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Questions to the Candidates
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • We're halfway through the campaign, and I'd like to see where the candidates stand on some topics...some have been discussed at length, some are topics important to me, and some are general questions which I feel are good to ask any candidate. If you've already elaborated on some of these questions, then I apologize, but I'm asking here to get everyone together in one topic.

    Thanks for your responses in advance! :)

    Conflict of Interests Disclosures
    1) What other regions are you currently a Citizen of? Regions you're currently a member of government of?

    2) Would you support legislation requiring that candidates for Underhusen create a campaign topic which includes a conflict of interest disclosure of any other regions and governments they are a part of?

    Regional Civics
    3) One of the candidates mentioned that being a Skrifa meant being a civil servant. What are you currently doing for the region, and what would you do while in office to advance regional civics, and how would you involve yourself in civics as well? Note, I would like to hear what you consider your specific contributions and accomplishments in the region to be, not what positions you hold.

    4) A big topic this election has been legislative reform, which I know some have already discussed at length. To get everyone on the same page, could you list what legislative reforms you'd advocate (from changes in procedural rules to Constitutional Amendements)?

    5) Previously the big topic was judicial reform, for which many proposals have been advanced and shot down. What is your stance on reforming the judiciary, if you feel it needs to be at all.

    General Questions
    6) Outside of judicial and legislative reform, what do you feel is the most important legislative goal that needs to be done during the next term?

    7) Do you feel that the relationship between the Storting and the Monarchy is appropriately balanced for this region? Why or why not?

    8) Wintreath recently ratified its third treaty and I hope to see us enter more treaties in the future. What are your thoughts on regional treaties? Are there any circumstances which you would vote against a treaty? What are your thoughts on bilateral versus multilateral treaties and on joining interregional organizations?

    9) What are your views about our regional military alignment (defender)?

    10) If elected, do you plan on also running for Speaker? If so, can you detail what your priorities will be as Speaker for the next term?
    « Last Edit: March 28, 2015, 02:42:48 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Conflict of Interests Disclosures
    1) What other regions are you currently a Citizen of? Regions you're currently a member of government of?

    Citizen: TRR, Renegade Islands, Spiritus, Lazarus, The North Pacific, The Pacific, Wintreath.

    Government: TRR, Renegade Islands, Lazarus.

    2) Would you support legislation requiring that candidates for Underhusen create a campaign topic which includes a conflict of interest disclosure of any other regions and governments they are a part of?

    I suppose I would. Although I'm concerned it might serve as a method of attempting to remove members of The Underhusen for purely political reasons, if not personal.

    Regional Civics
    3) One of the candidates mentioned that being a Skrifa meant being a civil servant. What are you currently doing for the region, and what would you do while in office to advance regional civics, and how would you involve yourself in civics as well? Note, I would like to hear what you consider your specific contributions and accomplishments in the region to be, not what positions you hold.

    Well I've only just arrived a short time ago, so I haven't had the opportunity to do anything for Wintreath yet. That's why I'm in this election.

    The rights of the citizens are essential for a community such as Wintreath to excel. That being said, it is my belief that The Underhusen exists to serve the citizens. If elected, I wouldn't dare support a law that infringes on or takes away the rights of the citizens. Even if I'm not elected, I intend to defend the rights of citizens as best I can. I'd like to see the citizens gain the right to propose law without need of a Skrifa, because I feel it is the natural right of every citizen to be able to freely propose laws without the support of a government official.

    But I'm afraid I've gone off topic. I like getting involved with the cultural side of regions. Specifically starting up a few tournaments for games. It seems most enjoyable in my opinion. But I do like trivia, so I think introducing trivia related things would be great.

    4) A big topic this election has been legislative reform, which I know some have already discussed at length. To get everyone on the same page, could you list what legislative reforms you'd advocate (from changes in procedural rules to Constitutional Amendements)?[/b]

    As I've already said, I'd like the citizens to be able to propose laws without need of a Skrifa. I'd also like to change that bit in the Procedural Rules of The Underhusen Act, section 11, to remove the discretionary action delegated to the Speaker of The Underhusen. I feel that procedural rules should be determined by The Underhusen as a whole, not just The Speaker.

    5) Previously the big topic was judicial reform, for which many proposals have been advanced and shot down. What is your stance on reforming the judiciary, if you feel it needs to be at all.

    Largely I feel it's fine as is, although I feel Skrifa should not be able to hold multiple judicial positions unless the required number of 3 judges cannot be met. So that's one thing I'd like to pursue.

    General Questions
    6) Outside of judicial and legislative reform, what do you feel is the most important legislative goal that needs to be done during the next term?

