll try to keep one in here... That sounded far filthier than I meant it to :P
    "There's nothing shameful in ignorance; what's shameful is an absence of desire to absolve ignorance."

    Arch Chancellor of the Founderless Regions Alliance | High General of the GRA Defence Force | Correspondent for The Rejected Times
    Joe Bobs
    • Posts: 79
    • Karma: 9
    • FRA Arch Chancellor
    • Village Drifter
    • Logged
    Joe Bobs
  • Village Drifter


        I. What is FRAVision?
        • II. How do I join? What songs can I submit?
        • III. How does judging work? When does it start?
        • IV. When is the awards ceremony? What are the prizes?

      I. What is FRAVision?

      What isn't FRAVision? FRAVision is the answer to everything, the greatest way to win over the subject(s) of your affection, and the only verifiable way to actually "win" the game of NationStates.

      ...None of that is quite true, but FRAVision is a cultural event unlike any other on NS. Inspired by the real-world Eurovision contest, FRAVision features regions and players from across the game coming together to participate in a fun, and competitive, song contest. This is the third year that the event is running, and we're excited to have the pleasure of organizing it again.

      FRAVision is a contest where players represent their regions and submit their songs. Player(s) can submit songs on behalf of their region* and, if they win, the player will receive an individual prize and their region will have the honor of holding the contest on their forum next year!

      The event's hosts and administrators are Wopruthien, myself, and, if you're lucky this year, maybe Chin-Chillas. As its name implies, the event is hosted by the Founderless Regions Alliance (FRA), but in spirit and practice, FRAVision is an event for everyone, and we really do hope that you'll enjoy it. Whether you submit a song, or just want to tune in and listen, there's no avoiding the fact that there is much fun to be had during these three special weeks!

      II. How do I join? What songs can I submit?

      Information to Know:
      • Submissions are open from September 8th until September 22nd. Anyone may submit a song.
      • One song per contestant. There is no limit on how many songs can be submitted on a single region's behalf, but regions should remember that having votes in their favor split between several entries can hurt their odds of winning during the judging period. For this reason, we now offer a players the option to flag their entries as "non-competing".
      • You can submit any sort of song you like. It can be a cover of a real song (e.g. you can sing something by Kanye West, The Beatles or Rich Homie Quan), you can write an original work, or it can be related to your nation. Writing lyrics related to NS is another fun option. It's your choice!
      • The song can be hosted in whatever way we can see it. Youtube or a reliable online mp3 host is recommended. If you're not sure how to do this, feel free to contact Wopruthien for assistance.
      • You can sing, but you don't have to sing. Simply playing an instrument, or even pursuing some outrageous avant-garde collection of humming machines, is a valid entry. Once again, you get complete control over what you submit. Don't be afraid to take advantage of that fact!
      How to Submit

      Contestants post the following form in the Submissions forum to enter themselves into the contest.

      Quote from: Contestant Submission Form
      Topic Title: (Name of individual, group or region)'s Entry

      Name of Candidate:
      Inspiration/Description of entry:
      Entry: (link to video, song or posting of lyrics)
      Why should you win? -

      Do you want this song to be flagged as non-competing (e.g. will not be judged as a part of the competition) Choosing this is only advisable if your region has already submitted a song. -

      III. How does judging work?

      Judging occurs from September 23rd - September 28th.

      Once the submission phase is over, contestants and the judging team (made up of all regional reps of the FRA Regional Assembly) will vote on their preferred songs. Judges will rate their top 5 songs in order of preference (awarding their favourite 12 (douze) points, then 10 (dix) points, 8 (huit) points and so forth). This will be done by judges posting their votes in a designated thread I will open.

      IV. When is the awards ceremony? What are the prizes?

      On September 29th, the Awards Ceremony will commence. The following awards are given:
      • First Place Entry - Whole Note Award (Gold)
      • Second Place Entry - Half Note Award (Silver)
      • Third Place Entry - Quarter Note Award (Bronze)
      • Last Place Entry - Engelbert Humperdink Award
      The following awards are given, and all winners will earn the right to a neat award image that he/she can don in his/her signatures.

      The first place contestant's region is also given the privilege of hosting the FRAVision Song Contest on their forum the next year, on the condition that they have the infrastructure and activity necessary to organize it at that time.

      Happy Composing! You may contact the hosts with any further questions about the Contest.

      Yours truly,

      Joe Bobs,
      Arch-Chancellor of the FRA
      Host of FRAVision 2014

      Host of FRAVision 2014

      Former Arch-Chancellor of the FRA
      "There's nothing shameful in ignorance; what's shameful is an absence of desire to absolve ignorance."

      Arch Chancellor of the Founderless Regions Alliance | High General of the GRA Defence Force | Correspondent for The Rejected Times
      Joe Bobs
      • Posts: 79
      • Karma: 9
      • FRA Arch Chancellor
      • Village Drifter
      • Logged
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Everything sounds just a bit more filthier in Wintreath, you know. ;) :P

      I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
      They said "You'd better look alive"
      • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
      • Posts: 19,496
      • Karma: 9,712
      • Weather: ❄️
      • Regional Stability Squad
      • Pronouns
        Wintreath Nation
    • Former Citizen
    • Quote

      From the Office of the Arch-Chancellor

      Greetings everyone,

      Greetings! Yes, we are still alive and active. There has been the usual sea change of cabinet posts, activity, RL issues, and so on - but we are still here defending as usual.

      The Rangers remain active, and continue to defend, liberate, and detag regions across NS. Contact Dyr Nasad if your region is in danger from raiders.

