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The Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 190 Views: 37964

Mitchell Talleyrand-Hanover
  • Village Drifter
  • Ambassador
  • The Birthday Event held for HIBM The King-Emperor George VI will be postponed i shall update you all when the new date is, and will provide a link when one is made available.

    God Save The King
    Mitchell Newell Hanover Capulet
    Barrister for Crown Prosecution Services
    HIBM Ambassador to Wintreath and New Galactic Empire
    HIBM Diplomatic Corps
    • Ambassador
    Mitchell Talleyrand-Hanover
    • Posts: 16
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    • Village Drifter
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • The Birthday Event held for HIBM The King-Emperor George VI will be postponed i shall update you all when the new date is, and will provide a link when one is made available.

    God Save The King
    As I get older, I will probably delay my own birthdays more and more, too.

    Thanks for letting us know. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,495
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    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
    Mitchell Talleyrand-Hanover
  • Village Drifter
  • Ambassador
  • it has been more like delayed i have been informed but i shall still update you all
    Mitchell Newell Hanover Capulet
    Barrister for Crown Prosecution Services
    HIBM Ambassador to Wintreath and New Galactic Empire
    HIBM Diplomatic Corps
    • Ambassador
    Mitchell Talleyrand-Hanover
    • Posts: 16
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    • Village Drifter
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    Mitchell Talleyrand-Hanover
  • Village Drifter
  • Ambassador
  • Hey all, Just letting you know i will be away form this region for a bit. We are currently holding elections and im running for office.
    Mitchell Newell Hanover Capulet
    Barrister for Crown Prosecution Services
    HIBM Ambassador to Wintreath and New Galactic Empire
    HIBM Diplomatic Corps
    • Ambassador
    Mitchell Talleyrand-Hanover
    • Posts: 16
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    • Logged
  • Paragons
  • Good luck!  We'll await your return.
    • Posts: 1,760
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    • Paragons
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
    Mitchell Talleyrand-Hanover
  • Village Drifter
  • Ambassador
  • Elections have concluded and i shall be resuming Ambassadorial duties effective immediately.
    Mitchell Newell Hanover Capulet
    Barrister for Crown Prosecution Services
    HIBM Ambassador to Wintreath and New Galactic Empire
    HIBM Diplomatic Corps
    • Ambassador
    Mitchell Talleyrand-Hanover
    • Posts: 16
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    • Village Drifter
    • Logged
    Mitchell Talleyrand-Hanover
  • Village Drifter
  • Ambassador
  • Mitchell Newell Hanover Capulet
    Barrister for Crown Prosecution Services
    HIBM Ambassador to Wintreath and New Galactic Empire
    HIBM Diplomatic Corps
    • Ambassador
    Mitchell Talleyrand-Hanover
    • Posts: 16
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    • Village Drifter
    • Logged
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • The festival island looks a little ran down, if you don't mind me saying so. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,495
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    Aaron Banks
  • Former Citizen
  • Government funds cut short, eh? :P
    Aaron Banks
    • Posts: 3
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    • Former Citizen
    • Wintreath Nation
    Mitchell Talleyrand-Hanover
  • Village Drifter
  • Ambassador
  •    [big][big]

    Regional Forum[/url] [img=60,50][/img] NationStates Page [img=60,50][/img] Regional IRC
    Foreign Update: June 2015
    Monarch: HIBM George VI | Queen Consort: Skye I | Prince of Wales: Prince Victor
    [big]His Majesty's Executive Government[/big]
       Prime Minister: William Bettingham
      Deputy Prime Minister: Nick Hanover
    Home Secretary: Akillian Talleyrand
    Foreign Secretary: Charles IX Lancaster
    Culture Secretary: Sacul Windsor

    WA Delegate: Proxy JURIS[/big]

    [big]Supreme Court of The Kingdom of Great Britain[/big]
    [big]Lord Chief Justice: Juris Lancaster
       Sr. Associate Justice: Cephal Talleyrand
       Jr. Associate Justice: Charles IX Lancaster[/big]
    13th Imperial Parliament
    The House of Lords
    Victor Lancaster, Prince of Wales
    Nikolai Capulet, Duke of Cambridge
    Coachella Capulet, Duchess of Cambridge
    Charles IX Lancaster, Marquess of Leinster
    John Hanover, Viscount of Surrey
    Jean-Philippe de Lévis, Baron Mortagne