    I feel a time frame should be set that if inactive for the duration of it while there are proposals or votes requiring the attention of The Underhusen, inactive Skrifa shall be removed from office, provided an absence has not been relayed publicly. The idea is to keep The UnderHusen on its toes.

    7) Do you feel that the relationship between the Storting and the Monarchy is appropriately balanced for this region? Why or why not?

    In a way yes. While I myself do not support a total monarchy, what Wintreath has right now seems to work. I wouldn't mind seeing more power given to the citizens or the Storting, but we're pretty good with what we got right now.

    8) Wintreath recently ratified its third treaty and I hope to see us enter more treaties in the future. What are your thoughts on regional treaties? Are there any circumstances which you would vote against a treaty? What are your thoughts on bilateral versus multilateral treaties and on joining interregional organizations?

    Well, I could not in good conscience support a bill with regions that are hardcore imperialists, militarily. I'm confident that Wintreath wouldn't go that far though, being a defender region so it's nothing to be concerned about. Treaty alliances with regions/organizations that we actively fight against in military GP are a big "no" for me, which I'm sure many others understand. I would definitely support cultural treaties with any region we can get along with, even The UIAF, so long as is it doesn't go beyond that. We may be on different ends of the spectrum, but that is no reason why we can't be friends.

    9) What are your views about our regional military alignment (defender)?

    I'm a hardcore defender myself so I like that Wintreath has taken a defender stance. Keep up the good work everyone! :)

    10) If elected, do you plan on also running for Speaker? If so, can you detail what your priorities will be as Speaker for the next term?

    I'd be flattered if there was support for me to take up the position of Speaker, but I'd have to decline. I'd like to start as a Skrifa and build up to Speaker.
    « Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 07:27:53 AM by The Church of Satan »
    “I support anyone’s right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?” - Dave Chappelle
    7:42 PM <Govindia> eh, i like the taste of nuts in my mouth

    Potential clients should PM or Query Emoticonius
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  • Conflict of Interests Disclosures
    1) What other regions are you currently a Citizen of? Regions you're currently a member of government of?
    Citizen: Wintreath, RIA, GRA, Spiritus
    Part of government: Wintreath and technically the GRA
    2) Would you support legislation requiring that candidates for Underhusen create a campaign topic which includes a conflict of interest disclosure of any other regions and governments they are a part of?
    I would support candidates having to disclose the regions and governments there are apart of, but perhaps forcing one to campaign is a bit much.
    Regional Civics
    3) One of the candidates mentioned that being a Skrifa meant being a civil servant. What are you currently doing for the region, and what would you do while in office to advance regional civics, and how would you involve yourself in civics as well? Note, I would like to hear what you consider your specific contributions and accomplishments in the region to be, not what positions you hold.
    Well considering the fact that I've written most of the laws introduced in the UH, and helped create the foundations for our current law. I'd say that...
    4) A big topic this election has been legislative reform, which I know some have already discussed at length. To get everyone on the same page, could you list what legislative reforms you'd advocate (from changes in procedural rules to Constitutional Amendements)?

    5) Previously the big topic was judicial reform, for which many proposals have been advanced and shot down. What is your stance on reforming the judiciary, if you feel it needs to be at all.
    TBH I feel we could try and rewrite the Fundamental Laws completely, I feel like while the current Fundamental Laws have been useful, it's become obvious that there are issues with the Fundamental Laws and perhaps it would be best to try again.
    General Questions
    9) What are your views about our regional military alignment (defender)?
    I like it.
    10) If elected, do you plan on also running for Speaker? If so, can you detail what your priorities will be as Speaker for the next term?
    Usually I would say yes, however if it's not obvious my answer to this is FUCK NO. I've typically aimed for speaker in the past and I can safely say that I don't really like it. I mean hell it's a tiring position especially considering the fact that I was somewhat forced to take it as the UH had no procedure for if there wasn't a member running for Speaker.

    Hell I've had to do most of the fucking legwork for this god-damned session as it's rather tiring.
    1 person likes this post: Emoticonius
    See you later space cowboy.
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    Current Positions in Wintreath
    Matriarch of House Kaizer
    Speaker of the 29th Underhusen
    Advisor to the Riksråd
    Positions I've held
    Riksrad(1st Jarl of Information, 3rd Jarl of Foreign Affairs, 2nd Jarl of Defense)
    Member of the WHR
    Speaker of the Underhusen (3rd)
    Speaker Pro Tempore of the Underhusen (1st)
    Underhusen Member (1st-3rd)
    Member of the 5th Overhusen
    Chairman of the 5th Overhusen
    6th Underhusen
    Speaker of the 6th Underhusen
    Mandate Holder for Jarl of Defense
    Member of the 8th Storting (Underhusen)
    Royalty of Wintreath
    Ambassador for the Department of Foreign Affairs.
    Underhusen Terms I've been a part of
    1st Underhusen
    2nd Underhusen
    3rd Underhusen
    6th Underhusen
    8th Underhusen
    Overhusen Terms I've been a part of
    5th Overhusen
    Families I've been a part of
    Kaizer - Matriarch (REFORMED)
    Kestar - Child of Wintermoot (REMOVED)
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction

  • Conflict of Interests Disclosures
    1) What other regions are you currently a Citizen of? Regions you're currently a member of government of?

