Post #31473
March 25, 2015, 02:52:05 PM
Thank you for taking the time to read this campaign, I'll try to make it worth it by keeping it as short and to the point as possible.
At the time of writing this, I am the newest member of the region who is campaigning for a seat in the underhusen, and I'm realistic enough to know that makes me a rather poor choice when there are people who know the region better.
In keeping with my realistic approach, however, I must mention that this is far from being the first region where I've held power. I don't like to use past achievements as a campaigning tool, because the achievements are often incompatible with other regions, which require a unique approach and style, but it's all I have to go on right now.
I served for a long time as The Revolutionary Council's WA Delegate, and under my leadership, we were able to expand from a very small region of 13 people to 30+ at its height, which I'll admit is not that much, but it was an active community that only showed signs of going up until I left, after which a lack of direction and inactive, ineffective leadership nearly destroyed the place as raid after raid hit and the place became stripped of its culture. I was not flawless as a WA Delegate back then, but I learnt quickly and easily understood the goals the region aspired to, and made sure those goals were met.
After a fall-out with the founder, I moved to Aura Hyperia, where I went from plebeian (the lowest of the low) to Chancellor (the second-in-command and highest position anyone in that region can aspire to unless the founder gives up power) in less than 2 months. I was tested about 3 days after becoming chancellor when our own founder, Mara Sargon, mercilessly destroyed the region very suddenly. Although I had the help of a great imperial council, one of whom is Colberius X, I was a stabilising force and managed to keep order and gain access to our previous forum to save any information that was vital to our survival. Through keeping order, we soon established a new government with our core community, and are once more expanding, attaining members, and setting up a unique culture.
I'm also ridiculously active and involved when it comes to making laws and just about any decision.
As I said, I'm at a disadvantage when it comes to this region due to being so new, but I hope to earn your votes on election day.
I'll answer any and all questions you may have. Challenge me, and hopefully I'll prove my worth.
EDIT: It has been proven pretty extensively that these laws need wide-scale adjustments, so that is also something I promise to implement with the rest of the underhusen. What's most glaring that I've seen so far is the absence of a system of precedence in all areas. Precedence is the foundation of Case Law and should be used when determining courses of action and legislation in general, so its absence annihilates very powerful sources of law which should be present.