    The House of Commons
    Akillian Talleyrand of Scotland (BRP)
    Damian Capulet of France (CON)
    William Bettingham of England (BRP)
    Iansmith of Ireland (CON)
    Nick Hanover of Wales (Labour)[/big]



    As the sun set on the 12th Session of Parliament, it was plentifully clear that the winds of the political scene were shifting. After several months of uncontestedly dominating Parliament, the British Royalist Party was seemingly facing a breaking of its domination at the hands of Civis Britannia, the party which broke out onto the field with hopes of bringing an end to the stagnant nature of political arguments in the region, and soon began attracting supporters en masse. In a shocking turn of events, however, CB failed to win a significant enough portion of the vote, leading to an effective collapse of the party’s political momentum.

    In their place a third contender, the Labour Party, rose to the challenge, establishing itself as the first organized Opposition Party in Parliament in a long time indeed. While Civis Britannia had garnered most of the spotlight throughout the previous term, Labour had emerged, around the same time and with a similar agenda. While not completely successful in its ambitions, Labour candidates managed to secure a considerable portion of the electorate, earning not only a voice in the Legislature, but one in the Executive as well. Upon his selection by the Commons, the new Prime Minister, William Bettingham, appointed Labour Party Member and MP Nick Hanover as Deputy Prime Minister, both encouraging political variety and bipartisanship and utilizing the region’s potential to the greatest possible extent. With a member of the Opposition Party as Deputy Prime Minister and an Independent candidate occupying one of the Ministries, one can only hope that the diversity and approachability of the region’s politics continues to improve with every passing day.

    [table=1, PRIME MINISTER’S SPEECH,  1]


    Soon after receiving the unanimous confidence of Parliament and ceremonially kissing the hands of His Majesty the King, newly elected Prime Minister William Bettingham made an extensive inaugural address at 10 Downing, delivering words of determination and ambitions of the future. With a second such speech already published as of today, the new PM seems fully prepared for an involved and communal term in office.

    Quote from: Prime Minister’s Speech
    [small]Good evening my fellow citizens,

    After receiving clear majority confidence from Parliament, and with His Majesty the King asking me to form a government on his behalf, it is my privilege to come before you as your Prime Minister.

    Before I go any further, allow me to introduce my Cabinet. This is a team I believe in, that I have full confidence in, and that I know will do good for the region. They are individuals selected on merit, who come from all parties. This may be a majority BRP government, but more importantly, it is a government for the region. We don't need more politicians in this region, rather we need leaders. I believe these people fit into that category. They are as follows:

    Deputy Prime Minister: Nick Hanover
    Foreign Secretary: Prince Charles
    Home Secretary: Akillian Talleyrand
    Culture Secretary: Sacul Windsor
    Attorney General: Prince Francis
    Chief of Staff: Damian Capulet

    I will not be holding the traditional Cabinet meetings, that happen a few time each term, and devolve into useless threads where nothing is achieved. Rather, I will be holding weekly live Cabinet meetings, over Chatzy, that will be open to all citizens. An agenda will be released 24 hours ahead of time, and a weekly date will be established in the coming days. I believe this live, active, and public conversation will be more effective in achieving the collective goals of this government.

    This is a historic time in our region's history. We have a new Constitution, a blank legal code, and a clean slate. Now more then ever is it our time to forge our own destiny, push ourselves to reach new heights, and reach heights unknown across the NS world. We've been given a restart, and while the mechanism for doing so was in my opinion unorthodox, we must take advantage of it. This is truly, in every sense of the fraise, a new chapter in our region's history. It is my honor to be your Prime Minister as we embark on this new journey together.

    I said this during the campaign, and I will say it again now: I intend to be the people's Prime Minister. I believe my job, first and foremost, is to be a representative of the common man. To champion concerns of the citizenry. My loyalty does not lie to anyone institution. Rather, I plan on being totally responsible, completely beholden to, the people of this region. I am your Prime Minister, your elected leader, and I will not shrink away from those responsibilities.

    For our region to thrive, I believe we must remember the traditions that have made us great, but at the same time act with urgency and dedication when it comes to the task of trusting the people with more power. We will never build a region that is self sustaining, that thrives on genuine activity, unless the citizens of this kingdom believe their contributions matter. Unless people know their voice is heard. Unless every single individual knows that they can make a difference. People, all people, deserve to have a home where no matter who they are, they can thrive and succeed. I want to make the Kingdom of Great Britain that home for all who wish to become a citizen here.