      We have just completed a round of cabinet elections. New political appointees of the FRA as follows:

      Arch Chancellor: Wibblefeet
      Chief of Defense Force: Dyr Nasad
      Minister of Intelligence: Frattastan
      Speaker of the Regional Assembly: Christian Democrats
      Regional Liaison Officer(s): Guy and Tim will be sharing these duties.

      Who is this Wibblefeet fellow, anyway?
      I've been (and am) a Brigadier General in the Rangers, although I've never served as CODF. I've served in our intel department in several roles, including MoI. I've served once as RRO, and repeatedly as Speaker of the RA. Oddly, for all this experience, I consider the political side of NS gameplay a weakness. As such, I've appointed two Vice-Chancellors to consult with, both with masses of NS gameplay experience and knowledge, to pick the brains of: Wopruthien and Tim. Wopruthien is the longest-serving AC in FRA history (seven terms, including 5 consecutive), and Tim's comprehensive knowledge of NS caused an imperialist sinker to elect a known and self-acknowledged defender as their delegate by a landslide.

      Discussion for the Defender Awards, 2015 Edition (9th annual) is up! Some final details are still being hammered out. The Osmium for the trophies is a serious pain to work with, say the smiths, but the trophies are almost ready.
      - Once the imagery and details of the categories awards are settled, we'll announce the opening of the awards!

      Wibblefeet, Arch-Chancellor of the Founderless Regions Alliance
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Thanks for the update. Personally I think after the year defenders have had we really don't need to be patting ourselves on the back and handing out awards, but that's just my opinion. :P

      I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
      They said "You'd better look alive"
      • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
      • Posts: 19,496
      • Karma: 9,712
      • Weather: ❄️
      • Regional Stability Squad
      • Pronouns
        Wintreath Nation
    • Former Citizen

    • Nominations are now closed - LET THE VOTING BEGIN!

      The lists of nominees can be found HERE

      Nomination List
      A list of confirmed Nominations for the awards.

      The Ananke Award

      Benevolent Thomas
      Land Filled with People

      The Anarchotopia Award

      Fort Triumph Marshal Service
      Lazarene Liberation Army
      Rejected Realms Army
      Taijitu Militia
      Renegade Islands Army Special Forces
      Founderless Regions Alliance

      The Sir Lans Award

      Land Filled with People
      13 Court Guard Squads
      Dyr Nasad
      Benevolent Thomas
      Tangaroan Islands

      The Operation of the Year

      Anne Frank
      Australia (refound)
      St Abbaddon

      The Best Newcomer(s) Award

      Deadeye Jack

      Fort Triumph Marshal Service

      The Best Defender Mentor Award

      Improving Wordiness
      Benevolent Thomas

      The Worst Invasion Award

      Soviet Union
      Atheist Empire
      The Mountains to the East
      American Continent
      Eastern Europe

      The Blackbird Award

      United Imperial Armed Forces
      The Black Riders
      The Black Hawks
      Poll Raiders
      The Skeleton Army
      North Pacific Army

      The Worst Invader Group Award

      The Eternal Knights
      Association of Imperialism
      The Black Riders
      Doom Squad

      The Best Defender Quote

      "Convicting Raiders"
      Quote from: ALMF
      Despite not being a violation of sight rules radeing IS arguably illegal. I first herd of NS on jury duty. We had a case of (what I now know as) classic TBR radeing. Knowing it was not forbidden by sight rules, we convicted on Assault 2 and Menacing 2: 54 months in prison and 10 years probation (sentences to be served congruently). After having seen it in person, it is even more clear this was the right outcome.

      Quote from: Klopstock
      UIAF and friends have begun to pull out of Eastern Europe. That's 53 raiders who just became free.

      Maybe they have to change a lightbulb.

      "Fratt says How High?"
      [18:01] <Alyekra> I'll try and make it
      [18:06] <Tangaroa> I'll jump
      [18:06] <Mahaj> i should be able to
      [18:07] == frattastan [*************] has joined #udl
      [18:07] == mode/#udl [+v frattastan] by ChanServ
      [18:08] <Tangaroa> fratt'll jump
      [18:08] <Ravania> fratt always jumps
      [18:09] <frattastan> Link region and nation to endorse.

      The Meltdown of the Year Award

      The Eternal Knights
      The Osiris-Lazarus War
      Osiris, generally

      The Can't We All Just Get Along Award

      Dyr Nasad
      Defender Unity
      Defender Solidarity

      The Lifetime Achievement Award for Dedication to Defending

      Improving Wordiness
      Drop Your Pants
      Dyr Nasad

      The Defender of the Year Award

      Dyr Nasad
      Benevolent Thomas
      Land Filled With People

      To vote, please send *all your votes in one Private Message or Telegram* (include your main nation name in the message) to ONE of the following duplicates will be deleted:

      On the FRA Forums: The Ballot Collector account, monitored by Wopruthien, our VC/Admin in charge of such things. ;)
      On the Texas forums: Wopruthien
      On the 10KI forums: Gruffydd - Wopruthien's account
      On the UDL Forums: - yep, still Wop. :P
      On Nationstates Defender Awards 2015

      Voting will Close ********************** 22:00 GMT Friday 17th April 2015.

      Wibblefeet, Arch-Chancellor of the Founderless Regions Alliance
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Thank you for the update. It's concerning that there are only three newcomers nominated for that award...I hope it is not indicative of the current state of defending. =/

      But nonetheless, best of luck to all the nominees. :)

      I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
      They said "You'd better look alive"
      • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
      • Posts: 19,496
      • Karma: 9,712
      • Weather: ❄️
      • Regional Stability Squad
      • Pronouns
        Wintreath Nation
      Pages: 1 [2] 3