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  • Umbrose Update
    Taijitu Foreign Service

    Government of Taijitu
    Citizen-Delegate: Jutensa
    Citizen-Initiator: Gulliver (Gullivania)
    Citizen-Diplomats: Of the US, Myroria
    Citizen-Sergeant: Funkadelia
    Citizen-Liaison: al’Khem

    Registered Citizen-Legislators of the Ecclesia: 60

    University of the Glorious Revolution opens

    A speech by the Citizen-Augur and Dean of the Glorious Revolution, St. Oz, leads to several fainting incidents.

    The University of the Glorious Revolution, an institution designed to promote the advancement of knowledge in Taijitu, opened on 6 Umbrose (January 30 O.S.) to great fanfare. In an election concluded on 20 Umbrose (February 13), Citizen-Augur St. Oz was named the first Dean of the University of the Glorious Revolution. His job will be administering the new college, keeping it organized, and helping encourage people to post there.

    The University is split into four departments and a lecture hall - the College of the Creative Arts, the College of History and Economics, the College of Science, the College of [NationStates] Gameplay, and the Aniane Memorial Lecture Hall, named after a Taijituan who had a short-lived but memorable time as a roleplayer in 2012. Less than a month after its opening, the University already has several active classes, including two taught by Citizen Letonna about the history and practice of chemistry, an economics lecture by Citizen Musitant, and a class on bartending taught by Citizen-Diplomat Myroria.

    The University has been a big hit among the citizenry of Taijitu. It remains the only place in the region where one can learn about the Greek eurozone crisis, the history of Zyklon B, and what a Boston shaker is all within minutes of each other! We pray to Dean Oz to search for good omens for the college via the flights of birds.

    Citizen-Intitiator Act passes, elections open

    A Taijituan citizen celebrates having just voted in the Citizen-Initiator election.

    The Citizen-Initiator Act passed the Ecclesia unanimously on 17 Umbrose (February 10 O.S.), establishing a set term and term limits for the Citizen-Initiator, whose term traditionally ran until their recall or resignation. Following the success of this vote, elections for Citizen-Initiator began on 28 Umbrose (February 21 O.S.). Gulliver is standing for reelection, opposed by Citizen Cormac Stark.

    Citizen-Initiator is a uniquely Taijituan institution traditionally tasked only with approving citizenship requests, though due to the directly democratic nature of Taijituan government the office quickly grew to act as a Speaker of sorts for the Ecclesia. The new Act legalizes this formerly traditional role, and specifies that the Initiator will act as a speaker for the legislature, as well as specifying a term of three months and a term limit of two.

    We wish the best of luck to both candidates and ask for good omens from the birds on both of them.
    Citizen-Delegate of Taijitu
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  • I was wondering where Cormac was going to pop up again.
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  • You sound awfully familiar with Cormac, PB. :P

    In any case, thanks for the update! I hope we'll have one to send to you soon. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • The Foreign Service has just composed Taijitu's first official Letter of Credence since the Glorious Revolution, so despite the fact that I've already been serving as Wintreath's ambassador for some time I thought I'd post it here anyway to make my credentials officially official.  ;)


    Citizens' Democracy of Taijitu
    Taijitu Foreign Service
    Vocidi, 8 Tonneral, AR 1
    (Wednesday, March 4, 2015 O.S.)


    The Citizen-Delegate and Citizen-Diplomats of Taijitu, with the consent of the Ecclesia, ask you to please accept as ambassador Citizen-Diplomat Myroria. The Foreign Service has chosen appoint this citizen to this post because of their interest in serving the region and Taijitu's Glorious Revolution abroad. The Foreign Service has the utmost confidence that they will serve admirably as ambassador to your region.

    Myroria's responsibilties will include updating your government on happenings in Taijitu, maintaining our embassy on your regional forum, keeping the Ecclesia and its officers informed of happenings in your region, promoting interregional ties, and answering any questions your residents may have about our region. The Foreign Service wishes Wintermoot and all the residents of Wintreath the very best, and hopes that the relationship between our regions will continue to be mutually beneficial.

    With the authority granted to them by the Citizens' Democracy of Taijitu,

    Allama, Citizen-Delegate of Taijitu

    Myroria, Citizen-Diplomat of Taijitu

    Of the US, Citizen-Diplomat of Taijitu
    Citizen-Delegate of Taijitu
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  • It's has such a lovely banner and sounds so official, it would have been a shame for it to go to waste.

