For clarification, are you wanting to know more about how we interact in different areas like the forums and what we use each one for? And were there any other questions you felt the guide left unanswered? I would like to work with you to make the guide better.
I think you understand my question. The thing is that most forums have unspoken rules. They don't even have to be rules, but just common practice on topics, intensity of discussion, etc. It can take a while to get the rules down, so I think that the beginner's guide should either contain (or link to something that contains) a quick description of the main forum sections.
To help you see what I'm thinking when I look at the forums, I'll analyze a few of the main forum sections:
The Amalyan Quarter:
- audience: the entire forum
- common posts: public votes, competition announcements
--- description is accurate, but there are a few posts that don't seem to have anything to do with it
The RolePlayer's Gathering:
- audience: people interested in roleplays
- common posts: roleplay proposals, roleplays
- dissent: I didn't see much, but I don't think it would be very welcome. If you don't like the roleplay, then just don't participate, you know?
--- description is exact
Howling Wind Tavern:
- audience: the entire forum
- common posts: real-life posts, classic gaming, the forum itself
- trend: nothing overtly political
--- the description was okay, but you would never guess that it would include a post about forum participation statistics
The Hall of Great Discussions:
- audience: the entire forum
- common posts: politically-charged questions, surveys, etc.
- trend: overtly political
- dissent: voice your opinion
--- the description was really close
Actually, just going through and looking really closely at all the topics has helped me understand this all a lot better. Still, when I first saw the forums I was completely lost.
By the way, corrupt-a-wish is hilarious.
In answer to your second question: I don't know what I don't know . . . I wish I were more helpful about that one.