    A) Wintreath and 10000 Islands
    B) Just Wintreath.

    2) Would you support legislation requiring that candidates for Underhusen create a campaign topic which includes a conflict of interest disclosure of any other regions and governments they are a part of?

    2) While I do think it's a necessity to have a campaign topic so that people understand what you're running for and why, I don't think that it should be required.  Campaigning or the decision not to should remain a freedom of choice.  Conflict of interest disclosure, yes.  Forcing to campaign, no.

    Regional Civics
    3) One of the candidates mentioned that being a Skrifa meant being a civil servant. What are you currently doing for the region, and what would you do while in office to advance regional civics, and how would you involve yourself in civics as well? Note, I would like to hear what you consider your specific contributions and accomplishments in the region to be, not what positions you hold.[/b]

    A) I'd do the same that I'm doing at the moment, which is contributing as much as possible in threads around Wintreath, and contributing as much new material as well to bring even more people interested into the region.  Whether this be games/contests, new debates, new RP ideas, or something of the like to continue to keep people interested.

    4) A big topic this election has been legislative reform, which I know some have already discussed at length. To get everyone on the same page, could you list what legislative reforms you'd advocate (from changes in procedural rules to Constitutional Amendements)?

    I guess for me, reform is a pretty strong word since it sounds as if we're going in and changing every single policy and law already in place.  When I think of what it is I want to accomplish, it's closing all of the loopholes and unclear areas.  The biggest thing I'd want to accomplish is taking much of the power away from the Speaker that doesn't belong, and bring it back to being a balanced role within both the UH and Wintreath in general.  I don't have any specific ones that I can list that I'd advocate, but I'll simply say that if they're something that will positively benefit Wintreath and they're reforms that at least the majority of the citizens agree with, then I'll stand behind them.

    5) Previously the big topic was judicial reform, for which many proposals have been advanced and shot down. What is your stance on reforming the judiciary, if you feel it needs to be at all.

    I think this is something that needs to be sat down and talked about with outside of the UH.  In this last term it's become clear that the members alone can't decide on a specific Judicial system, whether it be a reform, repeal, or anything of the nature, and I feel like it will be similar in the new UH regardless of who makes it in.  So the next step is to take it to the people and grab their opinion on what they feel like it should be.

    General Questions
    6) Outside of judicial and legislative reform, what do you feel is the most important legislative goal that needs to be done during the next term?

    As mentioned before, the biggest goal that needs to be accomplished is fixing mistakes with our FL, and getting as much of those fixed as possible before next term is ideal.  Other than that, really just listening to the citizens and taking on as much of their proposals to talk about as we can.  There's much changes that have to be done, but the needs of the citizens also takes a high priority.

    7) Do you feel that the relationship between the Storting and the Monarchy is appropriately balanced for this region? Why or why not?

    I think it's fine.  If it were a case where we had a more authoritative king rather than a benevolent one, then it might be a bit more of an issue.  But Wintermoot makes things work pretty well to where it's a good balance.

    8) Wintreath recently ratified its third treaty and I hope to see us enter more treaties in the future. What are your thoughts on regional treaties? Are there any circumstances which you would vote against a treaty? What are your thoughts on bilateral versus multilateral treaties and on joining interregional organizations?

    I think they're great.  Becoming allies with regions and making new friends is beneficial for Wintreath in many ways, and I think it's fantastic that we've made allies with some of the regions that we have.  I think the only circumstances in voting against a treaty comes down to the morality aspect.  Does that region go against everything that Wintreath stands for?  I think in that case, forming a treaty with that region wouldn't be beneficial for Wintreath, and would be unheard of.

    As for interregional organizations, I think again it just depends on if it's more for or against what Wintreath stands for.  If it was a defender organization, then I'm all for it since Wintreath is essentially a defender region.  If it was an organization of raiders that wanted us to join, I'd be more wary and probably be against it since it's the exact opposite.

    9) What are your views about our regional military alignment (defender)?
    Well I might be biased on this one since I came from a defender region previously and was part of TITO, but I like our military alignment.  In the views of good and evil, I see defender alignment as the good, since we go in and help regions that have been invaded and help give them their region back.  While defender vs. raiding isn't exactly good versus evil, it was the best comparison I could think of.

