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Thane's Reports - Happenings in the World Assembly
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  • They are fairly young to receive a commendation. I'm surprised that FRA wasn't considered before RIA.
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  • The FRA is a much more polarizing organization. Two prominent imperialist regions, the Land of Kings and Emperors and The New Inquisition, are at war with it, and it's uncertain at best if other imperialist and independent regions would support such a commendation. The FRA also has its detractors in the defendersphere as well...but I guess almost any defender region or org can say that. Defender unity! :))

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  • So I was noticing over the past couple days that nothing was coming to a vote.  Periodically this happens, but it doesn't usually last more than an update or two. I went over to the WA forum and discovered that there is currently a MASSKVE review of the GA rules going on right now in this subforum

    Each and every rule (besides those concerning plagiarism and offensive proposals) is up for discussion. If anyone has any saltiness towards the rules or if you want to see how the General Assembly might change in the coming weeks or months, click the link!
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  • Maybe it'll be like the gameplay R/D thing, where they decide to do things and then two years later haven't done most of them yet. :))

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  • Maybe it'll be like the gameplay R/D thing, where they decide to do things and then two years later haven't done most of them yet. :))

    The GA rules are up to mod interpretation, which creates a lot of gray areas and reliance on "precedent.". This is probably designed to fix some of that
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  • [Report #005 - 6/12/15]

    General Assembly
    At vote is the Nuclear Testing Protocol, an international security resolution that seeks to limit the public health and infrastructure damage caused by irresponsible nuclear testing.  At worst, this might be a category violation, or at best the resolution is too broad.  It would fit much better if we eliminate the clauses that don't concern public health and classify it as a public health proposal.  But that's just me.  Also worrying is the fact that
    Further demands that member nations classify all information and materials related to nuclear testing as state secrets and prevent this information or material with anyone not authorized to have access to this information,
    transparency dies.  We just have to trust our government to comply, since we have no ability to see documents or records stating their compliance.  I'm opposed. 

    Official debate thread: [LINK]

    Votes For: 2,749 (52%)
    Votes Against: 2,511 (48%) 
    Voting Ends: in 3 days 11 hours
    Amongst Wintreath residents, voting is currently 14-2 (87% For).
    Your Regional WA Delegate, De La Malvarma, has not voted on this resolution.

    Security Council
    Repeal "Commend Unibot II" is at vote, arguing that Unibot's leadership of the UDL has been an utter shitshow, plagued by corruption, subversion, attacks on regional sovereignty, and all-around mismanagement. 

    Official debate thread: [LINK]

    Votes For: 7,724 (85%)
    Votes Against: 1,398 (15%)
    Voting Ends: in 2 days 23 hours
    Amongst Wintreath residents, voting is currently 19-1 (95% For).
    Your Regional WA Delegate, De La Malvarma, has not voted on this resolution.
    « Last Edit: June 12, 2015, 05:01:59 PM by Point Breeze »
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  • A point on the classify all materials and stuff... Water is a material commonly related to nuclear testing. As is rocks, dirt, soil, sometimes some animals, and a buncha other shit... This is the second time this mistake has been made...
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • I don't think it's fair to blame Unibot for the UDL 'falling into complete disarray', as that mostly happened under his successors, Mahaj and Ravania. To even build an organization like the UDL without a region to support it takes someone with a lot of talent, dedication, and skill, and it's to Unibot's credit that it became so successful and prominent to begin with...and The Rejected Realms has certainly benefited from his time as delegate. He's a very charismatic, talented, skilled, and dedicated leader...but on the other hand, he is a gameplayer and he does have a tendency to use this skills to turn the regions he's in as a platform to advance his own agendas and standing, and he's not above getting really nasty if people disagree with him on something. I've seen it myself...he's got an ego, and he once told me directly that that's the main reason he plays the game.

    Whether he's sexually harassed women as recent allegations would seem to imply, I don't know. I haven't seen any proof, and until then I won't judge him based on vague 'claims' that he's done 'something' with females. However, in my personal opinion, this resolution reads as petty and disingenuous at best. But then again, he'd author something like this against someone if the circumstances were changed.