    My work has already started, by introducing legislation that will require the Prime Minister to answer weekly questions from both MPs and citizens. I believe that the leader of the elected government, of your government, must begin to hold himself to a higher standard. With this legislation, that starts now. In the King's speech, His Majesty laid out a number of my other proposals, many of which are aimed at strengthening our democracy and increasing accountability.

    In the coming days the region will see how I plan on bringing that to fruition. But every step of the way, it will, and in my opinion must, be a team effort. The nobility, elected politicians, and all citizens must move forward together. Anything else, and we risk sparking the sort of disunity that can destroy a region even as great as ours.

    I love this region, and I love the people here. There are individuals in KGB who I have known for well over 5 years, and I have a history here. So when I say that I take this job seriously, when I say that I am honored to be your Prime Minister, I mean that with the most sincerity imaginable. I am ready to fight, every single day, for a KGB that all of us can be proud of. Will it be easy? Certainly not, but nothing great ever is. What I do know, with confidence, is that this government will not rest until we have achieved our aims. Anything less, and we have failed you.

    Thank you, God Save the King, and God Save our great Kingdom.

    [table=1, RP WOES: WHEN COLD WARS HEAT UP,  1]


    In the final few days of May, a new Roleplay was started in Great Britain, based around the Earth in 1965, when the Earth was divided in two, tensions ran high, and two competing ideologies fought a bitter battle for supremacy. The new RP quickly drew a crowd of interested players and soon, nations were springing up across the world, ambitious to carve out their place in history.

    Under the “capable” hands of us roleplayers, this alternate reality has so far succeeded in killing Nelson Mandela, causing a violent Communist coup in France, and has significantly upped the temperature on the “Cold” War, which has, in just a few weeks, escalated to a mass arms competition along the border of East and West German, which looks to perhaps soon divulge into all out war. Will we succeed in bringing nuclear destruction upon the entire planet by Christmas 1966? Quite possibly. We have an infinite amount of tries, after all. 

    [table=1, DING-DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD (AGAIN),  1]

    Recently, the people of Britain revisited their cultural heritage and revived historical traditions, though perhaps not quite how one might expected. It was discovered, with no small deal of regret and shock, that one of our own citizens, who had for months been slowly moving about our region and worming in, was in fact the infamous and heinous criminal Tyler Kazakov, known by many other names. Though initially well hidden and unfortunately well integrated, the true colors of this individual were quickly revealed when he attempted to impede upon the personal lives of our region’s members, harassing and inciting members of the community with nothing but the most malicious of intentions.

    With the citizenry seething at yet another breach of safety by this infamous individual, His Majesty acted swiftly to ensure the safety and stability of the region and the general public. Tyler Kazakov was quickly banned from the region and, in a poignant display of just how permanent this status was, he was ceremonially ordered to death. The traitor and criminal was burned at the stake the following day, to the great approval of the crowd. It should be noted that, ironically, the only other instance in which a criminal was publically executed, Tyler Kazakov was the criminal in question. After being beheaded once and now burned at the stake, one can only hope the process was truly effective this time.

    [table=1, EDUCATION SUMMIT,  1]

    During the previous term, a grand summit began in GB, at Whitehall Palace, to discuss a large interregional education program among several major powers. In attendance were representatives and leaders from Europeia, the Land of Kings and Emperors, the United Kingdom and the North Pacific. The summit is still ongoing, but good progress has been made on the subject, with ideas such as an interregional library and student exchange programs on the agenda. The main hope for this large gathering of powerful regions is to establish an interregional community capable of preserving and overseeing Universities and Education, an aspect of forum life which has become unfortunately unused in many regions.

    Mitchell Newell Hanover Capulet
    Barrister for Crown Prosecution Services
    HIBM Ambassador to Wintreath and New Galactic Empire
    HIBM Diplomatic Corps
    • Ambassador
    Mitchell Talleyrand-Hanover
    • Posts: 16
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    • Village Drifter
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    Mitchell Talleyrand-Hanover
  • Village Drifter
  • Ambassador
  • due to personal reasons and due to circumstances in my private life changing i have hereby requested a recall as Ambassador to the region of Wintreath.

    i have enjoyed my time here and have enjoyed the friendships i have made.

    i have not made this decision lightly and i wish you all the best for the future.