    10) If elected, do you plan on also running for Speaker? If so, can you detail what your priorities will be as Speaker for the next term?
    I do, yes.  I have a lot of ideas for the Underhusen, and many of those ideas are something that are better done as the Speaker.  Most important of those changes being the changes to the FL to bring the Speaker down to a regular level like the Overhusen Chairman is, rather than the level it's at right now.
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  • Quote
    Conflict of Interests Disclosures
    1) What other regions are you currently a Citizen of? Regions you're currently a member of government of?

    I am not currently a member of any other regions.

    2) Would you support legislation requiring that candidates for Underhusen create a campaign topic which includes a conflict of interest disclosure of any other regions and governments they are a part of?

    I thought that creating a campaign topic and disclosing these sorts of things would be common sense, but I would support such legislation.

    Regional Civics
    3) One of the candidates mentioned that being a Skrifa meant being a civil servant. What are you currently doing for the region, and what would you do while in office to advance regional civics, and how would you involve yourself in civics as well? Note, I would like to hear what you consider your specific contributions and accomplishments in the region to be, not what positions you hold.

    I take a lot of pride in being included in the Riskrad.  I still have a few programs I'd like to implement as Jarl of Integration, and I'm constantly working on edging out Wintermoot's recruitment totals (current projections put me on top in as little as 4 centuries!).  I was also elected to the Underhusen after a very short time residing here, something else I'm quite proud of.  I've authored one of the Judicial Reform Acts and the Statement on Wintreath Mobilization in Defense of Lazarus, to be more specific.   

    4) A big topic this election has been legislative reform, which I know some have already discussed at length. To get everyone on the same page, could you list what legislative reforms you'd advocate (from changes in procedural rules to Constitutional Amendements)?

    I know many others have already spoken on this, but reforms of the procedural rules to solidify the authority of the Speaker and concrete guidelines for passing bills are absolutely necessary.  I know others have spoken about the prospect of completely rewriting the Fundamental Laws.  I remain unconvinced that such drastic action is necessary.  If we can demonstrate real, debilitating flaws with the FL, and propose workable solutions, THEN it might be reasonable.

    5) Previously the big topic was judicial reform, for which many proposals have been advanced and shot down. What is your stance on reforming the judiciary, if you feel it needs to be at all.

    As I've said in my campaign thread, I feel the judicial system is broken here.  I think the current system could be amended, but depending on the atmosphere of the UH after the election, repeal and replace might be the more viable strategy.  Time will tell.

    General Questions
    6) Outside of judicial and legislative reform, what do you feel is the most important legislative goal that needs to be done during the next term?

    I would love to connect the Underhusen with the Nationstates side of things more, and I have a few ideas on how to make that happen.  Most likely it would be an amendment to the procedural rules.

    7) Do you feel that the relationship between the Storting and the Monarchy is appropriately balanced for this region? Why or why not?

    I do feel that we've reached a good balance.  I think that balance would only be strengthened by the Citizenship Revocation Clarification Act, should it ever be passed.  Removing grey areas allows the UH and the Monarch to more confidently and completely exercise their respective powers.

    8) Wintreath recently ratified its third treaty and I hope to see us enter more treaties in the future. What are your thoughts on regional treaties? Are there any circumstances which you would vote against a treaty? What are your thoughts on bilateral versus multilateral treaties and on joining interregional organizations?

    Regional treaties are good, so long as they aren't just words on paper.  I hope that we actually see increased relations with several of our treaty partners beyond the minimum responsibilities we have under the treaty.  I can't see Wintreath joining any interregional organizations any time soon.  Sovereignty is cool.

    9) What are your views about our regional military alignment (defender)?

    No complaints here. 

    10) If elected, do you plan on also running for Speaker? If so, can you detail what your priorities will be as Speaker for the next term?

    I'm going to use the old, I have a lot of other responsibilities in the region, cop-out and say that I couldn't give the Speaker position the attention it deserves. 

    Although, it would be the perfect way to get a lot of things done... Maybe I'll consider it.
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  • Scarlet Petal Floats
  • 1) What other regions are you currently a Citizen of? Regions you're currently a member of government of?

    Citizenship: Wintreath, Spiritus
    Government: None

    2) Would you support legislation requiring that candidates for Underhusen create a campaign topic which includes a conflict of interest disclosure of any other regions and governments they are a part of?

    I would support legislation mandating the posting of a pre-established conflict of interest disclosure form for the candidates running for Underhusen. I am not against individuals holding leadership positions in multiple regions but I take into consideration that any commitments or obligations to other regions have the potential to compromise the individual’s ability to act in the best interest of the Citizens of Wintreath. As for whether the conflict of interest disclosure will be in a campaign thread or an individual thread specifically made for it, the decision should be left to the candidates themselves.

