Even with the Regional Analysis still ongoing, one thing I've decided is that the forum needs an overhaul. I've noticed that we have many activities and topics to post in with little activity, and I believe a big part of the reason is that they're all cluttered in a few forums with many other things. Our current forum structure was great when we weren't so culturally active, but I feel we have outgrown it.
This is the overhaul I'm considering:
1) Removal of The Windswept Podium: Announcements from the Monarch and Cabinet would be made in Frosthold Castle, and community announcements would be made in the Howling Wind Tavern.
2) Reorganization of Cultural Activity Forums: Werewolf, Spyfall, and Minecraft would receive their own main forums, with The Amalyan Quarter remaining as an incubator for other contests and activities. My hope is that it would generate more cultural activities in the future. All four forums would be under its own category, which would also include The Roleplayers' Gathering.
3) Reorganizaton of the Discussions Forums: Howling Wind Tavern and The Hall of Great Discussions would remain under their own category, with new gaming and art forums being created as well. The Dumping Grounds would be made a subforum of Howling Wind Tavern since I think it's safe to say forum spam isn't a main draw for the region.
4) Reorganization of the Government Forums: The Underhusen and Overhusen would become subforums of a single Storting forum, given the small size of both. The Citizens' Platform would remain unchanged. On the Monarchy side, the Cabinet forums would be made a subforum of Frosthold Castle, and the military area would be moved from its own category to the Monarchy category. The Civil Service, World Assembly Podium, and Embassy area would be unchanged for now.
There would be no changes to the forums under the Shrine of Administration.
I feel that this overhaul would greatly expand our cultural and discussion areas, the main source of activity for the region, and remove strain from the Howling Wind Tavern and Amalyan Quarter...things wouldn't be as cluttered in those areas, allowing other discussions and activities to be more prominent.
As always, I would like your opinions and insights before I embark on this overall.