    I suppose I accept you again. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Tonneral Update
    Taijitu Foreign Service

    Government of Taijitu
    Citizen-Delegate: Jutensa
    Citizen-Initiator: Gulliver (Gullivania)
    Citizen-Diplomats: Of the US, Myroria
    Citizen-Sergeant: Funkadelia
    Citizen-Liaison: al’Khem

    Registered Citizen-Legislators of the Ecclesia: 53

    Noble Houses Act passes Ecclesia; encourages egalitarianism

    Citizens with foreign titles of nobility are shocked to hear the news from the Ecclesia.

    The Noble Houses Act passed the Ecclesia near-unanimously on 11 Tonneral (March 7 O.S.), forbidding the government of Taijitu from recognizing noble houses or other titles of nobility. The bill, widely supported in the Ecclesia, is seen by many citizens as a continuation and affirmation of the values of Taijitu's Glorious Revolution - egalitarianism and democracy.

    Taijitu's Bill of Rights forbids the government from infringing on citizens' personal speech, and therefore the new law does not outlaw the use of titles personally. However, the law does stipulate that the government shall refer to any citizen belonging to a foreign house, or to any citizen with a foreign title of nobility, only as "Citizen [Name]". Likewise, foreign dignitaries in Taijitu will be referred to by the government only by their name, omitting any personal style or title.

    Finally, the law encourages, but does not mandate, all residents of Taijitu - citizen or not - to refer to each other in an egalitarian fashion, remembering the values of the Glorious Revolution and the various dictatorships and flawed democracies that ruled the region in the past.

    Citizen Cormac wins Citizen-Initiator election, creates legal index

    "It's been two weeks," pleads a Taijituan citizen. "You should really take a break, Citizen Cormac!"

    Citizen Cormac, sometimes styled "Cormac Stark", won Taijitu's Citizen-Initiator election on 2 Tonneral, and soon after began a comprehensive reorganization of Ecclesiastical records.

    Citizen-Initiator is a uniquely Taijituan institution tasked with approving citizenship requests and acting as a Speaker of sorts for the Ecclesia, Taijitu's directly democratic legislature. Traditionally imbued with no fixed term length, the Citizen-Initiator Act of Umbrose AR 1 (February-March 2015 O.S.) specified a term length of four months and called for an immediate election; the former Citizen-Initiator, Gulliver, lost his reelection bid to Cormac.

    Citizen-Initiator Cormac immediately started an overhaul of recordkeeping for the Ecclesia; no small task, considering the complete absence of any real recordkeeping system since the Glorious Revolution. One of Cormac's first actions was to draft a complete legal index, maintained both on Taijitu's forum and regional wiki. This new legal index lists all laws in their entirety, with dates in both the Taijituan Revolutionary Calendar and the Old Calendar.

    Also currently at vote is a repeal of the Standing Ordinances of the Ecclesia; an old system derived by Myroria, Taijitu's first Citizen-Initiator, it went mostly without update since the Glorious Revolution and served little purpose, now that the new Index superseded it. Though the vote is still open, it seems likely to pass the Ecclesia.

    We pray to Citizen-Augur St. Oz to look for good omens in the birds, and wish Citizen-Initiator Cormac only the best for the rest of his first term.

    Citizen-Delegate nominations open

    Stumping begins for the Citizen-Delegate elections of Tonneral, AR 1.

    Nominations for the Tonneral Citizen-Delegate elections have opened, and it is shaping up to be a wide field - if anyone accepts their nominations.

    Citizen-Delegate Allama, who has served as delegate with her nation Jutensa since the Glorious Revolution in Ventaire (August-September 2014 O.S.), is ineligible to stand for a third consecutive term under the Citizen-Delegate Act, and therefore the delegate seat is wide open for whoever wins the election in eight days. Among those nominated are former Citizen-Initiator Gulliver, Citizens Delfos, Musitant, and Wast, Citizen-Liaison al'Khem, and Citizen-Diplomats Myroria and Of the US. Despite this array of candidates, however, only Citizen-Diplomat Myroria has accepted his nomination so far.

    More candidates are sure to declare, though, as nominations have only been open two days and are set to run for eight more. No matter who wins the election, though, the true winners will be the citizens of Taijitu, its institution of democracy, and the cause of the Glorious Revolution.
    Citizen-Delegate of Taijitu
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  • Thank you for the update :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • Thanks for this lovely update :)
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  • Aprilal Update

    Taijitu Foreign Service

    Government of Taijitu
    Citizen-Emperor: Wast
    Citizen-Inquisitor: Aniane
    Citizen-Liaison: Maru

    Registered Citizen-Legislators of the Ecclesia: 0

    Happy Birthday!