    3) One of the candidates mentioned that being a Skrifa meant being a civil servant. What are you currently doing for the region, and what would you do while in office to advance regional civics, and how would you involve yourself in civics as well? Note, I would like to hear what you consider your specific contributions and accomplishments in the region to be, not what positions you hold.

    In terms of culture, I have been an active participant in The Roleplayers' Gathering, The Frostmist Arena and The Dumping Grounds. One notable contribution* would be Mandate of Heaven: Lost Paradise. It has been considered "the most active RP" and "the most successful RP" in Wintreath's history. As for what I would do while in office, I would still continue my active involvement in the cultural aspect of Wintreath.

    *Personally, I don't consider it a contribution since collaborative storytelling is an activity that enhances personal enjoyment and it's really worth the effort when you see others enjoying it with you.

    4) A big topic this election has been legislative reform, which I know some have already discussed at length. To get everyone on the same page, could you list what legislative reforms you'd advocate (from changes in procedural rules to Constitutional Amendments)?

    There will definitely be reforms for the Underhusen Procedures. Specific examples include extending the time limit for debate when a proposal is brought before the Underhusen and to remove the Speaker's power to determine procedures in areas that have not been covered in our existing laws.

    5) Previously the big topic was judicial reform, for which many proposals have been advanced and shot down. What is your stance on reforming the judiciary, if you feel it needs to be at all.

    A Skrifa’s stance seems to be irrelevant when a consensus cannot be reached. As such, I have decided to align my stance based on the popular opinion, which can only be obtained by actually personally asking Citizens of their opinions.

    6) Outside of judicial and legislative reform, what do you feel is the most important legislative goal that needs to be done during the next term?

    For me, it would be the Omnibus Correction Act.

    7) Do you feel that the relationship between the Storting and the Monarchy is appropriately balanced for this region? Why or why not?

    There's a good balance. While I may have a soft spot for benevolent monarchs/dictators, the power that has been vested in the Storting is more than enough to balance with the authority of the Monarchy. Plus, it's not just between the Storting and the Monarchy, even between the Underhusen and the Overhusen, there's a balance. The Overhusen gets to veto bills from the Underhusen but the Underhusen is also able override the veto.

    8) Wintreath recently ratified its third treaty and I hope to see us enter more treaties in the future. What are your thoughts on regional treaties? Are there any circumstances which you would vote against a treaty? What are your thoughts on bilateral versus multilateral treaties and on joining interregional organizations?

    I am all for Wintreath having cultural treaties with other regions, be they bilateral or multilateral. As for joining interregional organizations, if it benefits Wintreath then sure.

    9) What are your views about our regional military alignment (defender)?

    I don't enjoy seeing communities get destroyed because of R/D gameplay. I am not exactly a supporter of the defender alignment but at least defenders don't actively seek to enjoy themselves at the expense of others. 

    10) If elected, do you plan on also running for Speaker? If so, can you detail what your priorities will be as Speaker for the next term?

    No, I don't intend to run for Speaker.
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • Count of Highever
  • We're halfway through the campaign, and I'd like to see where the candidates stand on some topics...some have been discussed at length, some are topics important to me, and some are general questions which I feel are good to ask any candidate. If you've already elaborated on some of these questions, then I apologize, but I'm asking here to get everyone together in one topic.

    Thanks for your responses in advance! :)

    Conflict of Interests Disclosures
    1) What other regions are you currently a Citizen of? Regions you're currently a member of government of?

    2) Would you support legislation requiring that candidates for Underhusen create a campaign topic which includes a conflict of interest disclosure of any other regions and governments they are a part of?

    Regional Civics
    3) One of the candidates mentioned that being a Skrifa meant being a civil servant. What are you currently doing for the region, and what would you do while in office to advance regional civics, and how would you involve yourself in civics as well? Note, I would like to hear what you consider your specific contributions and accomplishments in the region to be, not what positions you hold.

    4) A big topic this election has been legislative reform, which I know some have already discussed at length. To get everyone on the same page, could you list what legislative reforms you'd advocate (from changes in procedural rules to Constitutional Amendements)?

    5) Previously the big topic was judicial reform, for which many proposals have been advanced and shot down. What is your stance on reforming the judiciary, if you feel it needs to be at all.

    General Questions
    6) Outside of judicial and legislative reform, what do you feel is the most important legislative goal that needs to be done during the next term?

    7) Do you feel that the relationship between the Storting and the Monarchy is appropriately balanced for this region? Why or why not?

    8) Wintreath recently ratified its third treaty and I hope to see us enter more treaties in the future. What are your thoughts on regional treaties? Are there any circumstances which you would vote against a treaty? What are your thoughts on bilateral versus multilateral treaties and on joining interregional organizations?