    Can you tell how meh I am about gameplay in general? :P
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  • It's a cesspool, we get it. Anyone intimately involved or at the center of events is going to have some notable achievements and some skeletons in the closet (sometimes those are the same thing), so trying to throw dirt on the name of GPer that has actually been objectively influential and has done a lot of good for the game and for Defenders is petty, as you said.

    "Well yeah, he's cool, but he's not that cool, like remember the time he got really pissy with me, or how he thinks he's hot shit because he organized the single largest non-regional Nationstates organization in the game...yeah, not so cool"
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  • It just makes me appreciate the peaceful, cooperative community that we have here even more. Sometimes I feel like we're truly a city upon a hill, so to speak. :P

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  • And yet, even with this region's relatively hands-off attitude, I've seen quite a bit of shit get thrown at Wintermoot. Go figure. It's best to develop a thick skin and ignore Gameplay for the most part.
    « Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 03:25:03 AM by Laurentus »
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  • Well, all communities have their disputes from time to time, and as the leader of this community I'm going to say things and make decisions that some people disagree with for the simple reason that you can't please anyone. I learned those lessons long ago and committed to that when I agreed to start a region. I will say that even the worst dispute here has nothing on what's par for the course in gameplay, being treated and attacked as the scum of the earth because I lead a region that accepted Govindia, for example.

    We have our frustrations that come out from time to time, but I can safely say we have one of the most mature communities I've ever seen on the internet, and I'm very proud to be entrusted with its leadership. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Oh, I don't mean the community itself, lol. I'm referring to mudslinging of those outside Wintreath. A few months ago, I recall someone coming to this RMB with the sole purpose of pissing off the community and dragging WM's name through the mud. If I recall correctly, the person came from Spiritus.
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  • Spiritus is the region that I left...eventually to found Wintreath, so it's not surprising that people still hold a grudge even after nearly two years.

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  • [Special Report on the World Space Administration and the Actions of Bitely]

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far away (or July 18th, in the General Assembly), there came to pass a really dreadful resolution known as the World Space Administration.  This resolution was bad for all the regular reasons:  Overly broad mandates, a hair away from a committee-only violation, and premature submission to the delegates for approval.  These are all understandable mistakes, provided the author is accommodating, reasonable, and willing to learn.  The nation of Bitely was few of these things, if any. The author didn't even post the draft for review in the forums, pretty much Rule #0 when deciding to author a proposal.  As you'll see, some Good Samaritan took the liberty of posting his proposal after Bitely had gone and submitted it.  The majority of the posts in that 10-page thread are exclamations of horror at the draft, mild sarcasm about the skill of GA authors, and speculations about space travel and civilization. 

    In the meantime, Bitely took the liberty to send a telegram to every single World Assembly nation in the game.  That's about $20 worth of stamps, which you could have spent on this 18x14 inch wall print of a baloney sandwich.  Here's the text of the TG:

    Greetings fellow WA Members!
    I'm asking you to vote yes on the GA proposal currently at vote:
    World Space Administration it is well create an administration to further research development and explorationof the cosmos.
    Thank you for your support.

    No, I didn't copy incorrectly, that's the full text.  Arguably, the baloney sandwich and Bitely's mass telegram are equally wise things to spend $20 on.  On the back of this incredibly strong argument, World Space Administration narrowly passed.  For many in the General Assembly, this is the culmination of their worst fear:  A terrible resolution that would surely cripple economies passes because of an equally-terrible telegram campaign.  GA regulars have long ago accepted the fact that barely anyone actually reads the resolutions past the title (and many simply vote along the lines of their regional delegate or the current standing of the vote), but this fiasco of democracy has shown them the extent to which this "lemming" effect can be exploited to pass bad resolutions.  Naturally, many prominent voices in the GA were outraged.  Free samples:

    Separatist Peoples wrote:
    OOC: thank you, Bitely. Thank you for reducing a game I enjoy by proving successfully to the rest of the summer wannabes that playing the lemmings is more valuable as a tactic than the entire point of this part of the game.

