September 8th, 2015 | Issue #4Current Regional Population: 370 (+38) |
Current Delegate Endorsements: 72 (+14)
Forum Posts: 244,804 (+2,677) |
Forum Members: 955(+25)
Chancellor: Asylum
Founder: Falconias
Secretary of Engagement: yumyum36
Secretary of Equinomics: Cookiesurvival
Secretary of Lifestyle: The Church of Satan
World Assembly Delegate: KevinWasserman
-- The Senate of Equinox was dissolved after a Constitutional Amendment was introduced and passed by the Senate with a 2-0 Vote. Inactivity had plagued the legislative body since it's birth, and the Amendment was quickly approved of by the guilds, with 3 out of 4 supporting.
The Guild's Announce their supporting of the Senate being dissolved.-- The Arena of Role Play has been getting more attention than ever before in Equinox. Thrilling Role Plays lead by new comer BeoWulf, such as
Ethereal Stores: The Celestial Lands have racked up 57 replies and over 400 views. We are very excited about the growth in Role Play and are looking forward to what our new found skills can bring us!
-- As the End of the Term came about in late August, Chancellor Asylum made public a Google Survey, asking the Residents how the past term had gone for the region. Several questions were asked and the results were overall positive.
The public results were just posted today.-- The Guild System of Equinox has always been it's most unique feature of the region. What other region do you find a system similar? Not too many. However it suffered a bit, losing two guilds that had a promising start but fell into inactivity.
The Scooby Gang, was ordered closed after it fell below the minimum number of Resident's needed to stay open. And during the recent
Resident Cleanse, 2/3 Industrialists Members lost Residency in the region.
-- While the fall of Scooby Gang and Industrialists was a downside, a new guild powerhouse was created in Artisans. Created and formed by a coalition of new Residents to Equinox, it quickly flexed it's power and creativity in the region's elections.
Check out Artisans guild application form!--
The Guild Electoral College was super busy this time around with the elections in full swing. While Chancellor Asylum, Secretary of Engagement yumyum36 and Secretary of Equinomics all won their tricky un-opposed elections, each having 3 guilds vote in their support. The elections of Secretary of Lifestyle was the one to watch, with newcomers The Church of Satan, and BeoWulf challenging Ceapoyce for her Secretary job. At the end of the voting period, CoS, Ceapoyece and the Forfeit Vote all had one guild vote for each other, forcing a tie. Whenever a tie occurs in the Guild Electoral College it becomes a
24-hour Public vote of Residents, between Ceapoyce and The Church of Satan. However not even 2 hours into the vote, Ceapoyce resigned her candidacy, giving The Church of Satan the job! You can see the full results in the announcement
-- One telling comment from a new Equinoxian, lead Senior Admin Asylum to remove the Profile Awards that displayed in the profiles of Equinox Hall of Famers, Stamp senders, and former WA Delegates.
Trying to combat the notion that Equinox is home to a too tight knit group of players that shun new comers.
-- Chancellor Asylum, who leads the Foreign Affairs efforts of the region, recently expanded the department to include a wider range of regions, on size, military alignment and more. Doing so to prove that Equinox truly is a neutral region that is friends with all types of regions. Upwards to 15 new regions were contacted to open an embassy exchange with. To our new embassies out there! Hello from Equinox

-- Chancellor Asylum's first act of his second-consectutive term as Chancellor was the issuing of an Executive Order. EO #001, established the
Deputy Program. Allowing each Department Head to hire Residents to help with their work load. Chancellor Asylum hired two Deputies himself, Hospitlar and Quinncunx to help with his aggressive goals this term. While Secretary of Lifestyle The Church of Satan hired RP-expert BeoWulf, to help with the activities of Lifestyle.
-- Artisans begin to establish their identity, as they have the 3 Secretary positions, and begin to flirt with the idea of creating a defender-aligned military to rival the raiding efforts of The Mafia.
-- Guild of Doom has been revamped by the return of the guild's founder, Hospital. With members adopting villain avatars and themes more.
-- The Mafia recently surpassed 300 regions raided, and have recently captured their own regional jump-point in the late updating region of Luna Lup.

Leader: Cookiesurvival
Members: 6
-- In the past election the guild secured all three Secretary positions despite the guild being less than 2 weeks old. Very impressive. If the rumors and debates about creating a Defender military are true, it would be great for the guild but also the region.

Leader: Hospitlar, Ceapoyce & Mekhet
Members: 12
-- If Hospitlar hadn't returned and lit a fire under the guild then they would have been dead last. By creating their own spam section for themselves, and adopting a theme of avatars. Guild of Doom looks alive and spunky once again.

Leader: Asylum
Members: 11
-- With the return of a former Famiglia member of Quinncunx, the Mafia can expect an increase of activity on the forums. Off the forums they have kept busy with raiding, recently aiding in the DEN occupation of Japan.