    9) What are your views about our regional military alignment (defender)?

    10) If elected, do you plan on also running for Speaker? If so, can you detail what your priorities will be as Speaker for the next term?

    1) I'm currently a citizen of The Revolutionary Council and New Hyperion. I serve in the government of New Hyperion.

    2) Yes, it makes sense. I have doubts about the potential to actually verify the candidates' honesty, but it's worth a shot. Being a citizen - and a member of government - of another region could definitely cause people to alter their behaviour slightly to bend a region's direction for their own self-interest with regards to another region.

    3) I have yet to do anything for the region's citizens as of yet. I don't quite understand the region in its entirety yet, so even if I do get elected into the UH, I'd be best put to work getting to know the people, and determine my approach to the law accordingly. A crucial part of this is hosting the next Werewolf game, which has become quite a success from a relative outsider's perspective, and allows people to get to know each other better without being too serious, and allows people to overcome their initial awkwardness in a new region in quite a fun way. Beyond that, since the UH is made specifically for the people, I'll do my best to actually serve them.

    4) I don't know the extent of the work that I would end up doing, to perfectly honest, so I find this question hard to answer. Obviously what comes to mind immediately is the Speaker's apparent power, but I haven't analysed everything closely enough yet to have too much of a far-reaching perspective on the issue. What definitely needs work is the procedural aspect of lawmaking, and the implementation of a precedence-system.

    5) I have no answer as of yet. I'm not about to say exactly that, but put it into more words to sound fancy and intelligent.

    6) General clean-up of the laws to clear out the small grammatical and spelling mistakes, rewriting portions to make everything less of a drag to read and easier to understand... small things like these. It's relatively superficial though, and not all that important. I just can't stand the way it's being done currently. ;)

    7) From what I've seen, sure. The monarch is entitled to quite a bit of power, and as far as I've seen has respected the role of the UH to do its job as intended, even thoug he really doesn't need it. The monarchy even encourages solutions that don't invest more and more power to the monarchy.

    8 ) They're nice to have, so the only time I would vote against treaties with other regions would be when we don't get much in return, and specifically when the treaty would serve to work to our detriment very badly. However, part of the fun of NS is to make treaties between regions and to gain a good working or cultural relationship with other regions. I don't know if Wintreath objectively NEEDS many treaties though.

    9) I fail to see the point of most raider activity, but my personal orientation as been more imperialistic. I feel defenders' hearts are in the right place, but watching most defender organisations conduct their business can be infuriating. My opinion on the subject can very vaguely be summed up with: "something needs to be done about the raider menace, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

    10) No, that would be rather irresponsible, and I don't quite feel I'd be up to it anyway at this early stage of my residency here. I make no secret of looking at Pengu or Sapphiron as good choices for the job, but such things can only seriously be considered when people have been chosen for the UH.
    « Last Edit: April 06, 2015, 04:00:17 PM by Laurentus »
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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    Joshua Bluteisen
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  • Evil Imperialist Overlord
  • We're halfway through the campaign, and I'd like to see where the candidates stand on some topics...some have been discussed at length, some are topics important to me, and some are general questions which I feel are good to ask any candidate. If you've already elaborated on some of these questions, then I apologize, but I'm asking here to get everyone together in one topic.

    Thanks for your responses in advance! :)

    Conflict of Interests Disclosures
    1) What other regions are you currently a Citizen of? Regions you're currently a member of government of?
    Osiris, Balder, the Rejected Realms, Wintreath, Alexandria, the South Pacific (it lapsed, wups), the New Galactic Empire aaand I'm probably forgetting something.

    I am Guardian of the Atef (and an Admin) in Osiris and the Forum Owner of the New Galactic Empire.

    2) Would you support legislation requiring that candidates for Underhusen create a campaign topic which includes a conflict of interest disclosure of any other regions and governments they are a part of?

    No issues with this. I'm fine with a CoI disclosure being required for citizenship, let alone an elected office.
    Regional Civics
    3) One of the candidates mentioned that being a Skrifa meant being a civil servant. What are you currently doing for the region, and what would you do while in office to advance regional civics, and how would you involve yourself in civics as well? Note, I would like to hear what you consider your specific contributions and accomplishments in the region to be, not what positions you hold.

    Functionally? Not much. I'm an IRC OP and moderate the chat when I'm there.

    4) A big topic this election has been legislative reform, which I know some have already discussed at length. To get everyone on the same page, could you list what legislative reforms you'd advocate (from changes in procedural rules to Constitutional Amendements)?

    I want to completely and utterly remove our judiciary and relegate such powers to the Monarch.

    5) Previously the big topic was judicial reform, for which many proposals have been advanced and shot down. What is your stance on reforming the judiciary, if you feel it needs to be at all.

    See above.