    Mitchell Newell Hanover Capulet
    Barrister for Crown Prosecution Services
    HIBM Ambassador to Wintreath and New Galactic Empire
    HIBM Diplomatic Corps
    • Ambassador
    Mitchell Talleyrand-Hanover
    • Posts: 16
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    • Village Drifter
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • If they let you this time. :P

    In any case, I hope everything is alright, and you're welcome to return anytime you'd like. Farewell! :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,495
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    • Regional Stability Squad
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • I will be acting as Kingdom of Great Britain's Ambassador to Wintreath; an update is due to be posted, though I will need to see if we can work something out so that it is properly formatted on these forums.
    • Posts: 85
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    • Herr Beilschmidt was here.
    • Village Drifter
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • It's good to see you around. I look forward to seeing KGB's update. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,495
    • Karma: 9,711
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter

  • Ruling Family: The Imperial House of Hanover
    Regional Population: 580 (-15)

    The Monarchy

    Sovereign: King-Emperor George VI
    Consort: Queen-Consort Skye I
    Prince of Wales: HIBH Prince Victor I
    Prince Royal: HIBH Prince Cornelius

    HM Civil Executive Government

    Rt. Hon. Prime Minister: Francis Hanover
    Rt. Hon. Deputy Prime Minister: Marcie Sebastian
    Secretary of State for Home Affairs: Nick Talleyrand-Hanover
    Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: Constantine Hanover
    Secretary of State for Culture: Sacul Astoria

    Officers of State

    First Lord of the Admiralty: Cornelius Talleyrand
    Chief of the Imperial Naval Staff:Edward Windsor
    Director-General of the SIS: Theoden Sebastian
    Lord High Steward: Richard Stewart

    HM Supreme Court

    Lord Chief Justice: Nathaniel Lancaster
    Lord Sr. Associate Justice: Cornelius Talleyrand
    Lord Jr. Associate Justice: Charles Lancaster[c]

    The House of Lords

    Lord High Chancellor

    Victor Lancaster, Prince of Wales

    Cornelius Talleyrand, Prince Royal
    Charles IX Lancaster, Grand Duke of Ireland
    John Hanover, The Duke of Norfolk
    Fitzgerald Ravensdale, Duke of Richmond
    William Bettingham, Duke of Calais
    Theoden Sebastian, Duke of Gloucester
    Nick Talleyrand-Hanover, Viscount of Leon

    The House of Commons

    The Hon. Speaker of the House of Commons:
    Akillian Talleyrand

    Akillian Talleyrand of Scotland (BRP)
    Damian Talleyrand-Hanover of France (CON)
    Francis Hanover of France (CON)
    Constantine Hanover of Ireland (CON)
    Marcie Sebastian of Wales (I)

    Status of The House: OPENED
    Majority: Conservative (CON)
    Loyal Opposition:British Royalist Party (BRP)

    Citizenship Act (2015) Opinion
    [big]Advisory Opinion[/big]
    Regarding the proposed Citizenship Act in Parliment.

    Quote from: The Citizenship Act 2015 - 06/2015 - # 13
    [big][big]GEORGE VI[/big][/big]

    [big][big][big]The Citizenship Act 2015 (2014)[/big][/big][/big]

    [big][big]Date of Proposal: 23/06/2015[/big][/big]
    [big][big]Proposed by:[/big]
    [big] Nick Hanover (MP)[/big][/big]
    [big][big]Written by:[/big][big] Nick Hanover[/big][/big]
    [big][big]Serial Number:[/big][big] HB; 06.2015.0003(continuing to 99)[/big][/big]
    [big][big]Current Bill Stage:[/big][big] Debate | Voting | Imperial Assent[/big][/big]

    [big][big][big][big]B[/big][/big][/big][/big]E IT ENACTED by the King’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

    [big]Short Title[/big]
    The Citizenship Act

    [big]Long Title[/big]
    The Citizenship Act 2015


    1. “Citizen” a member of the Kingdom of Great Britain’s off site forum.
    2. "Citizenship Applicant" - The individual who has applied for citizenship on the off-site forum.