    The GA was designed to give players the opportunity to draft and debate legislation cooperatively before submitting it to the wider masses. You've now proven to 20,000 WA members that a core part of this game is totally meaningless. You've actively degraded the game you've participated in. This is not a victory by any means. This is a clear signal that the sort of dedication and time veteran players put into the GA is meaningless when compared to throwing cash at a problem.

    It's a small wonder that we, the veteran players of the GA, retreat during summer and give up on passing anything valuable when lousy shit like your resolution makes it to vote without the opportunity for collaboration. For some, it's easier to just clean up the mess in the autumn when you go back to school. But for the few that don't, all I can say is well done. Well done, you've shit all over the point of this game.

    Sobaira wrote:
    OOC: As someone who's relatively new to actually doing things beyond answering issues, finding myself in agreement with SP here, Bitely. When I wanted a simulation game of politics to play with other people, I didn't mean I wanted one where politics didn't matter but cash did. That's a bit too real, and frankly disheartening. This resolution was bad. At best it hurts everyone it wants to help and at worst it hurts everyone in the WA in general. It's poorly thought out and executed, but that apparently doesn't matter. If it can't be quickly repealed then I'm probably going to just go back to only doing issues, because if this is something that somehow stays on the books then I don't see the point in even playing this part of the game.

    Fortunately, I have faith in our ability to get rid of it. Let's just hope it's in a timely manner.

    Caracasus wrote:
    No way! This thing passed? Urgh - that's kinda depressing really, considering it was basically bought. I guess money can even corrupt fictional politics.

    Tano wrote:
    'Tis always nice to see fresh blood among the atrophying masses of the GAligarchy. Bitely has a fresh avant-garde style that I look forward to seeing more of.
    This particular comment evoked some rage of its own!

    Barely 2 weeks later, it was repealed by an unprecedented margin - over 10,000 votes FOR the repeal.  But we kind of expected that, didn't we?  The insta-repeal was seen as a relief to many, a reassurance that they still held some control over their precious General Assembly.  But as things returned to normal, a storm was brewing in the Security Council.  Implications about the importance of Condemnations, the difference between the two types of medals given, and who deserves what are still being debated as you read this, surely. 

    A draft proposal to condemn Bitely is currently on it's 4th draft at the time of this writing.  You can find the full text here.  Routine drafting and bickering ensued, until this tidbit of wisdom from The LBP Union:

    This is incredibly childish. A guy passes proposals that the World Assembly VOTES INTO POWER and then now you decide to try and Condemn him? I think we should be talking about a REPEAL not a Condemnation. Strongly opposed. And let's not forget the 4c violation...

    This is infringing on political freedom and actually is borderline bullying. The descriptions of this proposal are almost outright slanderous, just describing the nominee's proposals as "awful" without any bit of constructive criticism. We should be helping people like this formulate their ideas better by ENCOURAGING them to use this forum to post drafts, not Condemning them and telling them they have no chance at all.

    There ended up being no rule violation, but the point remains - Can we blame Bitely for exploiting a lemming effect we all knew existed - while he was innocently ignorant of it?  But, at the same time, Bitely has an obligation to abide by specific practices and rules when using the World Assembly.  This is the center of the debate:  Who is to blame for this?  Bitely, a new player who accidentally used every illegitimate tool at his disposal to get his draft passed, or the huddled masses of the WA, who we know are about as free-thinking as a pubic hair. 

    There's another layer to this onion conundrum that I touched on earlier.  The draft thread for Condemn Bitely is an incredibly interesting read, and I could write a lengthy analysis on many of the arguments within it.  However, I'm going to leave you with just a few quotes that I think capture the essence of the debate.  I hope they stir your interest in this topic, and I'm eager to see what Wintreath has to say about all of this.  These are important questions that could rock the Security Council if they aren't resolved.  Thank you for reading, and I hope we can all learn something from the World Space Administration.

    -Thane of WA Affairs

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