    General Questions
    6) Outside of judicial and legislative reform, what do you feel is the most important legislative goal that needs to be done during the next term?

    Treaty allies with other regions. This is something the executive must initiate, however.

    7) Do you feel that the relationship between the Storting and the Monarchy is appropriately balanced for this region? Why or why not?

    The Storting has too much power; small communities such as this are better off with a benevolent dictatorship than a hamstring republic.

     8) Wintreath recently ratified its third treaty and I hope to see us enter more treaties in the future. What are your thoughts on regional treaties? Are there any circumstances which you would vote against a treaty? What are your thoughts on bilateral versus multilateral treaties and on joining interregional organizations?

    I would recuse myself from voting (present/abstain votes) on treaties with regions that I have a vested interest in, such as Osiris or TNGE, but otherwise am fine with cultural and military treaties with other regions.

    I don't support Wintreath getting heavily involved with interregional orgs such as the FRA simply due to the fact that the WHR should pave its own way in GP. We need allies from actual regions, not extremist factions in GP.

    9) What are your views about our regional military alignment (defender)?

    I am an Imperialist. I don't care whether Wintreath defends or raids, but the Defendersphere has a lot more internal drama and factionalism than both the Imperialist/Independent spectrum and those who participate in Raider Unity.

    10) If elected, do you plan on also running for Speaker? If so, can you detail what your priorities will be as Speaker for the next term?

    « Last Edit: March 31, 2015, 02:22:41 AM by Joshua Bluteisen »
    Vizier of the Osiris Fraternal Order
    Red Guard of the New Galactic Empire
    House Bluteisen -- Blood and Iron
    Axis of Evil on EsperNet & SwiftIRC || ygfbv on ColdFront
    <Zeorus> because we're not all smart like you, Axis
    <Zeorus> some of us have the privilege of being dumb ;_;
    Current NS positions and honours
    Patriarch of House Bluteisen
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    Osiran Atef
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    Legionnaire of the Sekhmet Legion (Inactive due to WA immobility)
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    Holder of the Scale of Ma'at
    Holder of the Seal of Vigilance
    Former NS positions
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    Marshal General of the Sekhmet Legion
    Admin of the Osiris Fraternal Order
    Sepatarch of the 7th Sepatarchy of the Kemetic Republic of Osiris
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    Joshua Bluteisen
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  • Thank you for your replies...I read them all before I voted. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I have a question for Chanku since he didn't do a campaign thread.

    What areas do you want to see improved?

    Why should I, with my stances, vote for YOU?  What can YOU do for ME?

    And, as some personal matters I need to you to address.  These are direct questions that require direct responses by only YOU and no one else.

    So far, you've been disrespectful to me completely, from flaming to personal attacks when I'm not around.  You're required, not only by your apology promise to the region several weeks ago after you were recalled, to respect everyone, but now that you're part of Wintreath's family, you're EXPECTED to respect everyone.  You have refused to show any sign of decency or respect, which also blinds you from appointing me in a role in the MOD when you need help since you've been too busy to accept applications - making people wait for over a week for a simple reply. 

    You've even said that you don't regard me as a person, while I am A. Much more older than you, and B. Much more experienced in life and in areas that you aren't in, including years of experience in NS defending compared to yourself.  Humility goes a big way. 

    So here are my questions:
    1. How can you expect the region to take you seriously or see you as a reasonable candidate when you consistently and repeatedly disrespect blatantly someone who's been active in the community?

    2. Why should you be elected when you can't treat someone as a human being and respect me equally like everyone else?

    3. Will you actually live up to your promise and expectation and start respecting me from here on out?  I have made great attempts to be civil with you, and I am not requiring you to be friends.  Just because you do not like someone does not mean you shouldn't respect them.  So, will you start respecting me and everyone else equally here in this region?  YES, or NO?
    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
    Citizenship Granted 24 Dec. 2013!

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  • A. Much more older than you
    Please stop using your age as a justification for anything. It is only permissible as evidence to the point at which you will die and to the advantages and disadvantages of your birth.
    It is worth nothing else.
    We've definitely talked about this before.
    1 person likes this post: Chanku
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • Conflict of Interests Disclosures
    1) What other regions are you currently a Citizen of? Regions you're currently a member of government of?
    I am a citizen of Spiritus however I act as nothing official there and do not actively participate in it. Other than that I am solely located in Wintreath.
    2) Would you support legislation requiring that candidates for Underhusen create a campaign topic which includes a conflict of interest disclosure of any other regions and governments they are a part of?
    Most likely no.