    [big]1.[/big] This act will enable people to become citizens of this region on the off site forum.
    2. The Home Secretary and His Majesty the King will be the only people able to approve citizenship of the region
    3. A citizenship applicant may be granted citizenship if:
    (a) The official application forum has been correctly filled in.
    (b) They have a nation in the Kingdom of Great Britain.
    4. Failure to meet any of the above requirements will lead to the citizenship application being declined
    5. A applicant has the right to appeal to the courts if their application is declined.
    6. The Home Secretary has the power to question any member via PM if they feel that there is something suspicious about their application.
    7. The Home Secretary or His Majesty the King must provide valid reasoning in public for a rejected application.
    8. In the event of the Home Secretary being unavailable or the king for more than 24 hours then the Prime Minister shall have the power to accept or refuse the application.
    9. A citizen may have their citizenship removed if:
    (a) They fail to maintain a nation in the Kingdom of Great Britain without informing the Home Office.
    (b) They are deemed a security threat following a fair and open court trial.

    Quote from: Article I. Section A.
    Section A - Citizens are defined as full members of the forum whom:

    1. have a nation in The Kingdom of Great Britain or any of the colonies thereof; and
    2. have applied for, and been granted citizenship, in conformity to legislation
    Quote from: Article III. Section D.
    21. TM shall have the right to grant, reject, and ban, applicants, citizens, and diplomats, deemed a security risk by SIS.
    Quote from: Article III. Section G.
    Section - G - TM the Monarch(s) is the Head of State and the People's Autocrat, and as such, immune from any form of criminal or civil prosecution.


    John Hanover, has requested from the Justices to submit to the Office of Legal Aid, Advisory Opinions on the proposed Citizenship Act that is currently under consideration by the Parliament.


    Upon review, I have found three provisions which speak to this issue. I have quoted them above. Depending on how you read these texts, they could be congruent or contradictory.

    However, I am of the opinion, that we should read the laws as plainly as possible. It helps to avoid confusion, and applies a dose of common sense which is characteristic of our region.

    Therefore, as we look at Article I, the Constitution clearly expects that legislation could be made in regards to citizenship. This section is consistent to this legislation. Therefore, we can dispose of our concern over this provision.

    While at the same time our eyes move to the second quotation. Article III states that the Monarchy has a royal prerogative in regards to citizenship.

    The most major problem here is, that the Article III quotation is consisting of nothing but commas. Unfortunately, punctuation is key to the meaning of this clause. Reading it with grammatical rules in mind, instead of stating that the Monarchy has total control over citizenships, it only has authority in regards to those deemed a security risk by the Secret Intelligence Service.

    If you go back to the proposed legislation and read the provisions, ironically, the probable typographical error of Article III, actually makes the proposed legislation unconstitutional.

    Please notice that the proposed legislation, tries to modify the use of banishment or rejection of possible or actual citizens that are to be classified as a security risk. The classification and the determination of a security risk lies solely with Their Majesties and the Secret Intelligence Service. (Provision 9(b).)

    Now, our we move to the third quotation. Their Majesties are fully immune from court action in any form. This is violated specifically by Provision 5 and Provision 9(b). Provision 9(b) is included in the violation of Their Majesties protection from prosecution, because as was explained earlier, a security risk can only be defined by Their Majesties or the SIS, to sue them in open court would be a civil prosecution. Again, this is unconstitutional.


    Thanks to the previous REASONING, this bill is determined to be UNCONSTITUTIONAL. 

    The Foreign Treaties and Agreements Act (2015) Opinion
    [big]Advisory Opinion[/big]
    Regarding the proposed THE FOREIGN TREATIES AND AGREEMENTS ACT (2015) in Parliment.

    Quote from: THE FOREIGN TREATIES AND AGREEMENTS ACT - 07/2015 - # 14th
    [big][big]GEORGE VI[/big][/big]

    [big][big][big]THE FOREIGN TREATIES AND AGREEMENTS ACT (2015)[/big][/big][/big]

    [big][big]Date of Proposal: 16/07/2015[/big][/big]
    [big][big]Proposed by:[/big]
    [big] His Grace, Lord William Bettingham[/big][/big]
    [big][big]Written by:[/big][big] His Grace, Lord William Bettingham[/big][/big]
    [big][big]Serial Number:[/big][big] HB; 07.2015.0001(continuing to 99)[/big][/big]
    [big][big]Current Bill Stage:[/big][big] Debate | Voting | Imperial Assent[/big][/big]

    [big][big][big][big]B[/big][/big][/big][/big]E IT ENACTED by the King’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

    [big]The Foreign Treaties Act[/big]

    [big]The Foreign Treaties and Agreements Act[/big]


    1. A "treaty" is defined as any legally binding document signed between our region and one or a number of foreign regions.