    It's Wast's ninth birthday! This is the second consecutive ninth birthday of the Eternal Leader, and third in total. Taijitu mathematicians hope to discover a larger number so that Wast may grow older again by the end of the year.

    Bloodlust Sated after Citizens Fail to Provide Kitteh

    Nearly half the citizens of Taijitu have been executed for their failure to meet Taijitu's daily quota of kitteh. Despite finding time to produce meaningless content in the form of Role-Playing, citizens have not made a single contribution to the most sacred of threads, the Daily Kitteh, in nearly a month. The surviving citizens have sworn to be more diligent in the production of adorable cat pictures, and legislation is currently in the works in the Ecclesia.

    Some feline scientists have suggested this is a symptom of a greater crisis, warning that Taijitu's strategic meme reserves may be depleted within a year. Their claims, however, are unsubstantiated and further research has been interrupted by the executions. Emperor Wast would like to remind all citizens that dissidence will not be tolerated.

    A New Revolution

    The Ecclesia has unanimously agreed to cede all authority to their glorious leader, Emperor Wast I. Although Wast has graciously offered to allow the Ecclesia to function as before, the former governing body of Taijitu believes that it is now unnecessary. Elections have also been postponed indefinitely. Citizens will continue to propose and vote on legislation, but they may only 'abstain'. The celebrated principles of democracy will instead be enshrined in a Daily Poll, where citizens may satisfy their need for voting without any risk of causing progress.

    Something happens in RP

    Some kind of economic summit was organized by some nation. Then there was a pirate attack or something.

    Foreign Affairs Update

    The Taijitu Militia has been deployed to defend the much less interesting region of Lazarus from invaders. Buttons have been pressed, links have been clicked and re-clicked, and numbers have changed.

    An addendum

    The past month has been a busy one for Taijitu! Myroria won the Citizen-Delegate election, and is currently holding the in-game delegacy as well as the head-of-state position as Official Stand-in for Emperor Wast. A sweeping set of reform bills for the Ecclesia made several changes. The most notable, perhaps, is that the Citizen-Liaison position is now elected rather than appointed by the Citizen-Delegate. The Citizen-Liaison is responsible for the Taijitu community, holding a position equivalent to Home Affairs in many regions. Elections are currently ongoing, with al'Khem, the incumbent Liaison, facing AwesomeSaucer and Dictator Collin.

    In addition, the reform bills have established formal procedures for the Ecclesia, given the Citizen-Initiator the formal power to deny citizenship requests, and given those with their requests denied the ability to appeal the Initiator's decision to the Ecclesia. Finally, an Advisory Council Act established an eponymous council comprising the Citizen-Delegate, Citizen-Initiator, Citizen-Sergeant, and Citizen-Liaison, with the duties of setting executive policy and reporting their efforts to the Ecclesia bimonthly.

    The list of Official Stand-ins For Emperor Wast of Ten Thousand Years is as follows:

    Citizen-Delegate, Stand-in for Emperor Wast as Head-of-State: Myroria
    Citizen-Initiator, Stand-in for Emperor Wast as Head-of-Government: Cormac (Mjollnira)
    Citizen-Sergeant, Stand-in for Emperor Wast as Commander-in-Chief: Gulliver (Gullivania)
    Citizen-Liaison, Stand-in for Emperor Wast as Community-Organizer-Supreme: Vacant, elections ongoing
    Citizen-Diplomats, Stand-ins for Emperor Wast as Head-of-Foreign-Service: Cormac, Funkadelia

    Number of Loyal Citizenry of the Wastian Dominion of Taijitu: 66

    Taijitu hopes you have enjoyed this month's update! All Hail Emperor Wast, He of Eternally Nine Years!
    « Last Edit: April 22, 2015, 12:24:12 AM by Myroria »
    Citizen-Delegate of Taijitu
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  • I'm honestly not sure how to respond to this. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Through a hearty salute of His Most Royal and Gracious Excellent Majesty, God-Emperor Wast, of course!
    Citizen-Delegate of Taijitu
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  • Is Wast an actual person? :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • Wast lives in everyone's heart.
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    Colberius X
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  • I'm honestly not sure how to respond to this. :P
    You are by no means alone in that.  :P

    First Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria - Founded 5.06.2015
    Former Peer of the Overhusen - Served 4.17.2015 until 6.08.2016
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