    Regional Civics
    3) One of the candidates mentioned that being a Skrifa meant being a civil servant. What are you currently doing for the region, and what would you do while in office to advance regional civics, and how would you involve yourself in civics as well? Note, I would like to hear what you consider your specific contributions and accomplishments in the region to be, not what positions you hold.
    Honestly? Besides very positively being here, existing in the Overhusen, and some work in the Underhusen this past session, I don't think I have specific accomplishments. Just a really good personality, I think. I'm open to others listing my successes if they think I'm wrong but... I don't think I have any notable ones.
    4) A big topic this election has been legislative reform, which I know some have already discussed at length. To get everyone on the same page, could you list what legislative reforms you'd advocate (from changes in procedural rules to Constitutional Amendements)?
    I sometimes feel ill when I look at our law. It is deeply unsatisfactory. I would say that I'd like to remove all of it and change it to either a more monarchy controlled state or to put more real procedure in the Fundamental Laws. Right now the FL is a sort of checklist with little targets for things we want to happen and kind of the idea of what that should look like and then tells the procedural rules to figure the rest out.
    5) Previously the big topic was judicial reform, for which many proposals have been advanced and shot down. What is your stance on reforming the judiciary, if you feel it needs to be at all.
    I think a Monarchy controlled Judiciary is the way to go to which mixed support has been received. This last term the first step of the plan set out by Daws which I had intended to follow was controversially voted out. I do still believe that this is the way to go, especially if we can get total legislative reform through.
    General Questions
    6) Outside of judicial and legislative reform, what do you feel is the most important legislative goal that needs to be done during the next term?
    I honestly think nothing is more important this term than making it so that the Storting can be truly functional without an all powerful speaker.
    7) Do you feel that the relationship between the Storting and the Monarchy is appropriately balanced for this region? Why or why not?
    We're a monarchy, albeit a constitutional one. I would prefer that the Monarch have more power and that the storting relinquish some. This has had some very vocal hatred thrown at it but also some calmer supporters.
    8) Wintreath recently ratified its third treaty and I hope to see us enter more treaties in the future. What are your thoughts on regional treaties? Are there any circumstances which you would vote against a treaty? What are your thoughts on bilateral versus multilateral treaties and on joining interregional organizations?
    I'm an isolationist. Aside from recruiting I would prefer to see us not interact with the big boys. Some treaties I would support, such as the one with Ainur, but in general I'm against drawing NS players to our little abode. Even if some of them are cute.
    9) What are your views about our regional military alignment (defender)?
    I despise the R/D game. It seems a waste of time, drama filled, loud, and unpleasant. Optimally we would not have a regional military or a regional alignment.
    10) If elected, do you plan on also running for Speaker? If so, can you detail what your priorities will be as Speaker for the next term?
    Optimally Pengu would be in this position. As it is, I don't think that I am the best-suited but would run for it if Pengu was not there. My priorities would be total restructuring. The speaker is a dangerous role that should not have extraordinary power or even real power at all.

    Sorry, I got to this a bit late. But I doubt anything in here is surprising, so. Welcome to the end of the game, Gentlemen.
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • Update on point 1. I've somewhat accidentally become in charge of the forum in The Revolutionary Council, and consequently I'm now part of their government too. I doubt it would interfere with any of my duties here, but I just thought I should let you know.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
    • Count of Highever
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  • I have a question for Chanku since he didn't do a campaign thread.

    What areas do you want to see improved?

    Why should I, with my stances, vote for YOU?  What can YOU do for ME?

    And, as some personal matters I need to you to address.  These are direct questions that require direct responses by only YOU and no one else.

    So far, you've been disrespectful to me completely, from flaming to personal attacks when I'm not around.  You're required, not only by your apology promise to the region several weeks ago after you were recalled, to respect everyone, but now that you're part of Wintreath's family, you're EXPECTED to respect everyone.  You have refused to show any sign of decency or respect, which also blinds you from appointing me in a role in the MOD when you need help since you've been too busy to accept applications - making people wait for over a week for a simple reply. 

    You've even said that you don't regard me as a person, while I am A. Much more older than you, and B. Much more experienced in life and in areas that you aren't in, including years of experience in NS defending compared to yourself.  Humility goes a big way. 

    So here are my questions:
    1. How can you expect the region to take you seriously or see you as a reasonable candidate when you consistently and repeatedly disrespect blatantly someone who's been active in the community?

    2. Why should you be elected when you can't treat someone as a human being and respect me equally like everyone else?

    3. Will you actually live up to your promise and expectation and start respecting me from here on out?  I have made great attempts to be civil with you, and I am not requiring you to be friends.  Just because you do not like someone does not mean you shouldn't respect them.  So, will you start respecting me and everyone else equally here in this region?  YES, or NO?

    Waiting for Chanku's response.
    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
    Citizenship Granted 24 Dec. 2013!

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    00000 A World Power: 1st Sgt, A World Power Regional Defence Force
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