    2. For the purpose of this legislation, "region," includes any recognized foreign entities with the NS world.


    [big]1. Deliberations[/big]

    a. All deliberations between our region and a foreign government about entering into a treaty must include the monarch and the Prime Minister.

    b. The Prime Minister may, at their discretion, also include members of their government into the negotiations with a foreign region.

    c. The monarch, if they are unable to attend in person, may send a representative on their behalf to be present at the negotiations.

    [big]2. Signing[/big]

    a. For a treaty with a foreign region to become law, it must be signed both by the monarch and the Prime Minister.

    [big]3. Review Period[/big]

    a. A period of review will be provided for all treaties with foreign regions after they've been signed.

    b. This period will last 10 days, and begin immediately after signing.

    c. During this period, the House of Lords may at their discretion choose to review the treaty. The review will consist of an examination of the treaty, a debate on the treaty, and then a vote to confirm or deny the treaty.

    d. If the House of Lords votes to deny the treaty, then the treaty is voided.

    e. The monarch has the power to override a denial vote in the House of Lords by issuing an imperial decree.

    [big]3. Implementation[/big]

    a. This act will become law immediately upon receiving the signature of the monarch.


    Quote from: Article VI. Section C.
    Section C - The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and supersedes all others with the exception of Imperial Decree.
    Quote from: Article II. Section O.
    Section O - The conclusion of an international treaty which contains stipulations contrary to the Constitution shall require a prior constitutional revision.

    2. Either of the Houses may request the Supreme Court to declare whether or not such a contradiction exists.
    Quote from: Article III. Section D.
    12. TM shall have the right to grant Royal Assent or give absolute veto on all Acts, Constitutional Amendments, or treaties that change the powers of the monarchy.
    Quote from: Article III. Section E.
    Section - E
    1. Their Majesty's accredits ambassadors and other diplomatic representatives. Foreign representatives in The Kingdom of Great Britain are accredited before him/her.

    2. It is incumbent on TM to express the consent of the State to obligate itself internationally through treaties in conformity with the Constitution and the laws.
    Quote from: Article II. Section D., Emphasis Added
    4. The House of Lords shall serve as the Sovereigns House within the Parliament and has the exclusive rights to:

    (A) Draft, discuss, amend, and vote on bills proposed by members of the House of Lords.
    (B) Review, vote and amend Bills and Acts of Parliament passed by the HoC.
    (C) To Suspend a Lord from Parliament with the consent of the Monarch
    (D) To have Appellate Jurisdiction in cases of Governmental Impeachment
    (E) To Confirm or Deny appointments of the Monarch to the Judiciary by majority vote, and their removal by 2/3rds absolute majority.
    (F) Recommend bills and acts of Parliament to the HoC
    (G) Any other granted by the laws of the Realm.
    Quote from: Article II. Section E., Emphasis Added
    3. The House of Commons as the governing body of Parliament has the exclusive rights to:

    (A) Draft, discuss, amend and vote on Bills and Acts of Parliament.
    (B) Hold Votes of No Confidence against the Prime Minister. Should it pass with a majority of 2/3 of total MPs, the Government will be dissolved and General Elections will be called.
    (C) Hold Votes of No Confidence against Cabinet Ministers.
    (D) Create or Dissolve Commons' Investigative Committees,
    (E) Organize its own parliamentary procedure if necessary,
    (F) Remove Members of Parliament who have been inactive for 7 days or more without previous notification,
    (G) Any other granted by the laws of the Realm.
    Quote from: Article IV. Section E
    Section E - The Prime Minister has the power to:

    1. Create or abolish ministries;

    2. Appoint and dismiss cabinet members;

    3. Take control of a ministry and resume the duties of an absent or otherwise incapable Secretary, until a suitable replacement can be found.

    4. Recommend judicial appointments to the Crown

    5. Appoint a government representative for cases before the Supreme Court


    Constantine Hanover has requested from the Justices of the Supreme Court, to submit Advisory Opinions to the Office of Legal Aid, on the proposed Foreign Treaties Act that is currently under consideration by the Parliament.


    --- Preface
    Upon review, I have found several provisions of the Constitution which could speak to this proposed legislation. I have quoted some of them above for easy reference. I am going to try my best to ensure that my reasoning relegates itself into an order that makes sense, my apologies if you have a difficult time following along, because this answer is going to be less straightforward than some may like. You will find a summary of this opinion at the end of this document, that will hopefully make this all more easier to understand. -- For the rest of you that are willing to pay attention, come with me, and we will trek though the vast forest that is the Constitution of the Kingdom.

    --- Legal Reasoning
    When interpreting a Constitution, I find that you cannot limit your scope of inquiry into simply one section of the Constitution. Constitutions are by nature, documents that give themselves context when read as a whole. It is many the case that the articles and sections that make the Constitution rely on each other to create the system of governance that we have. You should not assume that the clauses of the Constitution stand alone, as there is more than likely, a restriction written into another section, in a different article. More or less, its like a game where each player has specific abilities, that can restrict or overrule other players, while confined within the circle of the game.

    In this case the Constitution defines the parameters of the governing actors, and limits the actions of those same governing actors. It is clear that the Constitution is the highest law in the land, and that it is supreme and supersedes all other laws, excepting for those Imperial Decrees that the King issues to amend the Constitution. (Quote 1)

    Thereby, if you take an action that is contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, you are penalized. This is why the Constitution, operates on the principle of limited governance. The Constitution only provides for those actions which you are allowed to take. If an action is not listed, then it is an illegal and unconstitutional action. For instance, the Prime Minister has the ability to create and dissolve government ministries, however, that is only because the Constitution explicitly granted that ability (Article IV. Section E. Clause 2, KGB Constitution).

    This principle is compounded over and confirmed by other sections of the Constitution. For instance, Section O, dictates that we must amend the Constitution prior to adopting a treaty, if provisions of the Constitution are going to be violated. Hence, the Constitution is again superior in its ability to even limit the scope of treaties that we sign together with foreign powers. (Quote 2)

    Therefore, Royal Prerogatives, listed in Article II of sections D, E, & F; can only be exercised by the Crown, as stated, and thus make it unconstitutional to remove, restrict, regulate, revise, or relegate any of them by ordinary legislation.

    Furthermore, if a governing actor is not explicitly stated to have a power or responsibility, then that governing actor cannot act in such manner.

    --- Incompatibilities of the Bill

    Provision 1: The Prime Minister, nor any cabinet or government officer, has been granted the ability to represent the Kingdom in Foreign Relations. All Ambassadors, are only accredited though the Monarch, and therefore all foreign relations must be handled by Their Majesties. (Quote 4)

    Provision 2: The Prime Minister is only granted the powers conferred to him though Section E. There is no clause which enables Parliament to expand the power of the Prime Minister or the Cabinet. It is INCUMBENT on the Monarch and prerogative to sign treaties into force. The Prime Minster has no such ability. (Quotes 3, 4, & 7)

    --- Compatibility of the Bill

    Provision 3: The Parliament's Houses, do not originally have the right to debate or vote on the creation or acceptance of treaties. While Section O may allude to such an ability, it is not currently the case.

    Clause G, of Houses rights, does speak to the ability to expand their powers though law. So, the creation of a procedure by law to determine the fate of a treaty, is entirely permissible. Especially since, such a vote wouldn't matter anyway, because the Monarch can sign it into law over their objections. (Quotes 4, 5, & 6).


    This Bill is in its majority, Unconstitutional, and in the personal opinion of the Lord Chief Justice, entirely useless, because the constitutional parts of the Bill simply re-affirm what the Constitution already mandates in the first place.


    The Constitution is the supreme law of the Land, and no action or law, can violate it. The King is entirely responsible for Foreign Affairs: from ambassadors, to negotiations, to approving the treaties. Even if Parliament did vote on said treaty, such a vote is an exercise in chamber opinion, and non-controlling, because the Monarch can sign the treaty into law, regardless of the outcome of said voting.


    I would like to advise His Majesty the King, and the Prime Minister, to look into ways of expanding the role of His Civil Government in Foreign Affairs via an Imperial Decree that amends the Constitution.

    If Parliament would like to vote on a treaty, they can vote on either a seperate or joint Resolution in support or disbelief of said treaty. Although, I'll remind you that such resolutions have no force in law.

    [big][big][big]Juris Lancaster[/big][/big][/big]
    Lord Chief Justice
    Supreme Court
    Kingdom of Great Britain

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